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Sick Of Blaming Bush


Veteran Member
Most of us have had a pop at George Bush (I have possibly attacked every powerful leader at some point) but some people take it too far.

Most of the independant media resources I have frequented for the last couple of years have turned every American issue into 'Bush'.

George Bush it seems single handedly, steals elections, tortures people in POW camps, sells the poor up the river, incites religious hatred, urinates on international conventions, burns up the rainforests, screws the economy in the USA, and bullies the entire world. All at the same time.

Alledgedly he can't decide if he prefers to be Stalin, Hitler, or Pol Pot.

BushCO, Bush Inc., Bush's War, Bush's failures, Bush this, Bush that.

Some perspective please?

The financial corps and traders, oil companies, pharmaceutical giants, superstores, construction industries, biotech lobbies, and religious groups are some of the communities that have a direct effect on how countries are run, many have more power than any sole person, be they occupying The White House or any other.

Most important are the people in the USA (and to a little extent us registering our discontent from afar), if you voted for Republican policies why do you complain? If you didn't why aren't you protesting your heart out?

I'm not trying to attack anyone (honestly) I just wish people would look at themselves sometimes, and to the communities of interest that shape their lives instead of focusing on Joe Presidente.


He's the top of command, so of course people will blame him. I think it comes with the job.


Captain Obvious
Well, I feel the Bush-bashing has gone overboard personally. I think he's made some very poor mistakes and has questionable views on govenment, but I don't think that the man is some dishonest monster who wants to destroy the world.

I'm not a Republican, and I'm not a Democrat. As far as I'm concerned, they're both a bunch of big statists. Both of them want to legislate their morality to me, so I'd just assume they both drop off the face of the earth.

Why don't I protest? Well, there's not enough people that agree with me. On the issues that concern me, I'd just assume write my representitive, help the people around me, and try and help with technology to circumvent the work of the statists.

Bush worries me, because he wants to expand, often it seems indefinately, the power of government. This includes the eliminating traditional checks and balances. It scares me when a government wants to hold people indefinately without a trial, feels he can reroute protests he doesn't like, wants law enforcement agencies to be able to give warrants without a court order, disregards enviromental policies, desires a national ID for our "security," approves of a memo that can easily be read to allow for torture, and so on. These aren't good omens. No, we aren't in a fascist situations, but none of these things can be good and they certainly don't further freedom.

I feel a very similar way about the Democrats. Scratch that, I dislike them worse. At least with Bush and his lackies, I can feel he's honest about what he believes. The Dems, however, vote for a war, but jump ship when it doesn't go well. They vote for the Patriot Act, but then attack it for political gain (and don't take steps to eliminate it as they should). They also support giving government more and more regulatory power over the way we spend our money. All this exists amongst other things.

Back on Bush, most of his stuff just isn't well thought out, and all it does is increase government power. Take the national ID. Imagine a terrorist thinking, "Oh look, I can infiltrate airlines, fly them, fake passports, lie, use computers, and so on...but I can't forge an ID dangit!" It's just asenine. The ID won't have the effects of protecting us from terror that it promises. It will enable further government regulation, though. This is big government, plain and simple.

As a result of positions such as that, he is not an American conservative. The word's been twisted to encapsulate a new form of liberalism and has lost all its meaning.
truthseekingsoul-- You are absolutely right. It's so refreshing to hear a balanced viewpoint, for once. Bravo.

P.S. You too, No*s. :)


Captain Obvious
Mr_Spinkles said:
truthseekingsoul-- You are absolutely right. It's so refreshing to hear a balanced viewpoint, for once. Bravo.

P.S. You too, No*s. :)

Tanks :).


Captain Obvious
Jensa said:
That only reinforces my view that Bush supporters are war-obsessed! :biglaugh:

Kidding, kidding. Partially.

