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Signs,HowLiveDivineHelpDescends,Testimonies – All For the Sake of Allah the Exalted and Holy Prophet


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you..The real purpose of God’s signs shown for Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) is that He wants to show the truth of Islam and exalted status of Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him). These signs silence the others and detractors and provide proof for the truth of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) who is the ‘Jariullah’ (Brave of Allah) who is sent for the second glory of Islam.

In his great book, Brahin e Ahmadiyya (at alislam.org), Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) explains the wisdom of presentation of his revelations, signs and visions from Allah the Exalted. It is being done so that:
= It should help the seekers of right path to understand that now blessings and light is only through Islam.
= It should provide cutting arguments of God should reach to atheists.
= It should expose the evil nature of those people who deny the lofty stations of Hazrat Khatamal anbiya [Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him)] and utter insulting words for him. Due to lack of inner light and due to disbelief, they are unaware that Holy Prophet s.a.w. is the unique perfect human whose light has been illumining the word like Sun and will continue to do so.
= The magnificence of these true writings for Islam should be revealed by the acknowledgement of the opponents.
= The way of proof should be opened for true seeker.
= It should break the arrogance of that who considers himself very wise.
= The power of strength of believers should increase and their hearts should become firm and get satisfaction.
= The believers should understand with perfect surety that right path is only Deen of Islam and now under the heavens there is only one Prophet and one Book i.e., Hazrat Muhammad, the Chosen one, peace and blessings of Allah be on him; he is the most high, the most excellent, the most perfect of all Prophets; he is Khatamul anbiyya and best of humanity; by following him one finds God the Exalted and curtains of darkness are lifted and signs of true salvation become evident in this world. Holy Quran consists of true and perfect guidances and effects; divine knowledge and wisdom is obtained through it; heart is cleansed from human impurities; human gets rid of curtains of ignorance, negligence and doubts and reaches at ‘haqqul yaqeen’ (perfect insight of certainty).
= Muslims should have strong argument forever.
= These writings and proofs from testimonies of people of other religions, give everlasting strong argument to Muslims. And mean, non God-fearing and ill-hearted people, who unrightfully try to compete in arguments with Muslims, should be clearly defeated and rendered speechless. And current seekers of truth and future generations should be saved from the poisonous air of error and astray-ness of the time because many things in these revelations will come to pass in future times. Thus when current time will pass and a new world will be unveiled and will see the truthfulness of the matters mentioned in this book, then these prophecies will strengthen their faith. InshaAllah.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) writes:
“Matters of the unseen that God has disclosed to me and which were fulfilled on time are not less than ten thousand in number. However, only one hundred and fifty of these have been recorded in the book ‘Nazulul Masih’ which is under publication along with proofs and witness accounts. None of my prophecies has been left unfulfilled or one of its two-parts has not been left unfulfilled. Even if a person spends his life looking for any such prophecy that I may have uttered and dies in the process he will not find one about which he could say that it was left unfulfilled. Though, he may say whatever he wanted out of impudence or lack of awareness. I say with conviction that thousands of very evident prophecies of mine have been clearly fulfilled and hundreds of thousands of people witnessed this. If an example of this is looked in the previous Prophets, it cannot be found with the exception of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). Had my detractors resolved the matter based on this, their eyes would have been opened ages ago. I was prepared to give them a huge reward if they could come up with an example of these prophecies! What else can we say but attribute it to wickedness and thinking ill of others when it is merely said out of mischief or foolishness that such and such prophecy has not been fulfilled! … It is not a small matter for thousands of prophecies to be fulfilled with exactness and thousands of living witnesses to them to be present. It is as if seeing the Glorious God. Has anyone observed this apart from the time of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) that thousands of prophecies were given and they are all fulfilled as clear as the day and thousands of people bore witness to their fulfillment! I know for certain that as God Almighty is manifesting Himself in this age and is coming closer and is unfolding hundreds of matters of the unseen to His servant, very few examples of this time can be found in the earlier times. “ (Kishti Nuh, pp. 6- 7)

== “ ya ahmado fadatir rahmato alaa shafateyka….” [original reference: brahin e ahmadiyya]
O Ahmad, mercy flows from your lips. Eloquence, fluency, facts and knowledge will be granted to you.
So it is obvious that my words showed such miracle that none could compete. After getting this revelation, I published more than twenty books and journals in eloquent fluent Arabic but no one could contend. God seized tongue and heart from them and gave to me.

== “ wa qaloo anna laka haza in haza illa sehrun yo’saro. Lan nomena laka hatta narallaha jahratan. la yosadequs safiho illa sefatul halakey. aduwunli wa aduwunlaka. qul ataa amrullahey falaa tasta’jeluho….”
And they say, where did you get this station from? It is only a deception. We shall not believe you unless we see God. These people shall never accept apart from sign of death. Tell them, plague is coming too thus do not haste with me. This prophecy was made twenty years before the plague came.

== “ ashaabus suffatey wa maa adraaka maa ashaabus suffatey taraa a’yonohum tafeezo menuddamey. yosalluna aleka. rabbanaa innana sameyna munadeyan yonadi lil emaaney wa daeyan ellalahey wa serajam munera. amloo.”
The Friends of Lounge, how will you know what the Friends of Lounge are? You will see their eyes that tears are running. They will call down blessings on you and will supplicate: Our Lord, we have heard call of a crier who asked for correction and strength in faith and he called towards God and saved from shirk (making associate with God) and he was a lamp to spread light in earth. (Write down). This prophecy was written in Brahin e Ahmadiyya a time [1882] when there was not any Lounge or Friends of Lounge. Latter Lounges and guesthouses were prepared for devoted people who migrated to Qadian. Look! How much magnificent this prophecy is. The news were given at a time when no one could have imagined that a time would come when such devoteds would be gathered in Qadian and Lounges would be made for them.

