Who is most in this case? "Real world" people who are tired of it, or "fake world" people who, I suspect, don't even make up a majority online but rather steal an extremely inordinate amount of the attention because that are highly obnoxious and everyone but them tends to agree. Or, it could just be the internet, and "real world" people aren't on it as much and just avoid and stay out of most of it. It's rather unfortunate, because if aliens are hovering over us, they're going to see the internet and TV/radio waves. They'll think we're far worse than we actually are. They're going to see America has absolutely no unity at all because of extreme partisanship and polarization, but that's the "fake world." Most Americans actually tend to agree on bunches of things. But odd things happen and the obnoxious vocal minorities don't just dominate the internet, they dominate elections. Of course there is a big cultural difference between places like California, the Bible Belt, and New England. But, even so, lots of people are fed up with Liberals bringing up identity and taking offense and Conservatives for bringing up identity and taking offense. They know "behaviors of the Left/Right" that send people like them one way or the other. But, perhaps because the internet is the new form of "ratings = money," these loud minorities are gaining increasing influence that Rupert Murdock couldn't dream of when he began Fox News. And though both parties irritate most "real people," they go one way or the other based on usual trends and concerns, even though the vocal minorities basically get to put their stamp of approval on a candidate before they get on the ballot we all vote on.