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Serve It Up Hot and Steamy!


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
"Aquitaine, stop confusing people!", Alice said. "Stop it this very moment! Or...or I won't let you spread your home-made Scottish Thistle Jelly on my thighs ever again!"

"Nooooooo!", the word was involuntarily torn from the deepest depths of Aquitaine's soul. Was she serious? He would take no chances. "Alright Alice. You win this time. But come Christmas, you'd best seal our bargain by gifting me that bedroom model rotating plumber's snake I've had my eye on."


Well-Known Member
"Aquitaine, stop confusing people!", Alice said. "Stop it this very moment! Or...or I won't let you spread your home-made Scottish Thistle Jelly on my thighs ever again!"

"Nooooooo!", the word was involuntarily torn from the deepest depths of Aquitaine's soul. Was she serious? He would take no chances. "Alright Alice. You win this time. But come Christmas, you'd best seal our bargain by gifting me that bedroom model rotating plumber's snake I've had my eye on."

See, now Alice is cheating on John, just like with John secretly seeing Karen!

Such immoral behavior! :D


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Zounds!", Danielle said. She liked very much to say, "zounds". She felt using an archaic word now and then might signal to men that she had a few functional brain cells, for men tended strongly to merely focus on her breasts.

"Zounds!", she repeated, just to make sure Clemence had noticed the word. But poor Clemence's face and ears were deeply buried in her cleavage, and Danielle wasn't sure he could hear much of anything.

She herself could certainly hear something! She could hear his sobs; sobs that had started just moments after he had suddenly, and without any warning at all, plunged his head into her cleavage. That was about a quarter hour ago, Danielle figured, and it might be getting time for her to ask him what was the matter.

Still, she hesitated. The two had been seeing each other for a few weeks now, and Danielle had come to recognize Clemence's gentle, but troubled soul. "Maybe he just needs a bit more time alone in my cleavage", she thought compassionately, "We all need to retreat from the world, now and then."

It disturbed her, though, that he had plunged in without any explanation at all. She wished she could do more to help him, but she had no idea what the problem might be.

To make matters more difficult, both she and Clemence were only sixteen and both of them frequently struggled when trying to express their newly discovered, but extremely powerful -- and almost entirely unchecked -- feelings. "He might not be able to tell me, even if he wanted to.", she thought.

She bit her lower lip. She felt like crying herself now. Crying simply because Clemence was crying. "He suffers! My love, he suffers!" Tears began to well in her tender eyes.

But at that moment Clemence raised his head. At last! She felt relief wash over her. "What's wrong, my love?"

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong.", Clemence said in a voice that was still strung out by powerful emotions. "It was your socks. Your socks. I just then noticed them, and I've never been so happy in my life! Dearest, you've chosen to wear my favorite color!"
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Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Sunstone said:
Zounds!", Danielle said. She liked very much to say, "zounds". She felt using an archaic word now and then might signal to men that she had a few functional brain cells, for men tended strongly to merely focus on her breasts.
Edit: remove the positively ancient word 'Zounds' and replace with a merely archaic phrase from the 80's such as 'Noid', 'Wastoid' or 'Fantabulous'. See archaic 1980's terminology.


| abhyAvartin |


Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Horatio gaze lingered over the soft, feminine curves of Victoria's body. The sexual cues of her form triggered a rush of chemicals in his brain, which in turn, resulted in the release of hormones into his rushing blood stream. Horatio's body grew hot with physiologically-driven lust, caused by the evolutionarily-programmed need to reproduce and propagate the species.

"Do you like what you see?" Victoria asked Horatio, her voice low and sultry - designed to increase Horatio's sexual interest in her, so that she could potentially get impregnated and secure a partner to provide her with resources, as well as help protect and raise her offspring.

Horatio smiled. "You look better than a club sandwich piled high with bacon, turkey, and cheese." Horatio felt his stomach rumble, fantasizing about the mouth-watering sandwich he would be enjoying five minutes from now.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Horatio felt his stomach rumble, fantasizing about the mouth-watering sandwich he would be enjoying five minutes from now.

