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Should marijuana be legalized and regulated like alcohol?

The question

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Reason, and reason again
I think the entire Drug War is a farce built on reactionary politics and capitalists trying to make a profit from others' criminal records; however, that said, polls show the majority of people still think marijuana should be criminalized despite medical studies showing alcohol to produce worse results.

This isn't about the medical use of marijuana, but actually making it legalized. Meaning you could go to the local grocery store and pick up some blunts just like you can go and pick up three packs of beer, or a carten of cigarettes.


Citizen Mod
Should marijuana be legalized and regulated like alcohol?

I don't think the counts would be as good as they are on the streets.

spiritually inclined

Active Member
I vote "yes, legalized and regulated". My family has a history of alcoholism. The ones I'm thinking of also regularly used marijuana (one still does). I've seen the alcohol throw them into misery, depression, violence....I've never seen this happen with marijuana. In fact, I notice no effects on one who uses it every day. The one who still uses it is a recovering alcoholic. He has been off the alcohol for a little over four years now. The marijuana probably helps him cope with his addiction.

Sure, marijuana may have some risks, but so does consumption of alcohol and smoking. Reasonable people who do not have drug or alcohol problems should be allowed to drink and smoke weed and weigh the benefits and risks for themselves.

So far, I think alcohol is much more dangerous and harmful than marijuana.



Disciple of Chaos
Marijuana should be legalized. Those who are responsible for making it illegal have even confessed that they were in the wrong, and had nothing more than a political agenda to fulfill.
It's also such a shame that many, many lies are still in circulation about what marijuana does, and the types of people who smoke it. If people would wake up, they would realize that people of ALL walks of life, income levels, positions, religions, and every other type of label has people who smoke marijuana.

that said, polls show the majority of people still think marijuana should be criminalized despite medical studies showing alcohol to produce worse results.
Alot of people also still reject evolution, despite the overwhelming evidence from several different branches of science.


To Save A Lamb
And I'm still waiting for the legalisation (but why must it be regulated?) of one of the few things that helps with my chronic pain...

Science will trump whatever the anti-marijuana crowd has to say.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
It’s Religious infringement globally not to be in all the churches:
1) Christian means anointed ones, in 1980 the Hebrew university officially announced that the anointing oil should contain cannabis, which means its contents must be holy and so applied to the law.
2) The Quran say we will drink Zanjabil and Kafur (translated as Hena, which is sweet smell, yet isn't pleasant to drink. The region of Kafur is also know for Cannabis as is Canna in the Bible and so Kaneh Bosem).
3) Shinto utensils are made from it, as was incense and clothes.

That continues in many religions….Yet they are a few not publicly declared religiously, that are written to be holy and regal, not illegal.
As the books are all written by people on cannabis, to say it causes schizophrenia is insane, when most of our prophets used cannabis also (especially biblically where all prophets were anointed, as are Christ’s).


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Legalize it... don't let big biz and looney government regulate it to fill their overflowing coffers. (I could almost see them legalize but leave cultivation a felony unless on government sanctioned facilities.)

Note: Joeboonda BANNED from RF? It is a sad day.
*stands with hand on heart for a minute of silence*


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
No, kept illegal ............

I know mine is a still voice, but I was watching (or listening) to an expert talking recently who was quite satisfied that there is no doubt that early use of marijuana (in their teens), most like lead to symptoms of depression and psychosis after a few years.

Alcohol is legalised and regulated (inasmuch as those aged below a certain age are not allowed to buy or consume any), but we know full well that there are alcoholic children of as young as 12 years old out there, (and the same applies to children addicted to smoking cigarettes). Make it legal, and the floodgates will open; mum and Dad will be letting their children have some as they do alcohol now............

When are we going to put a stop to this self destructive streak in mankind ?


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
The Bible condemns the drink of alcohol in the sanctuaries.....yet encourages Cannabis in the holy anointing oil....

Jas 5:14
(14) Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

Mar 6:13
(13) And they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed them.

Rev 22:2
(2) In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

Isa 10:27
(27) And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. (Paranoia stems from unholy use of Cannabis.)

