My TBR already has all the epics like the Illiad and Aneid and the Fagles translation of the Odyssey (the Butler translation was kind of wonky) and "our" epics like the Mahabarata, the Gita etc.Sure, I wasn't being entirely serious, if you want to understand Western cultural development the bible should be on your reading list. Just a warning though, it is hard work at times; rambling, repetitive, scarcely coherent in places. Good luck if you want to try it, not sure how much time you would want to spend on the endeavour, but I'd certainly recommend one with a commentary to help interpret the meaning of certain verses, certain passages. I'd recommend the NIV Study Bible which certainly interprets it from a Christian point of view, without trying to convert you into one particular denomination/cult.
Maybe the Bible can be on next year's goal reads LOL
Until then I at least have The Bible Reloaded