Five minutes? Horatio can go five full frickin' minutes? Are you crazy? Do you seriously expect anyone to believe such a wild fantasy!


| abhyAvartin |
Horatio gaze lingered over the soft, feminine curves of Victoria's body. The sexual cues of her form triggered a rush of chemicals in his brain, which in turn, resulted in the release of hormones into his rushing blood stream. Horatio's body grew hot with physiologically-driven lust, caused by the evolutionarily-programmed need to reproduce and propagate the species.

"Do you like what you see?" Victoria asked Horatio, her voice low and sultry - designed to increase Horatio's sexual interest in her, so that she could potentially get impregnated and secure a partner to provide her with resources, as well as help protect and raise her offspring.

Horatio smiled. "You look better than a club sandwich piled high with bacon, turkey, and cheese." Horatio felt his stomach rumble, fantasizing about the mouth-watering sandwich he would be enjoying five minutes from now.

I think Victoria just told me her secret.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Jane's tongue danced on Matt's nipple, as he ran his hand through her silky black hair. "Mmmm..."

She caressed his upper body with her hands, and moved back to slowly, lingeringly, kissing his nipples and around them, sometimes pausing with her soft lips just barely touching his skin, breathing slowly to give him a tingle. Matt just rested back in heaven.

Although she could spend forever on his chest alone, Jane paused and raised her body to look at Matt. A few seconds into the break, Matt opened his blue eyes and looked at Jane questioningly.

"I'm going to miss you", said Jane. "I- I can't believe I'm not going to see you for months after tonight."

Jane was being assigned to the west coast tomorrow, as part of a promotion in the Coast Guard. Matt would be following, but it would take a while to finalize things at his current job and find new work.

"I'll miss you too, Lieutenant", Matt teased. He had already taken the opportunity of her talking and raising her body upwards to begin caressing her breasts.

Jane smiled widely, a twinkle in her eye, and put her mouth back down on his chest. She began working downward, kissing in a trail down his abdomen as Matt, once again, leaned back in bliss, enjoying the moment.

After a minute or two, without ever lifting her lips from his skin, she began undoing his belt, and then reaching her hand toward his-

"WAIT!", exclaimed Matt, causing Jane to look up, startled. "It's not the Eros Room sweetie, we can't do that here."

"Oh yeah, heh.", said Jane, pulling her hand from his pants a little bit more slowly than she should have. She rested her head on his arm, sighed in contentment, snuggled her body against his, closed her eyes, and began casually and affectionately stroking his chest with her hand.

Matt just smiled at the sky, closed his eyes once again in pleasure, and savored the loving silence.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
"I love you so much", Clyde said, "So, so, so, so very much!"

"It must be true", Emily thought, "He's told me so often that he loves me, it really must be true!" Though Emily was a natural born skeptic, she was shockingly incapable of sure-footed reasoning. It wasn't her fault though.

Emily had been rigorously home-schooled by her intellectually brittle mother. Her originally lively and wide-ranging skepticism had been cruelly channeled into mere ignorant scoffing at the traditionally acceptable targets: scientists, atheists, humanists, and itinerant condom salesmen. She had been left wholly clueless how to think for herself.

In fact, Emily's schooling had been so successful that even Emily herself failed to grasp how sloppy her reasoning was, for her mind was as alarmingly undisciplined as a fundamentalist preacher alone with a sixteen year old choir girl. Yet, she wasn't entirely lost, because despite it all, she was a naturally intelligent woman.

"I love you so much more than I've ever loved...", Clyde suddenly stopped talking and looked down.

Emily quickly followed Clyde's gaze down to his crotch, where his zipper had been violently split apart by intolerable stresses. She saw at once that Clyde's tighie-whities had turned into a tent in the gap, apparently propped up by his swollen secret steeple. To her further astonishment, the tent was stirring.

Emily's first thought was strangely philosophical: "How do men walk with those things?"