The Anti-Christ’s will tell you this shouldn't happen and they are clear as they don’t do this....yet Christ arranged it and said for all to be anointed.
Christian means anointed little ones and so it is time to make the change, well at least inform the world that our religious books are written by people on Cannabis…..

Mat 6:17
But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face.


Mother Heathen
I'm not in opposition to legalization of marijuana but I do feel, like tobacco, like alcohol, it should be regulated.


Obstructor of justice
No, kept illegal ............

I know mine is a still voice, but I was watching (or listening) to an expert talking recently who was quite satisfied that there is no doubt that early use of marijuana (in their teens), most like lead to symptoms of depression and psychosis after a few years.

Actually, the studies that say that have always been qualified with the statement that it leads to those symptoms in those who are already at risk. It doesn't create the problem.
It may also help treat lung-cancer patients.

Alcohol is legalised and regulated (inasmuch as those aged below a certain age are not allowed to buy or consume any), but we know full well that there are alcoholic children of as young as 12 years old out there, (and the same applies to children addicted to smoking cigarettes). Make it legal, and the floodgates will open; mum and Dad will be letting their children have some as they do alcohol now............

When are we going to put a stop to this self destructive streak in mankind ?
So, because some people are irresponsible, it's the governments job to treat us like children and not allow us to make decisions about what we do with our bodies?
Until the government is paying for my health-care lock, stock and barrel, I'm really not interested in what they have to say about what I can and can't ingest, drink or smoke.


Not a Member
I do not do any drugs (well, except the occasional caffeine in my soda) but I'm all for legalization and regulation of marijuana. Quite frankly one of the biggest reasons our prisons are overcrowded is because of the ridiculous war on drugs. I wouldn't be surprised if the bulk of the drug charges and drug related charges involved marijuana since it is surely the most popular illegal drug. Didn't the US learn anything from prohibition?

Quite frankly I have no problem with anyone smoking pot. If that's their wish then so be it so long as: a) just like regular cigarettesm they aren't smoking them in public places where it can have an adverse effect on the well-being of others around them and b) there was some control over minors buying marijuana as there are for alcohol and tobacco.

I've had my fair share of friends and bandmates who have smoked pot and the worst that happens is they get lazy and silly. I've seen alcoholics who get argumentative and abusive. I've seen non-smokers die from second-hand smoke related illness from everyone around them smoking constantly, such as my cousin who died at 16 from three types of cancer.

So some people want to get stoned and throw their lives away. What's the big deal? Why should the taxpayers of America support a prison system full of people whose only real crime was to have a little fun and get the munchies?


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Alcohol produces EGO and when i died Hell is full of EGO…..

As Christ said, yet none notice….”No man drinks old wine and talks of the future, as they say that the past is better”.

Oneness requires less EGO, cultures with Cannabis use, normally have allot less EGO….look at hippies they look like Christ’s and live in communes, giving up wealth and then not worrying about taking material possessions to meet others with peace in their hearts…..

Think that summarizes where the true followers of Christ are and why the Christian church is against Christ, and is following the Pharisees as written, yet again, none notice.:angel2:


Well-Known Member
No, kept illegal ............

I agree.

My bother, mom and my dad all smoke. I use to; I quit though and most my friends that I smoked with also have quit. All for the same reason, it makes you stupid. I really don't want to get into it very deep I have many reasons I feel this way. The main two are because: It makes you stupid and it makes you lazy.

Of course ethically I would have to say make it legal, but maybe the reason pot is not abused like alcohol is because it is harder to get. I wish I would have never even touched the stuff; of course I was a very heavy smoker.

From South Park
Stan: I've been told a lot of things about pot, but I've come to find out a lot of those things aren't true! So I don't know what to believe!

Randy: Well, Stan, the truth is marijuana probably isn't gonna make you kill people, and ...it most likely isn't gonna fund terrorism, but... Well son, pot makes you feel fine with being bored and... It's when you're bored that you should be learning some new skill or discovering some new science or... being creative. If you smoke pot you may grow up to find out that you aren't good at anything.

Stan: I really, really wish you just would have told me that from the beginning.