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Shiva and Cannabis


Active Member
What is the connection between the two? I know many sadhus like to smoke the stuff and I was talking to my religions of india professor and he said that the government used to give the sadhus hashish to give out on one of the festival days because Shiva liked the stuff?, also during the bhang festival.

So what's the connection between Shiva and Cannabis? How is it usually consumed? What are the source texts that show evidence of the two or is it just oral tradition?


Om Sai Ram
Let's just say it's up for debate.

Hi JM-ji I'm glad to see you awake at this time :) I'm assuming you're going to sleep soon ,so am I. Goodnight ji and I hope Ganesh blesses you , happy Ganesh Chaturthi my helpful friend.


Active Member
Let's just say it's up for debate.

Can you please tell me both sides of the debate? I literally am at a loss of all information regarding this connection. It seems to be controversial and I want to be able to form an opinion. If you could please enlighten me I would be very appreciative.


Om Sai Ram
Right from Wikipedia.

"Cannabis or ganja is associated with worship of the Hindu deity Shiva, who is sometimes associated with the hemp plant. Bhang is offered to Shiva images, especially on Shivratri festival. This practice is particularly witnessed at the temples of Benares, Baidynath, Tarakeswar, Pashupatinath Temple and other Shiv Temples of India and Nepal.[4] Bhang is not only offered to Shiva, but also consumed by Shaivite yogis. Charas is smoked by some Shaivite devotees and cannabis itself is seen as a gift (prasad, or offering) to Shiva to aid in sadhana.[5] Some of the wandering ascetics in India and Nepal known as sadhus smoke charas out of a clay chillum.
During the Indian and Nepalese(especially Terai Region and some parts of Hilly Regions as well) festival of Holi, people consume bhang which contains cannabis flowers.[4][6] According to one description, when the amrita (elixir of life) was produced from the churning of the ocean by the devas and the asuras, Shiva created cannabis from his own body to purify the elixir (whence, for cannabis, the epithet angaja or "body-born"). Another account suggests that the cannabis plant sprang up when a drop of the elixir dropped on the ground. Thus, cannabis is used by sages due to association with elixir and Shiva. Wise drinking of bhang, according to religious rites, is believed to cleanse sins, unite one with Shiva and avoid the miseries of hell in the future life. It is also believed to have medicinal benefits. In contrast, foolish drinking of bhang without rites is considered a sin.[7] Although cannabis is regarded illegal and given a drug's status, many Nepalese people consume it during festivals (like Shivaratri) which the government tolerates to some extent and also for their personal uses and recreation purposes"


Active Member
I appreciate the wikipedia copypasta Sb but I'm looking for a more personal response. Why is it controversial? What's up for debate? Obviously anything involving cannabis is going to raise some eyebrows and I want to hear it from the Hindu perspective.


Premium Member
I appreciate the wikipedia copypasta Sb but I'm looking for a more personal response. Why is it controversial? What's up for debate? Obviously anything involving cannabis is going to raise some eyebrows and I want to hear it from the Hindu perspective.

There are traditional people like me that think cannabis has no place in Hinduism. Getting stoned isn't part of Hinduism, in my view. I've travelled in India and never smelled it once. Admittedly, some sadhus do use it, But generally a single sadhu is accompanied by 37 western photographers taking his picture. So much of it is pure sensationalism. If someone tried to smoke up at, or came stoned to my traditional temple, we'd call the cops.

But others have the view that smoking dope is as essential as the Vedas, even condoned in the Vedas by something called Soma. But I don't buy that. Smoky lungs, smokey mind.

But in the end it is up to the individual. If you want to smoke dope and try to meditate while high, that's up to the individual. I know of no modern or ancient traditional swami or teacher that promotes it whatsoever. I would like to see one quoted.


Om Sai Ram
Personally I have no problem with it and I know that lot's of Shiva devotee's and Sadhus (Wondering monks/acetics) use it and offer it. I believe it to reach a certain dimension in the mind which is only possible with the use of such things that allows them to reach God in a very highly spiritual manner.


Active Member
But others have the view that smoking dope is as essential as the Vedas, even condoned in the Vedas by something called Soma. But I don't buy that. Smoky lungs, smokey mind.

But in the end it is up to the individual. If you want to smoke dope and try to meditate while high, that's up to the individual. I know of no modern or ancient traditional swami or teacher that promotes it whatsoever. I would like to see one quoted.

So where did people get the idea that the Vedas condone cannabis if it's not taught by any ancient teachers? I want to know the source. Book recommendations are good.