But that thought was excitedly overcome by another: "Could it really be? Could it be the sign? The sign I've been trained to look for? The sign to marry?" Her estrogen-fueled hopes easily outran her reason. "Think, Emily, think!", she admonished herself. But all she could think of now was how marriage to Clyde would be a refuge from the world's endless and intimidating uncertainties. It was her training speaking to her, and not her heart.
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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Despite that composing the poem had done absolutely nothing to lessen the agony -- the scorching agony that seemed newly inflamed with each breath he took -- Anton managed to feel pleased, if only shallowly pleased, with the poem's swing.

He tried now to test the poem by reading it aloud from start to finish, but less than mid-way through, he found himself blinking so hard he could no longer see the words. After a few moments pause, he laid the poem down.

He had always wanted to compose poems to her. The inspiration had never come until now. Seven years together, five of them married, and only in the past month had he come up with anything more than prose.

But now it was all different. Now he was composing one, sometimes two, poems a day to her.

Anton's mind was on rubber bands, and had been on rubber bands the whole of the past month. One end of each band was firmly fixed to his mind, while the opposing ends were just as firmly fixed to their separate events. For instance, one rubber band ran from his mind to the day and hour he'd come to recognize she was unfaithful.

Whenever he tried to think of something else -- anything else, even what to cook for his supper, or whether to leave his desk and go home -- the rubber bands would inevitably snap his mind back to one or another event of the past month. And all of the events were agonizing to remember.

His only escape was through the poems. There, something was still alive enough to let his mind explore a bit, play around with words and ideas. But even there, the subjects were basically limited. They were about her. They were about him. They were about betrayal.

Anton's eyes had cleared, and he looked down at the poem. The last line stood out: "Turquoise and silver, secrets and lies, are these still her hands, are those still her eyes?' It was almost too cheesy, he thought, pathetically critical of himself.

He'd felt intense shame and guilt searching through her purse. It wasn't like him to do such a thing; and maybe he would not have done it, but for bad judgement brought on by night after night of wakefulness, interrupted only by short, disturbed sleeps. The pain he'd felt instantly when he'd discovered the turquoise and silver ring had pierced his shame and guilt like a molten needle.

Some part of him genuinely recognized that she didn't care she'd become a stranger to him: a woman whose eyes and hands, once so familiar, he felt he no longer knew. He could tell when they were together these days that he wasn't much to her now, and he knew she'd be leaving soon.

The poems. The poems were not his way of trying to impress her with his love, not his way of trying to win her back. She had moved emotionally beyond him.

The poems had been inspired by a single one of the events his mind was on a rubber band to. Inspired by the hour when she'd shown him the poem her lover had written for her.

She'd had tears in her eyes, then. But the tears weren't for her lover, nor were they for him. She'd been on the edge of crying because someone had written a poem to her. The first poem anyone had written to her.

It wasn't a real poem. It was a joke. A line from an old joke that had been popular years ago. He'd recognized it at once. But she hadn't recognized it, she probably had never heard it, and he hadn't wanted to wound her by telling her it was merely the fragment of a joke.

Anton had been inspired then. Inspired by the sadness he'd felt for her, or would have felt perhaps for anyone who so movingly wanted poetry written to her. And inspired, too, by the surprisingly deep need he felt to make good the callous, but undetected, insult her lover had inflicted upon her by fobbing off a joke as a poem to her.

