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Singapore Meeting: Allah is of Muslims, Christians and Every One.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you. Ahmadiyya Muslims from Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Myanmar, Vietnam and Philippine and some people from outside the Jama'at recently met Hadhrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah strengthen him with His Mighty Help) in Singapore.

= In this region, Indonesia is a place where Ahmadiyya Community has been severely persecuted, with martyrdoms too. All it happened and is happening in the presence of government officials. Chain event of increasing serious persecution started some years ago with attacks on mosques, vandalism to properties of Jama'at, assaults on Ahmadiyya Muslims; some were martyred in extreme barbaric way. Media immediately broadcasted images of brutal acts worldwide and fair-minded people denounced the acts…….. Organizations and individuals who raised their voices against such cruelty are thanked. Plotters always fail and Allah the Exalted, brings good results from each cruelty against Ahmadiyya Jama'at. This cruelty against Indonesian Ahmadiyya Muslims introduced the Jama'at to the world extensively. For example, when a renowned scholar in a remote area of Africa viewed the video, he reached at the conclusion that in this age, only true people could be the target of such brutality and he became Ahmadiyya Muslim.

= Such cruelties against Ahmadiyya Muslims are happening in others places also. Indonesia has slowed down a little bit but in Pakistan, still such barbaric acts continues on the name of :
-- Allah and Holy Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allah be on him).
– Allah, Whose teaching is full of commandments of paying dues to people.
-- Allah, Who teaches Muslims Mercy and Justice.
-- Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) who is ‘rahmatullil aalameen’ i.e. mercy for all worlds.
-- Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) who has commanded not to do cruelty even in the war.
-- Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) who questioned a companion (r.a) why did he kill a person in battle, who recited Kalima [laa elaaha illall aho Muhammad ur rasul Allah i.e. There is none worthy of worship but Allah (and) Muhammad is His Messenger] at the very last moment. The companion said, the man recited the Kalima of the fear of sword. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) asked the companion: Could you see what was inside of the man’s heart by cutting it? (fear or Will)

=Mullahs (fanatic clergies) of Pakistan exert effect on those of Indonesia and they try to harm when possible. By the benevolence of Allah, Ahmadiyya Muslims progress in steadfastness as much as oppression increases.

= The roots of true Islam are established in the hearts of Ahmadiyya Muslims and they receive blessing of Allah. They are unbreakably attached with the ardent devotee of Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). This knot with Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) ties them with Allah and Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him); others are unaware of these avenues of progress.

= Holy Khalifah (may Allah strengthen him with His Mighty Help) asked his Jama'at that each of them should pray and fortify their faith, steadfastness, sincerity in the face of these storms of opposition. It is essential for each Ahmadiyya Muslim to obey Allah, pay the right of His worship to absorb His Grace and improve their practical conditions and keep check of their selves. If there is no improvement in conditions, faith would not progress. If there is no progress in practical faith being Ahmadiyya Muslim, there is no benefit of having a mere name.

= It is not as severe as in Indonesia but keeps boiling off and on. Some Non-Ahmadiyya Muslim organizations have erected boards as various places, falsely accusing Jama'at as infidels. Such falsehood hurts the feelings of Ahmadiyya Muslims but they do not take the law in their hands and observe patience. Holy Khalifah said: God the Exalted knows that we Ahmadis are Muslims. We know we are better Muslims than others. We know that our hearts are filled with the love of Allah and Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him).

= The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said that if someone says ‘laa elaaha illallaho Muhammad ur rasul Allah’ do not call him Kafir / infidel because saying so will return infidelity on sayer. He said, whoever say ‘laa elaaha illall aho’ he is Muslim too. Holy Quran tells that if someone greet you with ‘salam’ do not say your are not momin / believer. This is Holy Quran’s teaching and these [Infidel caller fanatics] have invented a new Islam…... Incharge of Ahmadiya Muslims in Malaysia says that the people in Malaysia now do not care much about these boards, they understand that these boards are for the personal gain of mullahs. Because of their personal benefits and desires, they have caused Islam to appear as a joke in the eyes of people in the world…..The real Islam is the one which is taught by Allah and Holy Prophet (s.a.w.).