Hey. I'm a pacifist. When I conquer the whole world, I'll excise all Bush supporters and rename it planet No*s. Anyone who doesn't like what I'm doing will be promptly executed. At that moment, we will have global peace.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
As well as easily duped! :D

I would comment here, but I have worked hard to maintain my apparent neutrality on this issue. :D


Active Member
Nonsense. The "bashing" is not excessive, George W Bush has all but entirely escaped accountability. Neither the mainstream media, the government, nor the american people have held him accountable or brought him to justice. A man who has commited such horrible acts belongs in prison for the rest of his life, and since he is free, and holding the highest office in the world it would seem apparent to me that the "bashing" has not been enough.
The criticism he faces is well deserved. He has been a class war President, on the side of the elite and essentially everything he does is to help the elite rich at the expense of the common people. He is the worst environmental President in history. His corruption is blatant and shameless and he has lied to justify a war in which countless soldiers, women and children have died. And that is just a tiny portion of the grievances I could list.
I think that the problem here is that he is such a collosal embarassment to our country, and is so blatantly corrupt and at times incompetent, that when someone lists his failures or the grievences that the common people have with him, it seems absurd. It does not seem that any one man could really be that bad at his job, but that is essentially because he is the most corrupt Politician we have seen in recent history. Nixon looks like a law abiding, decent man in comparison.


Captain Obvious
This post is peppered with superlatives like "most" and "worst." They are almost certainly over the top. I'm no fan of the president, and other people can attest to that on here, but there are far worse fish out there right now, so that's one superlative down.

Faminedynasty said:
Nonsense. The "bashing" is not excessive, George W Bush has all but entirely escaped accountability. Neither the mainstream media, the government, nor the american people have held him accountable or brought him to justice.

All fine and well. However, "bashing" is excessive when this media creates forged documents, and still considers it ethical. It sounds like they were trying rather hard there. Let facts impeach him, not lies. Also, there were documenteries like "Farenheit 9/11" aimed at him. Of the major media outlets, I can think of only two that are blatantly "pro-Bush," Sinclaire and Fox. They didn't forge any documents.

It seems, therefore, that it isn't the media that didn't try to take him to task, but the American people didn't want it, and even then, you're talking about slightly more than half the population.

Faminedynasty said:
A man who has commited such horrible acts belongs in prison for the rest of his life, and since he is free, and holding the highest office in the world it would seem apparent to me that the "bashing" has not been enough.

What do you have to say about the UN leaders who support dictators openly for a few bucks, or specifically Mr. Annan who looks the other way while women and children are butchered in Sudan? Do you also think they should go to jail? Why, if not? It would seem a little inconsistent.

Faminedynasty said:
The criticism he faces is well deserved.

Many of them are. Many are lies and slander. Those are never deserved.

Faminedynasty said:
He has been a class war President, on the side of the elite and essentially everything he does is to help the elite rich at the expense of the common people.

Actually...on taxes, we don't have an alternative than someone who "favors" the wealthy. Dems, by rhetoric say they are for heavy taxation of the rich, but that top 1% all presidential candidates comes from is always blessed, so this is a problem that is universal in our politicians.

As for the common man, Bush sure did give everyone tax breaks, or does this only count if he were to give tax-breaks to the middle and lower class? While it is true that the top 20% or so received the highest tax-breaks in his plan, it is also true that they pay the most by far in the U.S. It seems fair the cut would be higher.

Faminedynasty said:
He is the worst environmental President in history.

I doubt he's the "worst," but "bad" is certainly true. The man should listen more there.

Faminedynasty said:
His corruption is blatant and shameless and he has lied to justify a war in which countless soldiers, women and children have died.

For corruption, I see business deals with Haliburton, and that strikes me as more unethical than corrupt. I don't see anything else. Do you have any evidence for him taking bribes or the like? Is he using the office to smuggle drugs? I don't think there is any evidence for that sort of thing.

Faminedynasty said:
I think that the problem here is that he is such a collosal embarassment to our country, and is so blatantly corrupt and at times incompetent, that when someone lists his failures or the grievences that the common people have with him, it seems absurd. It does not seem that any one man could really be that bad at his job, but that is essentially because he is the most corrupt Politician we have seen in recent history. Nixon looks like a law abiding, decent man in comparison.

"Worse than Nixon" is a rather powerful appelation. Do you have anything to corroborate that? Haliburton is on the unethical side of things, but it's not like breaking into rival buildings and rigging things.

Also, the "failures and grievances the common people have with him" only accounts for less than half the population, according to the last election. He did win by a sizeable margin by election standards. I think "common people" should be replaced with "my group." There's a big difference.

I'm not a fan of George W., but I think this is an example of what this thread is about.