If she ever discovers his line was a joke, Anton thought, she'll have some real poems to fall back on. Poems he knew would be his final gifts to the woman he completely loved.
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Cecil clutched his small girlfriend, Rosa. Rosa looked up at Cecil.
"Cecil," she whispered, "I'm going to miss you. You better come back." Her voice was stern.
Cecil laughed. He loved it when Rosa tried acting fierce. "Oh, Rosa, you know I will be back. I'm just going with Kain to drop the package off in Mist."
Rosa narrowed her blue eyes. "Cecil, what's in that package?"
Cecil shook his head. "I don't know, but it must be important if His Highness wants it brought there."
Rosa rolled her eyes. "It better not be dangerous." Rosa sat up and pulled her blond hair into a pony tail. She then ran her hands through Cecil's dark brown hair. Cecil grinned. It had been a really long time since Cecil had been together with Rosa. Because of his air force position as captain of the Red Wings, Cecil barely had enough time in the day. It was his last day of freedom until he had to go back to work.
"Cecil?" Rosa asked softly, straddling him.
"Please don't leave."
"Rosa, you know very well that I have to. It's my duty."
"I guess you're right, but do you know how much I miss you when you're gone?"
Cecil knew exactly how much she missed him because he missed her just as much.
Cecil nodded to Rosa.
Rosa leaned down and kissed Cecil's cracked lips. "I love you, Cecil."
"I love you, too, Rosa."


Veteran Member
Premium Member
On his way to Mark's house, there was only one thought occupying Josh's mind; "Mary". "What'll she look like?", "Will she be happy to see me?", "What am i going to say tonight, am i finally telling her?", "Why did i wear this stupid shirt?!” were all things he kept wondering about.

When he made it, the party could be heard from outside. He started to feel pain in his stomach, and took a minute before going in. He hoped that Mary was already there. Finally, he got inside.

A blurred flurry of endless introductions overwhelmed him, as Mark introduced him to everyone. But its impact on him disappeared instantly, when he finally saw her. She was standing by the bar, holding an ice bucket and somebody else was filling it for her. She wore a yellow dress, had her light brown hair down, and had just a little bit of makeup on. He could have stood there watching her forever, but she finally saw him.

"Josh!”, she yelled and smiled, as she waved one hand while holding the bucket with the other. He smiled back and nodded his head. He was thinking of going towards her, as she looked away, back to the ice.

He hesitated, and decided not to. He sat on a chair instead, hoping to get to watch her without her noticing. At least for a bit, until he musters some courage, or until she hopefully decides to come to him.

Mark came towards him with a drink, and asked him something about the animal shelter which all three, Mark, Josh and Mary volunteered at. Josh was the stranger at the party, as most guests were from Mary and Mark's workplace, which Josh didn't work at. He just knew them from the shelter.

"Did they find a place for Coco?”, asked Mark as he handed him the drink. Josh's mind was preoccupied, but he answered. "Thanks. Yes, they did", with a smile. Mark grinned, "That’s great news!", he exclaimed. He then got called and got back to mingling with others, after excusing himself.

Josh searched for Mary, but he couldn't find her. He felt a bit of anxiety he couldn't justify, and got up and started looking for her. He tried to walk casually, as if he was just walking around, in case she sees him. As he walked, he realized what he was afraid of.

In the next room, he found lots of people hanging around, and he found Mary. She was standing with a tall, strongly build, handsome blond guy, and seemed to be having a lot of fun. Josh tried to be casual yet catch Mary’s attention, hoping she might stop talking to that buffoon and come to him instead. None of it worked.

"He can't be that funny!” Josh thought, as he noticed how much the guy made her laugh. Just then, Mary saw him, and he was caught totally watching her, so he turned around and went back to the other room, where he got another drink and went outside.

No one was around, so he sat on the grass, a little left to the house. The energy was getting sucked out of him quickly, as he had felt that Mary didn't show any clear signs of interest, which he has always hoped for. Today was just another evidence of that. He never had the courage to try to get closer to her, let alone express his feelings. She never tried to get closer to him either.

She treated him well, and seemed interested in a way, but not in the way he wished she was. Certainly, as far as he saw, she never seemed nearly as interested in him as she was in that guy back there.

"This is silly.”, he thought. "I can't allow myself to go on like this”. “This is settled, she's not interested.", he finally concluded firmly, with his eye brows stuck together. He had little energy left at this point, and finished his drink and decided to go home.

That thought lasted for about a second, as he suddenly saw Mary standing to his left, a little far towards the center of the house, ahead of him, and with her back to the house.