= Recently, a Christian pastor in Malaysia said that it was okay for Christians to use the word ‘Allah’; Allah is theirs too. At this, so-called Ulema / scholars screamed how dare he was? They went to the court, which decided that the word ‘Allah’ can only be used by Muslims. And Christians have no right to say Allah is theirs too……That is how these earthly people have tried to limit the unlimited name of Allah. It is understandable when the ignorant mullah say such things but the educated people who make judgments are also denouncing Islam. Allah, in Holy Quran says:

i-‘All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.’ (ch1:v2). It means Allah is the Lord of everyone, be a Muslim or Non-Muslim. Allah also says:

ii-‘Allah enlarges (His) provisions for whosoever He pleases…’ (13:27)… Is someone else providing for Christians, Jews or others? If Christian say Allah is giving Him provision, then [according to Malaysian court] it would be unforgivable sin. Allah says:

iii-‘Allah, your Lord, and the Lord of your forefathers of old?’ (37:127)…How could be Allah for only Muslims?

iv-‘Say, O people of the Book! Come to a word equal between us and you – that we worship none but Allah…’ (3;65) So Allah is common for both religions.

Thus as the Muslim has the right to say Allah, so does the Christians and anyone else. Holy Quran has many more examples, which tells that Allah is of everyone. No individual, sect, religion, government, or court has the ownership of word Allah. Allah the Exalted is not a trademark; He is Lord of all the worlds.

=Today only Ahmadiyya Muslims can tell the world about the true teaching of the Islam. Thus Malaysian Ahmadiyya Muslims should tell their countrymen with wisdom about the real teaching of Holy Quran and ask them why they are bringing the beautiful teaching Islam to disrespect by following the so-called ulema. May Allah the Exalted remove their curtains of ignorance.

Every Ahmadiyya Muslim should remember that believers are like one body; if one part has trouble, other feels it too; thus everyone should feel the problems of believers in countries mentioned above.

Political situation in Singapore is good. Government does not allow anyone to speak against any religion but also does not stop one to mention the beauties of one’s own religion. Thus, here Ahmadiyya Muslims can wisely take their message to each section of the society.

Situation is good or bad; Ahmadiyya Muslims have to show the real beautiful countenance of Islam and character of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) to the world.

= Holy Ahmadiyya Khalifah (a.t.) says that if any aspect of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) is taken, it is the blessed model for Muslims, according to Allah. He is the perfect model for us in relations whether domestic or societal or with nations or countries.

= But it is necessary for us, to first apply his (s.a.w.) model on us before telling others. To show the character of ‘mercy for worlds’ to the world, first we have to show mutual love and brotherhood.

= We have to take the real teaching of Holy Quran to the world . We have to tell them that God has sent an ardent devotee of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) in this age and without joining him, Islam cannot be understood. Those who shall not join him, shall only keep passing verdicts of Kufr (Fatwas to call each other infidel) against each other and keep repelling others from Islam.

= Each Ahmadiyya Muslim should be thankful to God that because of His benevolence they believed in Promised Messiah (a.s.) who has come according to the prophecies of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.).

= To be thankful to God, we shall have to mold our desires according to teachings of Islam; and sacrifice our emotions; and work hard to understand the true teaching.

= Holy Khalifah said that this it is the benevolence of Allah that He has connected Jama'at and Khalifah through MTAi [Muslim Television Ahmadiyya International; w.mta.tv]. Thus attend his Friday sermons and other programs. Sermons are delivered according to current needs. Listen to them so that we have worldwide unity.



Peace be upon you.

He said: It is important to continue scrutinizing the declaration that is given: ‘I will give preference to faith over worldly matters’ and then present a fine example of it in your practical life…….God’s help comes to those alone who always step forward in piety and do not stay stagnant. It is these whose ending is good…….Allah the Exalted has taught the prayer in the Holy Quran: ‘…make my seed righteous for me…’(46:16), that is also reform my wife and children. While praying for one’s condition to go through pure changes, one should also pray for one’s children and wife because many trials due to children fall on person and many because of wife……Your deeds should be witness that you are Ahmadiyya (Muslims)……Our Jama'at should remember very well not to forget Allah the Exalted under any circumstances. At all times, help should be sought from Him. Human is nothing without Him.

Holy Khalifah (a.t.) said that each person of the Community should self check for:
= pure changes,
= efforts to join children with Jama'at,
= acting according to teachings of Holy Quran – such actions, which, when others see, they publically admit we are better Muslims.
= our examples. Do these attract non-muslims toward Islam.
If these standards exist then InshaAllah these matters shall become cause of getting nearness of Allah; and increase in Community; and opposition to Jama'at shall evaporate in air one day.

He prayed for progress in faith, divine protection and failure of ill-wishers.

Reference: Friday Sermon, 27 September 2013 by Hadhrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah strengthen him with His Mighty Help), UK, alislam.org and mta.tv


Exorcist and Mystical
Salam... I live at Malaysia and at Malaysia, all sect and other religion, except Sunni is a kafir :D ... If we want to learn anything besides Sunni, must do it silently .... weird right? haha


Active Member
That's why a Mahdi was required to guide people back to the right path and remove all the errors and misconceptions that have been dividing Muslims.