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Since the Creator has a Name why not use His Name?


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
= Blaspheming
= 3rd commandment
= 3rd dimension
= all sound, as any sound takes length, depth and width.
For music takes time and space also = 4th dimension or commandment/diadem.

So on your point shall we go back to using Zan? or Osiris? or Allah? or Brahma? Or Dios? or Theos? or Izanami? or Krishna? Or Shiva? or Anda? Or………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… seriously now….. have a think about it…………..…which one is best……………and I will say none, as God has all names and so any name you choose will limit God in some way and so all are wrong…let's just use good as then it isn’t a label and so no one has to make more labels, to keep up with the name calling.



Well-Known Member
= Blaspheming
= 3rd commandment
= 3rd dimension
= all sound, as any sound takes length, depth and width.
For music takes time and space also = 4th dimension or commandment/diadem.

Good point Wizanda... I'm going to quote you in another thread.... Thanx for the reminder of that info.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Hi Okieshowedem,

Welcome to Religious Forums!

I look forward to seeing you around; I hope you get to like us.:)


Veteran Member
When human beings put names of things, they presume that they "know" these things, then. For this reason, some religions and cultures have refused to name "God", as they felt it was dishonest and arrogant to do so. And I agree.

Yet we do need some sort of a word to use, that can refer to the concept we call "God" when communicating with others. This is why I use the word "God" but often put it in quotes to indicate that I'm just referring to the IDEA of God, and I don't mean to imply that I/we can know "God".


Well-Known Member
welcome to the family, I hope you find all that you need here, if not...then ask, and someone shall oblige ye.

wizanda said:
So on your point shall we go back to using Zan? or Osiris? or Allah? or Brahma? Or Dios? or Theos? or Izanami? or Krishna? Or Shiva? or Anda? Or……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… … seriously now….. have a think about it…………..…which one is best……………and I will say none, as God has all names and so any name you choose will limit God in some way and so all are wrong…let's just use good as then it isn’t a label and so no one has to make more labels, to keep up with the name calling.
ok, now, yes my gods have names, they also have unique personalities, traits, strengths and weaknesses. they are not omni anything and do not claim to be, why, in certain greek mythologies there are tales of mortals besting a god/dess. so you will have to excuse me for not agreeing with you, as I also cannot, in any possible way, see all of my gods as just facets or multiple personalities of one, greater god. a group of people cannot be one, greater person right? then again, in the realm of gods me thinks the laws of physics and such fall away. so who knows? you don't, I don't, no one does except the god(s) and or godess(ess) themselves.


Flaming Queer
i personally believe in a creating force that is paradoxical and ineffable, but i do not subscribe to the school of thought that believes that this creating force is the GOd who presented himself to Abraham. so although i believe in a creator God, i don't believe It is called YAhWeh :shrug:

Mustard Seed

Jack of all trades... :)
Yahweh is indeed the holy name of GOD, and people do not use it often enough I believe.

WARNING!Prophet has discovered a Luciferian conspiracy that's designed to damn all souls to the lake of fire where they'll suffer forever. He teaches that: 1.) only the religion of YAHWEH can save souls, 2.) that Satan is the god behind all other religions, and 3.) these religions, while promising eternal life, actually damns all souls. If you don't worship YAHWEH, this site will challenge, insult, and blaspheme your most precious beliefs about your god and your religion. So be forewarned.

Fact: original or not, Yahweh is just another word for God. The above quote was taken from the prophet yahweh's site. Pretty sad to see a religion derived from a word. Just my opinion though.....

ps. A word cannot be holy....



Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
When human beings put names of things, they presume that they "know" these things, then. For this reason, some religions and cultures have refused to name "God", as they felt it was dishonest and arrogant to do so. And I agree.

Me too. Thing about language is you can't define something without confining it, and all labels impose limits (at least in our minds).


Mother Heathen
When I call out to Christ...I know I'm heard, even if I fail to speak His name. God is all knowing and knows my heart better than I do.

Somehow, I doubt He's as concerned over what I call Him as long as I'm calling upon Him.