He kept staring at her, almost breathless. “How didn’t i notice her coming out?”, Josh thought to himself. “Did she see me sitting here?”. Questions kept running through his head, “She couldn’t have missed me, why didn’t she say anything?”

As he puzzled at her silent presence, she started playing with her hair, and while moving her head slowly from left to right, she gave him a brief casual glance, with the slightest of smirks, and looked away.

“Oh my god!”, Josh thought.

He got up and hesitantly walked towards her, until he was right behind her. She didn't turn, and he didn't say anything. He stood there in silence, almost touching her. Reveling in her scent, with his eyes almost closed, he continued to allow himself to cherish the moment. She leaned her head backwards, and her hair touched his face.

At that, he could cherish no longer. He moved even closer, allowed for no space to exist between him and her, got his arms around her waist and held her hands. He moved his lips closer to her ear, and whispered “You left Johnny Bravo back there to come here and be with me?”

She leaned her head backwards a little bit more, held his hands tighter and smiled. He moved her hair further down gently with his face, and started kissing her neck. After which, she could hold on no longer. She looked at him, holding her breath, and as soon as he raised his head to look at her, she locked her lips with his, seemingly forever.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
On his way to Mark's house, there was only one thought occupying Josh's mind; "Mary". "What'll she look like?", "Will she be happy to see me?", "What am i going to say tonight, am i finally telling her?", "Why did i wear this stupid shirt?!” were all things he kept wondering about.

When he made it, the party could be heard from outside. He started to feel pain in his stomach, and took a minute before going in. He hoped that Mary was already there. Finally, he got inside.

A blurred flurry of endless introductions overwhelmed him, as Mark introduced him to everyone. But its impact on him disappeared instantly, when he finally saw her. She was standing by the bar, holding an ice bucket and somebody else was filling it for her. She wore a yellow dress, had her light brown hair down, and had just a little bit of makeup on. He could have stood there watching her forever, but she finally saw him.

"Josh!”, she yelled and smiled, as she waved one hand while holding the bucket with the other. He smiled back and nodded his head. He was thinking of going towards her, as she looked away, back to the ice.

He hesitated, and decided not to. He sat on a chair instead, hoping to get to watch her without her noticing. At least for a bit, until he musters some courage, or until she hopefully decides to come to him.

Mark came towards him with a drink, and asked him something about the animal shelter which all three, Mark, Josh and Mary volunteered at. Josh was the stranger at the party, as most guests were from Mary and Mark's workplace, which Josh didn't work at. He just knew them from the shelter.

"Did they find a place for Coco?”, asked Mark as he handed him the drink. Josh's mind was preoccupied, but he answered. "Thanks. Yes, they did", with a smile. Mark grinned, "That’s great news!", he exclaimed. He then got called and got back to mingling with others, after excusing himself.

Josh searched for Mary, but he couldn't find her. He felt a bit of anxiety he couldn't justify, and got up and started looking for her. He tried to walk casually, as if he was just walking around, in case she sees him. As he walked, he realized what he was afraid of.

In the next room, he found lots of people hanging around, and he found Mary. She was standing with a tall, strongly build, handsome blond guy, and seemed to be having a lot of fun. Josh tried to be casual yet catch Mary’s attention, hoping she might stop talking to that buffoon and come to him instead. None of it worked.

"He can't be that funny!” Josh thought, as he noticed how much the guy made her laugh. Just then, Mary saw him, and he was caught totally watching her, so he turned around and went back to the other room, where he got another drink and went outside.

No one was around, so he sat on the grass, a little left to the house. The energy was getting sucked out of him quickly, as he had felt that Mary didn't show any clear signs of interest, which he has always hoped for. Today was just another evidence of that. He never had the courage to try to get closer to her, let alone express his feelings. She never tried to get closer to him either.

She treated him well, and seemed interested in a way, but not in the way he wished she was. Certainly, as far as he saw, she never seemed nearly as interested in him as she was in that guy back there.