·´sociopathic meanderer`·
No*s said:
...He did win by a sizeable margin by election standards...
are you, spinkles, or cerid holding the paper trail hostage?

if he wasn't president you would condemn his actions.will you admit that the worst leader in recorded history even had supporters?


truthseekingsoul said:
George Bush it seems single handedly, steals elections, tortures people in POW camps, sells the poor up the river, incites religious hatred, urinates on international conventions, burns up the rainforests, screws the economy in the USA, and bullies the entire world. All at the same time.
Yes..? And he did. Theres really no point in arguing this, since that is what he did. And what the point of protesting if it's not for a cause you dislike?
Basicly my hate towards Bush, is that he is just a 'texas ranger' trying to be someone. That and i HATE, really HATE(HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE/ANGER) that he goes up there, and uses f*cking religion as a excuss for his own damn stupidity! Now i could see if he uses the bible for guidelines(many good presidents have) but he uses it as a excuss to do another 'crusade'! I cannot stand the fact that insteed of looking forward, he looks backwards, towards the time where african-american's where slaves, where the bible was the law, that he is a KKK(not LITTERALY), and that it gives him a smile on his face!
retrorich said:
I think Bush-bashing should be an Olympic sport. :)[QUOTE/]
I second that!



No*s said:
"Worse than Nixon" is a rather powerful appelation. Do you have anything to corroborate that? Haliburton is on the unethical side of things, but it's not like breaking into rival buildings and rigging things.
No, but he does send out letters to cristians saying that voting for Kerry is a sin. And haliburton is not unethical, it is corruption. They have given numberless multi-million dollar conracts to them, because Dick and Bush(Dick IN Bush?) have stocks in that company. Now is a president of the United States of America ALLOWED to have stock? Well.. why don't you find out for yourself?
Yes he is worse than Nixon, at least Nixon admitted that he was a greedy prick. But Bush lies about it saying.. well.. LIES! This subject really brings my blood to a boiling point so therfore my statements may have been kinda harsh.


Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
bashing" is excessive when this media creates forged documents
Which documents were these?

In reality, I don't "hate" Mr. Bush, as I really wish him well and pray for him DAILY (he still hasn't repented). However, as was pointed out I honestly find the most despicable part of his character is that he and his party labeled Kerry as a "non-Christian" only because he was Catholic. His brand of "Good ol' Boy" religion reeks of a religious jihad against all of his "enemies". His gospel of hate and intolerance are not what I find in my Bible and I reject his homophobic agenda outright.

fromthe heart

Well-Known Member
I,too,agree that there has been enough bashing. He IS afterall our President. We don't have to agree with him on all issues but we should try to unite on some things to pull this country together. We don't really seem to be THE "UNITED" States because there is always someone crying out there on some issue...don't get me wrong, they are intitled to how they feel but what happened to give and take? It seems there are more in this country trying to take rather than give. To me it seems currently our soldiers are doing the giving and protesters are taking something away from what they consider their pride in their mission. I remember Vietnam and what this country's protests did to our guys coming back from 'their job'...they were put down for what happened over there and they felt like they were slapped in the face...some were called baby killers,etc. If I had been given a job to do and when I was done someone called me awful things I would wonder why I even tried. For Bush to become president there had to be enough people in this country that support him in what he is doing...trust me if Kerry had won there would still have been those protesting what he would have done too. We have got to get a united stand in situations like these even if we don't agree to be able to do great things like this country always had the reputation of diong. I don't agree with our soldiers being killed in Iraq because I see them being sacrificed for a seemingly lost cause...as in Vietnam. But they deserve our support, right or wrong, we need to stand UNITED for them.:)

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
fromthe heart said:
But they deserve our support, right or wrong, we need to stand UNITED for them.
Every scene of foreign occupation and every instance of collateral damage reinforces the streams of terrorism and Islamic extremism that will define this area for generations, brutally oppressing its people and effectively sabotaging any possibility of democracy. We may well be laying the foundations for a new dark ages in the Middle East.

fromthe heart

Well-Known Member
Deut. 32.8 said:
Every scene of foreign occupation and every instance of collateral damage reinforces the streams of terrorism and Islamic extremism that will define this area for generations, brutally oppressing its people and effectively sabotaging any possibility of democracy. We may well be laying the foundations for a new dark ages in the Middle East.
This is true BUT they are doing a job they were sent to do. Most of them feel they are doing something to try to help these people.:)


From the Heart:
I agree. We owe the soldiers as much. But send the boys home!! I would like to remind you guys that i am from Denmark(though my dad was american). So the whole stand united thing, i can't really do, but i can feel pity for the formor glory of the US.. I'm so sorry..