== “ yoridoon aien yutfeoo nurallahey be’afwahehim wallaho motimmo nurehi wa lo karehal kaferuna.”
The opponents will plan to extinguish the light of God with the breaths of their mouths, that is, they will utilize much cunning. However, God will perfect His light although the disbelievers will resent it.
This is a prophecy of a time when there was no agitation and spark against this movement. Then ten years after this prophecy such enmity was shown that it reached an upsurge; allegation of disbelief was written, edicts of murder were recorded and hundreds of books and journals were published. Almost all the molvis became opponents and they did not desist from making the lowest of low schemes to ruin me. But, the outcome was quite the opposite and this movement progressed extraordinarily.

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Peace be upon you.
== “ illam ya’semokan naso fa’ya’semokallaho min indehi. ya’semokallaho min indehi. wa illam ya’semokannaso.”
Although people will not save you, that is, try to ruin you, but God will save you by creating means from Himself. God will surely save you even if people will not want to save you.
Now look, how powerful and magnificent this prophecy is? And there is repeated promise for safety and clear promise is made here that people will try to destroy and kill you and will craft various plans but God will be with you and will break those plans and will save you. Consider now, which plan is there which is not made but different kinds of ploys were devised to destroy and kill me; murder cases were filed, arrangements were made to dishonor me, plots were made to embroil me in tax matters, edicts (fatawa) of disbelief and edicts of my killing were written but God failed everyone’s desire and they could not get success in their deceptions. So, for such powerful storm which came latter, God had foretold about it long ago. Fear God and truthfully tell that, Is it not the knowledge of unseen and divine support or not? If it is said that the promise of safety required that those people should not have caused any trouble, but they gave trouble of going to court, by making false cases, they called many names, they caused loss in the form of expenses in cases. The answer to it is, by safety, safety from big troubles is meant which was the real purpose of opponents. See! Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) was too given promise of safety though he endured severe injuries in the battle of Ohad, and this occurence took place after the promise of safety was made. Likewise, God the Exalted told Hazrat Esa (on whom be peace) “…iz kafafto bani israaela anka…” (5:111) i.e. Remember the time when I stopped the children of Israel from you who wanted to kill you. In fact, it is proven through strong repetitive reports that Jews had arrested Hazrat Esa (a.s.) and put him on cross but finally God saved him. Thus these are the meanings of ‘iz kafafto’ [(5:111); when I stopped] like the meaning of ‘..wallaho ya’semoka menannasey..’ [(5:68); and Allah will save you from the people]

[Reference of above revelations and explanations: Nuzulul Messiah, Ruhani Khazain, Volume 18]

“ When I write something in Urdu or Arabic I feel as if someone is tutoring me from within. My writing, be it in Arabic, Urdu or Persian is divided in two types. One type is when phraseology and its meanings flow for me as I write. I do not have to work hard for this writing and the phraseology is within my mental capacity. The words and their connotation is such that it is possible for me to write them without any special grace of God Almighty and with the blessing of His general support which is in the nature of human ability. I write these subjects making little effort and taking a lot of time. And Allah knows. The other type of my writing is simply extraordinary. For example when I write an Arabic phrase and the syntax needs certain words which I have no knowledge of, at such times revelation of God Almighty guides me regarding the phrase and the Holy Spirit puts those words in my heart like mutlu revelation and makes me utter them. At such times I am not in control of my senses. For example while writing Arabic I needed an exact word for بسیاری عیال which I did not know but the syntax was dependent on it. Immediately the word ضففwas put in my heart like mutlu revelation which means بسیاری عیال . Or for example, while writing I needed a word to mean keeping quiet while indignant and I did not know it and instantly the word وجوم was revealed to me. It is the same with Arabic phrases. While writing in Arabic hundreds of structured phrases are revealed to me like mutlu revelation or an angel shows me phrases written on a piece of paper and some of these phrases are Quranic verses or similar to them, with a little variation. Sometimes it is realised after a while that such and such Arabic phrase that was revealed from God Almighty is in such and such book. As God is the Master of everything, He has the power to reveal to me a fine phrase from a book or a fine couplet from a poetic collection. This was about Arabic language, but it is even more amazing that I have certain revelations in languages that I have no familiarity with, like English, Sanskrit or Hebrew just as some of it is written in Baraheen e Ahmadiyya. I swear by Allah in Whose hand is my life that this is the way of Allah with me and it is one of the signs given to me. Matters of the unseen are revealed to me in various forms and my God has no care if the phrase which is given to me as a revelation is written in an Arabic, English or Sanskrit book, because it is from the unseen for me. Just as Allah the Exalted has placed many stories of the Torah in the Holy Qur’an and has included them in matters of the unseen because those stories were unknown to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) although they were known to the Jews. This is the secret behind me calling on the world to contend with me in commentaries of miraculous and eloquent Arabic. Otherwise, who is man, and what is the significance of son of Adam to arrogantly call on the world to contend with him.”
[Reference: Nuzulul Masih, Ruhani Khazain, Volume 18]


AT https://www.alislam.org/friday-sermon/2014-02-14.html

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said: Our Jama’at should have a true connection with God the Exalted and they should be grateful that God the Exalted has not left them but has shown them hundreds of signs of His power to strengthen their faith to the degree of certainty.

May Allah make us those who make true connection with Him -- a connection such that He show each one of us signs and enhance in faith and may we instill this spirit in our next generation that make true connection with God the Exalted and always remain devoted to Jama’at and treasure the Bai’at of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) . May Allah the Exalted establish faith in our generations and continue to enhance it.

(in above link)
Reference: Based on Friday Sermon, 14 th February 2014, by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah the Exalted help him with His Mighty Help), alislam.org
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