"This is silly.”, he thought. "I can't allow myself to go on like this”. “This is settled, she's not interested.", he finally concluded firmly, with his eye brows stuck together. He had little energy left at this point, and finished his drink and decided to go home.

That thought lasted for about a second, as he suddenly saw Mary standing to his left, a little far towards the center of the house, ahead of him, and with her back to the house.

He kept staring at her, almost breathless. “How didn’t i notice her coming out?”, Josh thought to himself. “Did she see me sitting here?”. Questions kept running through his head, “She couldn’t have missed me, why didn’t she say anything?”

As he puzzled at her silent presence, she started playing with her hair, and while moving her head slowly from left to right, she gave him a brief casual glance, with the slightest of smirks, and looked away.

“Oh my god!”, Josh thought.

He got up and hesitantly walked towards her, until he was right behind her. She didn't turn, and he didn't say anything. He stood there in silence, almost touching her. Reveling in her scent, with his eyes almost closed, he continued to allow himself to cherish the moment. She leaned her head backwards, and her hair touched his face.

At that, he could cherish no longer. He moved even closer, allowed for no space to exist between him and her, got his arms around her waist and held her hands. He moved his lips closer to her ear, and whispered “You left Johnny Bravo back there to come here and be with me?”

She leaned her head backwards a little bit more, held his hands tighter and smiled. He moved her hair further down gently with his face, and started kissing her neck. After which, she could hold on no longer. She looked at him, holding her breath, and as soon as he raised his head to look at her, she locked her lips with his, seemingly forever.

Nicely done! You had me totally emphasizing with Josh. I could just feel his shyness. You made him completely plausible, too. Write another one!


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Mark was no longer certain about the nature of Janet's interest in him. She'd boldly made him aware of her surprisingly strong interest in him a few weeks ago. But he had still managed to turn her lightly masked offer of herself into mere idle playfulness between the two of them.

For weeks now, Mark had stubbornly taken the same playful tack with her each time she had renewed her offer.

"I've been thinking all along that Janet would soon get over it", he reflected while swirling the ice cubes in his scotch glass, "All the others did, and..." He suddenly hoped, more than he actually thought, that none of the others had been too disappointed.

Mark noticed the cubes. They hadn't melted much since his last refill. That meant he was drinking too fast this evening -- but he didn't really care either. Not tonight.

Momentarily, Mark felt tired. Tired not just of Janet's efforts, but tired of the efforts a half-dozen other women had made to seduce him since the divorce from his abusive wife. "This must be how some virgin girls feel when they realize yet another man wants their virginity more than he wants them", he thought, "They must feel tired."

His actual tiredness passed quickly, though, and Mark felt relieved it hadn't lingered.

He liked Janet. Honestly liked her. He liked her free spirit, her kindness, her wit, and her intelligence most of all. She was physically attractive to him, too, and he admired the effort she put into keeping her mid-30s body fit. "Running miles nearly every day. But, god, how does she manage to do it barefoot?"

Mark thoroughly enjoyed thinking about Janet; enjoyed trying to see the world as she saw it.

"I might like her too much", he thought then. "I've let my hopes get the better of me before, and it's never been for the good." He sensed his ex-wife's petty, but vicious, cruelties looming in the shadows of his mind, threatening to become fully remembered. "Janet's not like that!", he thought, almost saying it aloud. To further distract himself, he unnecessarily focused on raising his bottle, closely examining its contents, and then slowly pouring another drink.

It wasn't that he took actual offense when some woman decided his unavailability would be a pleasant challenge for her to overcome. It was just that he recognized how there was nothing in that for him. Nothing he needed, that is. For when you really came down to it, all they were offering him was a shallow fling -- just enough humping in the backwoods to satisfy their need for affirmation, or whatever need it was. "It's no better, actually, than being wanted for your virginity, or for your money, or for anything else that's not really you.", Mark reflected for perhaps the thousandth time since his divorce.

