The propaganda drums are pounding louder and louder, and any alternate observations, that do not fit the Official Narrative, are attacked relentlessly, with false accusations, caricatures, belittling and ridicule. I am not going to be distracted from the science of this topic, even if i point out the fallacious 'reasoning' from time to time, or trade a few barbs with the hecklers.
SCIENCE, not belief, or Indoctrination, is the subject here. Parroting memorized dogma, force fed from agenda driven institutions is not 'scientific evidence!' Neither is setting up straw men to shoot full of arrows, or throwing wave after wave of ad hominem grenades at the 'evil blasphemers!', who dare challenge the sacred cows of evolutionary belief.
I offer Reason and Scientific methodology. We can examine the actual concepts, not just parrot definitions, or hide behind walls of obfuscating techno babble.
Living things do not 'change', as the common descent Believers suggest. Organisms remain true to their genetic blueprint, and can only vary within their existing options.
Variability WITHIN a phylogenetic structure does not compel a BELIEF that organisms can vary WITHOUT that structure. No evidence has ever been observed to show that to even be possible, much less that it actually did happen, is happening, or can happen. It is a religious conjecture, to prop up a religious belief. It has no basis in observable science.
Howling with Righteous Indignation and faux outrage is not evidence of common descent. Deflecting with personal attacks, false accusations, cherry picked 'gotcha!' phrases and other such 'poison the well' fallacies do not support the belief in common descent.
Believe what you want. My roots are in the Enlightenment, the reformation, and the Age of Reason.. i accept diversity of belief. And i esteem scientific methodology, as a vehicle of discovery. But to attempt to hijack 'science!' as a propaganda meme for a religious opinion does violence to True Science, and shows the perpetrators as agents of propaganda, not practitioners of the scientific method.