Denial: asserting that something is not true or real.
Disbelief: mental rejection of something as not true.
In either case, in this most jejune quibbling over minor semantic differences, the words "not true" are used. Only the pseudo intellect would try to make a case that the two are not synonymous, hence the meme. Both denial and disbelief require faith that some concept, some thing or some one is not true. As an atheist, you actually believe that there is no evidence or subsequent proof. As a theist, I actually believe that the evidence and subsequent proof is obvious if you'll just look. Either way, we believe something. Let's consider a self centering ruler:
To the left is disbelief/denial, the center is I don't know/care and to the right is belief/acceptance. The higher the number, the more intractable you are that you are right (or left
). Notice that there are no negative numbers here: only integers. Ergo, we can call this a faith ruler. The more you believe or disbelieve, the more you accept or reject the God hypothesis, the greater faith you must enjoin to maintain that position. Only if your belief rests right on that zero can you claim to be without faith. On a scale of one to five, I'm probably a solid 0.5 on the right. I'm guessing you're a three or possibly even a four on the left. That's OK as faith is a good thing. There is nothing to be ashamed about. Here, as with most uncomfortable concepts, the truth will set you free.