Maybe it would be different if he needed the sex. When he left his wife, he at first feared he would soon be miserable with unfulfilled yearnings. Yet, he'd then been surprised to notice how easily he satisfied himself. "What I miss...", Mark began carefully, making an effort to think with precision, for the scotch was beginning to affect him, "...are the little intimacies. The petite intimacies. The very ones you don't really recall so easily. Like when the two of you are so comfortable with each other that she's not embarrassed to sing to herself. Or when the two of you are on such intimate terms that she feels she can walk around the house nude without being made self-conscious by you watching her."

Mark's thoughts returned to Janet. Was he misreading her? Could she be genuinely interested in him? He knew she herself would swear to it. Just earlier that day, she had told him blatantly that she liked him for himself.

But Mark also knew how easily and frequently people confused themselves. Maybe Janet had confused herself. If so, she would dump him after a brief fling. "And that's the crux of it", he thought, "I want her. I want everything about her. I have never in my life felt someone is so impossibly right for me. Hell, I didn't even feel as strongly about my ex before we were married as I do about Janet."

"And because I want her as much as I do, there's no way on earth I can get at all involved -- not even a little involved -- with her without my falling entirely headlong, head over heels, headfirst, heart-first...", he suddenly stopped, realizing he was drunk.

"That's the crux of it", he reminded himself after a few moments. He could imagine some part of him dying forever if he got involved with her, and then she left him. "Anyone else but Janet...different story, then. Anyone but Janet, I'd take the risk."

The thought now came to him that he should find some words, the right words, to say to Janet. Words that would make her stop pursuing him. Final words, goodbye words, words that he should speak to her soon. "Words wait for tomorrow", he thought, "Must sleep first."


The next day at work, Mark spent the morning suffering mildly from a hangover that he tried to alleviate by drinking cup after cup of coffee. He was making his way to the office pot when he noticed Janet already there. Somehow, he sensed she might be waiting for him.

"You look like a caged tiger", she greeted him, "with half your senses dulled."

"But you look beautiful", he spontaneously replied, quite unable to help himself, for it was true: Janet looked beautiful to him. But he thought, "That certainly has not paved the way for what I must say to her!"

"If you keep telling me I'm beautiful, I'll start thinking of both of our tastes the next time I go shopping for underwear", she replied in a voice lowered so the rest of the office couldn't hear her.

"About that, Janet...", Mark knew he should wait for a better day. A day when he was thinking clearly enough to be entirely tactful, but he'd reached a decision the night before, and he wanted to get it over with. "I'm actually uncomfortable with...I mean, I would prefer we kept our relationship professional. Really professional."

The look that now overcame Janet's face wounded Mark to his core. Suddenly, he realized all too well how Janet's feelings might mean more to him than his own fears for himself. "Forget what I said! Just forget it!", he said desperately.

"No, I can't. You meant it." Janet's lips trembled as she spoke the words.

Mark desperately searched his dulled mind for the words, the right words. "If you can't forget what I said, then at least forgive me for it", he felt he was stumbling, but he was determined to stumble on, if that's what it took, "I won't be able to live with myself if I've hurt you."

"You have hurt me, Mark. But maybe you have a right to hurt me. I've been a fool to push you, as if you had no real right to decide for yourself what was best for you."

Mark now put his every hope for Janet into one last effort, but all that came out at first was, "Janet."

She looked at him expectantly, the pain all too evident in her face.

"Janet, I think we need to talk. Really talk. And not here. Please come to supper with me tonight. I need you to let me straighten this out. And I need you to hear something from me. Something that might surprise you."

Janet suddenly smiled at him through her pain. He sensed she was making an effort -- an effort to have faith in him. "Well", she said, "if you'll come by at seven tonight, I'll be curious enough about your surprise to go to supper with you."

"Seven it is", Mark said, feeling just as relieved and grateful as a drowning man thrown a rope. After a moment's pause, he gently reached his hand out to her forehead, and tenderly, silently, and completely unnecessarily, brushed a stray strand of her hair back into place.
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