I know of soma. What do you suspect soma is? It IS psychoactive from the descriptions in the Vedas. It sure as hell isn't ephedra, fly agarics don't match the description. I suspect along with my Religion of India professor that it is a MAOI called Peganum Harmala best known for it's coupled use in South merica in a brew called Yage or Ayahuasca . Peganum Harmala was in the Afghan/India region back when the Vedas were written and the climate was different.


Premium Member
So where did people get the idea that the Vedas condone cannabis if it's not taught by any ancient teachers? I want to know the source. Book recommendations are good.

I have no idea at all. I know of no scriptural recommending it's use. All I know is people who like to drink, people who like to smoke, it's pretty easy to find reasons and justification, whether real or imaginary.


Active Member
I have no idea at all. I know of no scriptural recommending it's use. All I know is people who like to drink, people who like to smoke, it's pretty easy to find reasons and justification, whether real or imaginary.

so it's essentially an oral tradition with no scriptural support?


Premium Member
so it's essentially an oral tradition with no scriptural support?

I don't know. It really doesn't concern me because I made a choice a very long time ago. But there are lots of people on her that will recommend it for you.


| abhyAvartin |
Apāma somam amritā abhūmā (r)ganma jyo-tir avidāma devān -
Kim nūnam asmān krinavad arāti(h) - kim u dhūrtir amrita martyasya -- (R.V.)

'Nuff said.
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Active Member
मैत्रावरुणिः;3490323 said:
Apāma somam amritā abhūmā (r)ganma jyo-tir avidāma devān -
Kim nūnam asmān krinavad arāti(h) - kim u dhūrtir amrita martyasya -- (R.V.)

'Nuff said.

Sorry I'm a Hindi or Sanskrit n00b I can't even tell what language that is. Can you please translate it into English.


| abhyAvartin |
Sorry I'm a Hindi or Sanskrit n00b I can't even tell what language that is. Can you please translate it into English.

I apologize.

"We have drunk Soma and have become immortal; we have attained the light and have discovered the Gods. Now what may (a) foeman's malice do to harm us? What, O Immortal, (but are only a) mortal man's deception?"


Satyameva Jayate
Premium Member

There appears to be an indirect reference in the Athavaveda regarding use of it's ingredient in medicine, in conjunction with various herbs. In is found in Ayurvedic medicine in relation to increasing appetite and in some aliments.

While some sadhus are known to use it, in general the Devatas do not want demons to, and will in some cases intervine to remove it from the hands of demons as is noted by some village traditions, which speaks volumes. It does show up in some Saiva Tantric works, but not commonly so. I think perhaps this is where the connection to Shiva comes about, certainly it is not mainstream Saiva practice.

I do not personally recommend it, I am mainstream. I do not try to preach anything to any Sadhus (unless they are fake sadhus who are simply pot smokers), if by chance they use it, so I don't tell them what to do.

Here is a very bad analogy which actually doesn't exactly fit the example, but... I will make it anyway. The way I look at it, let's use the context of certain military situations, black ops, or extreme environmental conditions during battle or espionage. It was a fact, for example, that German Stuka dive bomber pilots on the Russian front who had to take off on repeated anti-tank missions in ice and snow, as well as in some instances of US Army Airforce WWII, black ops in Vietnam and some LRRPs into Laos and Cambodia, Russian Red Army WWII, British fire brigades during Viewergeltungswaffe 2 rocket attacks on London, many other examples, stimulant "speed" drugs were given to personnel just to allow them to stay awake and continue on. Does this mean the military condoned such use?

No, it was rare and in extreme circumstance. So in the same manner, there may be a use for such things as bhang in certain circumstances, but please do not think this is mainstream, and do not go to a temple loaded.

Om Namah Sivaya


Learning Advaita
So where did people get the idea that the Vedas condone cannabis if it's not taught by any ancient teachers? I want to know the source. Book recommendations are good.

I know of soma. What do you suspect soma is? It IS psychoactive from the descriptions in the Vedas. It sure as hell isn't ephedra, fly agarics don't match the description. I suspect along with my Religion of India professor that it is a MAOI called Peganum Harmala best known for it's coupled use in South merica in a brew called Yage or Ayahuasca . Peganum Harmala was in the Afghan/India region back when the Vedas were written and the climate was different.

No one knows what Soma is, that's the problem. Soma is also the name of a deva in the Vedas and some don't call it a drink at all.


Active Member
No one knows what Soma is, that's the problem. Soma is also the name of a deva in the Vedas and some don't call it a drink at all.

Care to speculate on what soma is? Obviously, we can't know for sure but speculation is fun