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Serious scary stuff: Cruz Father and the “Anointed” and “Transfer of Wealth”


Satyameva Jayate
Premium Member
My God. This just came out on the internet today. It was on another internet site, but is some blog that has shared some video of the Preacher father of Ted Cruz, Cruz is running for President of the United States. The last time I heard stuff like this going on, was the San Francisco People’s Temple and Jim Jones and his "Anointed" stuff and "transfer of wealth", who sounded eerily like the Preacher father of Ted Cruz.

It sounds like this Preacher is saying we should be ruled by a King who then loots and takes the bounty of the pastures, fields and cows and wealth, and then “gives it (the wealth) to the priests” (viz to HIM, the Preacher and company), as part of a “Transfer of Wealth” …. And, that Ted Cruz is apparently anointed to be one of these Kings.

I mean, they are going to have to explain this one, because this line of thought and agenda doesn’t fit very well with the Constitution of the United States. Once this hits the wires, I mean, Biblical quotes aren’t going to cut it to explain this to the American people, I mean if Ted Cruz is mixed up with what sounds like is being said in this video, he is finished. This is damn scary stuff, and I am really upset seeing it. The Cruz campaign better explain this one ASAP, and like I said it better not be some Biblical quotes to explain this because I don’t think Jesus much said that the US needs a King who loots the wealth and transfers it to the Preachers. I don’t think so. This is really sounding like loony stuff. This is going to spread – and if/when, Cruz is total toast.

I mean, I support Trump, and no way could I even think of supporting Cruz now. I mean, I am expecting the kool-aid next from what I am hearing on this video. Doesn’t sound very much like George Washington, Abe Lincoln, or the Constitution of the United States to me.




Well-Known Member
Pretty far out. Nuts.

No more than Obama's former preacher though, and no more alarming than Trump's alarmist behavior.

Scary, but nothing the American public won't forgive him for. It's always down to two morons that can barely tie their shoe laces. We Americans are pretty stupid when it comes to electing presidents.


Satyameva Jayate
Premium Member
Radio talk show host Glenn Beck has been a primary, if not the primary, spokesperson for the Ted Cruz campaign. He is also mixed up with religious cults, and Ted Cruz’s preacher father is as well, his father has complete dominant control of Ted Cruz.

Today on Tuesday, 2/17/2016, Glenn Beck asserted on his talk show that God brought about the death of Scalia so America would wake up and vote for Cruz.

I am doing everything I can to warn any Republican who is even considering voting for Ted Cruz, that Ted Cruz is mixed up with cultism, of which I have documented on this forum. Those in the leadership of the Cruz campaign and which is directly under the tutorship of his cult extremist father believe (1) Ted Cruz was anointed by Jesus to be a King of a new nation consisting of Canada, America and Scotland, (2) this King along with the rise of other Kings in other areas of the world will conduct a, quote, Great Transfer of Wealth, where all the valuables, land, savings and wealth of those who do not belong to the sects of this cult will have their possessions taken as booty by the King who will rule in place of a democracy, and give this wealth and land to the “priests” of these sects, which by the way Ted Cruz’s father is one of those priests, (3) Jesus is directly intervening in this election in 2016, (4) Jesus and the “end times” are imminent , but while Jesus is directly empowering the Cruz nomination, Jesus as a Divine Apparition will not appear until the Jews are converted, either voluntarily or forcefully, (5) Hitler was sent by God to show the Jews as a warning that they must convert or be destroyed, demonstrating that the conversion of Jews is paramount to the return of Jesus, (6) Jesus is telling Ted Cruz’s father, Rafael Cruz, divine directives, they believe Rafael Cruz is receiving direct communications from God to tell Ted Cruz what the “instructions” are regarding this election, (7) the current primary and subsequent general election is a seminal moment of sacred Divine History on the level of Jesus rising from the dead.

I am warning all fellow Nationalists and fellow Trump supporters, this cult that bears the mantle “pure conservative” or “true conservative” is incompatible with the Constitution of the United States, and you must continue to expose the nature of the Ted Cruz campaign which is under the thumb of a bizarre brigade of religious fanatics of the extreme minority and is not a political movement in heart but a religious Theocratic State ideology not too far removed from the Mullahs of Iran. If Ted Cruz becomes the nominee, there is no question, this bizarre nature of the inner workings and upper leadership of the Cruz campaign will come to the attention of the American people who will reject Ted Cruz and the election will be a landslide for the Democrats both for the Presidency and the Congress.



Well-Known Member
Cruz is a strange bird. If you listen to him talk about Israel he basically equates disagreeing with Israel with hatred of Israel and thus from there, you must hate America and cannot be a christian.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, they're crazy cultists and pretty scary. Trump is just as bad with his xenophobia, racism, sexism, narcissism, general demagoguery and fakeness. The Republicans have largely lost their minds.

“The problem with Trump is is that he’s a multi-billionaire pseudo-populist with autocratic sensibilities, and some fascist proclivities.... That’s what’s dangerous about him.” - Cornel West


Well-Known Member
Pretty far out. Nuts.

No more than Obama's former preacher though, and no more alarming than Trump's alarmist behavior.

Scary, but nothing the American public won't forgive him for. It's always down to two morons that can barely tie their shoe laces. We Americans are pretty stupid when it comes to electing presidents.

Obama's preacher was talking about racial inequality. This guy is just nuts who believes his son is the anointed king.


Well-Known Member
Obama's preacher was talking about racial inequality. This guy is just nuts who believes his son is the anointed king.

