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Searching for Christian compatibilists


New Member
New guy looking for explanations about Compatibilism.

Is there anyone here who believes that God decreed/predestined everything that happens within His creation? By “everything” I mean everything …. all activity …. from the chemical interactions in a living cell to colliding galaxies millions of light years away to the thoughts of a human being contemplating “god”.

I have a friend who introduced me to such a notion, but there are still some questions I have about the details involved in his compatibilistic belief system, and I’m wondering if it is held widely enough to be able to get other’s opinions.

One example of this person’s belief is that God (the “potter”) has fashioned most of humanity for damnation and only a relatively few (the Elect) for salvation. I didn’t have enough time to obtain adequate scriptural evidence to be convinced, and would like to pursue it, as well as other notions.

Anyone care to dialog?


Premium Member
What your describing is more like hard determinism. To bring compatibilism into determinism would be to say free will is somehow compatible with hard determinism. God can't predestine us at the same time as us having a choice in the matter. One way to make them compatible is to say that God does not predetermine every single thing and yet another way is to say that there are multiple predestinations as long as God retains his sovereignty.


New Member
Thanks for the comments. What I'm seeking is a Christian who believes that the Christian God has predetermined all things .... call it "whatever". I wish to clarify some of those beliefs held by such persons. Pantheism is outside of that particular quest.


Well-Known Member
While fatalisum is not how I look at life or that I am a pawn on the chess board there are some at work that truly believe they have no control over their journey in life.
In fact 1 of them told me a joke the other day.
2 men were walking down the street. 1 was always looking at life and trying to get out from under his dark cloud that seemed to shadow him. The other was a fatelist.
As they walked down the street the depressed man caught his foot in the crack of the sidewalk. In the process breaking his foot.
The man weeping looked up at his friend; Who said in a sigh of relief - " man! I bet your glad that part is over!"


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
New guy looking for explanations about Compatibilism.

Is there anyone here who believes that God decreed/predestined everything that happens within His creation? By “everything” I mean everything …. all activity …. from the chemical interactions in a living cell to colliding galaxies millions of light years away to the thoughts of a human being contemplating “god”.

I have a friend who introduced me to such a notion, but there are still some questions I have about the details involved in his compatibilistic belief system, and I’m wondering if it is held widely enough to be able to get other’s opinions.

One example of this person’s belief is that God (the “potter”) has fashioned most of humanity for damnation and only a relatively few (the Elect) for salvation. I didn’t have enough time to obtain adequate scriptural evidence to be convinced, and would like to pursue it, as well as other notions.

Anyone care to dialog?

It seems to me that what you're suggesting is a logical extension from the idea that God is perfectly sovereign, but given the state of things, I think it's utterly incompatible with the idea that God is perfectly good.
In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

Udoubtedly,approving of and believing in Allahs divine decree and predestination are of the greatest fundamental pillars of faith.The phrophet (pbuh) is reported to have said:
"faith is to believe in Allah,his angels,his books,his messengers,the hearafter,and to believe in the divine decree,be it good or evil". (related by muslim)

Almighty Allah says
"indeed,all things we created with predestination." (qura:al-qamar 49)


New Member
Well, at least they have humor. Seems like I'm not having much luck finding the type of person with the belief system I'm seeking. Maybe that's a good thing.


Premium Member
Well, at least they have humor. Seems like I'm not having much luck finding the type of person with the belief system I'm seeking. Maybe that's a good thing.
There are a few Calvinist around and they I've seen some threads on it. It basically depends on the complete sovereignty of god which is assumed for an all powerful being. It also focuses on the total depravity of humans that we can't do good at all without God willing us to. To me that takes away our ability choose.


There are a few Calvinist around and they I've seen some threads on it. It basically depends on the complete sovereignty of god which is assumed for an all powerful being. It also focuses on the total depravity of humans that we can't do good at all without God willing us to. To me that takes away our ability choose.

From my perspective it does take away one of the main ways humans were made in the image of God and that is as you said with the ability to choose. I was steeped in the teaching of Calvinism at a church I attended several years ago and I consider those teaching to be unbiblical and slanderous against the true character of God.


New Member
In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

Udoubtedly,approving of and believing in Allahs divine decree and predestination are of the greatest fundamental pillars of faith.The phrophet (pbuh) is reported to have said:
"faith is to believe in Allah,his angels,his books,his messengers,the hearafter,and to believe in the divine decree,be it good or evil". (related by muslim)

Almighty Allah says
"indeed,all things we created with predestination." (qura:al-qamar 49)

Are you then agreeing with the belief system I described in my original post?


New Member

It seems to me that what you're suggesting is a logical extension from the idea that God is perfectly sovereign, but given the state of things, I think it's utterly incompatible with the idea that God is perfectly good.

The belief system I mentioned in my original post is not "my" position, simply one that I'm interested in discussing.