There seems to be this view among a certain group of people, mainly humanists but not just them, that morality, culture and human societies move in a linear fashion and always 'improve'; that is, every group from one century looks back at the other and wonders how bad and primitive they were. This is not only false, it's damaging. This view that one day everyone will be enlightened to this particular philosophy and one day all will be on board with things like abortion, sex before marriage, same sex marriage, people wearing whatever they want &c. because that's somehow 'inevitable'. It's not inevitable and there are always going to be religious people and even nonreligious people who oppose this. We're not going away, we're not a vestige of a past age, we're living, breathing, growing cultures and we're not interested in changing.
As long as we stick to ours and you stick to yours, it should be fine. Salad bowl, not melting pot.