It's true. I always find it amusing when people try to equate freedom fighters (who do sometimes go to far) with insane nutbags.

I recently had someone try to tell me that the Klan and the Black Panthers were the same thing. As though racist nutjobs whose actions are based in hatred and fear are the same as those who get carried away with righteous anger. This doesn't mean the panthers are cub scouts, but they are not the Klan. The Klan are people who have power and are unwilling to give it up. The Panthers are those fighting for power when they have none. Anyway, enough rambling...


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Yeah, they're crazy cultists and pretty scary. Trump is just as bad with his xenophobia, racism, sexism, narcissism, general demagoguery and fakeness. The Republicans have largely lost their minds.
I notice Kasich did well in New Hampshire. He's the one the Dem's don't want to run against, because he is the least divisive. Its harder to run against somebody who seems level.


Satyameva Jayate
Premium Member
I would like to introduce you to Mike Bickle who is the founder of the International House of Prayer (IHOP), based in Kansas City, Mo..

In 2004 he said:

“Let me tell you, these 20 million — less than 20 million Jews worldwide, there’s about 5 million in Israel, about another 15 million worldwide, a little bit less than that — those 15 million, God is going to bring them all back. Two-thirds will die in the rage of Satan and in the judgments of God and one-third, every one of the one-third, will be in the land before it’s over and they’ll be worshipers of Jesus … The Lord says, ‘I’m going to give all 20 million of them the chance. To respond to the fisherman. And I give them grace. And I give them grace …if they don’t respond to grace, I’m going to raise up the hunters … And the most famous hunter in recent history is a man named Adolf Hitler.’”

It is clear, Mike Bickle seeks to convert the Jews and says God sent Hitler to hunt them. He said this 12 years ago. A long time ago. But many ex-members state it is still the doctrine today. Ex-members describe the indoctrination of “visions” and “voices” from God and Jesus to Mike Bickle.

Mike Bickle is running a cult. Blaise Foret of Asheville, NC, who was caught up in the cult, exposed it last year in 2015. He tells of how he had to under go hours of indoctrination and brainwashing on the Prophetic History also called PH, about supernatural visions, experiences, and prophetic words that were supposedly given to Mike Bickle from “a number of prophets” back in the 1980’s. Everyone in IHOP is required to listen to and study for hours the PH.

Foret was brainwashed with the Bickle teachings, he states he personally was told over and over again, that Mike Bickle constantly taught that “prayers for justice” would bring Jesus Christ back to the earth. And that, upon His return, Jesus would proceed to kill, and destroy multitudes of unbelievers. “Jesus will personally kill multitudes of people at His return. Their blood will be on His garments from slaying them,” Mike would say, with great confidence per Foret. He also discusses the death of IHOP disciple Bethany Deaton, one of the prophets of IHOP (they have a level called prophets) kept another young man awake without sleep continuously while this prophet hounded the person to confess to killing Deaton because this prophet claimed a vision God and Bickle that this boy did the killing. The boy ended up doing a confession to the police, was later found totally vindicated and innocent but was only saying he did it at the insistence that all visions of an IHOP prophet are infallible.

There are many other testimony to the cult nature of IHOP and of ex-members being threatened or having current members follow their movements and then confront them with interrogations. This is not some silly tabloid story, this is serious in issues of disturbing nature of this group whose prophet leader is cultic and who is hailed by the Cruz campaign for his endorsement. There are reports of sexual assaults going on within the cult. Another tenet of IHOP regarding those disciples who are then declared prophets is, the prophets of IHOP who are specially chosen to make Jesus come at this very time, do not use the Bible as the only revealed revelation from God because they supposedly still get direct revelations from God by voices and visions. This includes notions about the current 2016 election which they see as being directly intervened by Jesus.

This is not far removed from what Ted Cruz’s father Rafael Cruz has been saying.

The following is regarding the Mike Bickle endorsement, which the Ted Cruz campaign proudly posted to his website on January 21st, which reads as follows:

Prayer and Justice Leader Supports Ted Cruz for President

HOUSTON, Texas – Presidential candidate Ted Cruz today announced the endorsement of Mike Bickle, Founder and Director of the International House of Prayer of Kansas City, an evangelical missions organization based on prayer.



Some Cruz supporters of the adamant side, may be very well involved on the internet constantly doing “background checks” on the other Republican opponents, and couch these always in a religious tone and full of ominous times if Ted Cruz does not get the nomination. When staff from the Times of Israel tried to question Ted Cruz regarding Bickle’s comments about Jews and Hitler and other of the matters of IHOP and Bickle’s endorsement, he refused to respond. Glenn Beck is another, who is one of those “key players” in the Cruz campaign. I can discuss Glenn Beck later. Rest assured, he is mixed up in like cults.


Active Member
The lunatics have taken over the asylum.
Hang on...who were the Puritans again ?


The nation was originally an asylum run by lunatics.

The truth is, America is founded on this gibberish. It runs deep in the collective mind.

It took me a while, as an Australian, to grasp the fervor of the atheist vs christian debate on this forum. Then I got it. There is a deep vein of psychosis running through the American population, because of the origins of the American culture.
This psychosis is fully embedded in the political system because it is the very root of the system.

I have no idea what to suggest, and I apologise to the millions of sane decent US citizens who are not party to this paranoid delusion of grandeur - God's chosen country with Field Marshall Jesus etc.

Maybe it is time to put LSD in the water supply. It couldn't get more clinically insane than it clearly already is.