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Sisters Bisexuality


Only a choice because I can pick from both sides who to date and be with. ;) My bisexuality is definitely not a choice. I've always been attracted to males and females -- always.
I'm not certain there would be any other method of choice in relation to sexuality...except for abstinence, but that would only be a choice if you're sexual in nature to begin with...and capable of getting a partner.


Well-Known Member
Oh I forgot, some here can make claims of anyone they want, people they don't even know.
my bag, how can I be so stupid.
Of course some here know more about total strangers then that people do themselves.

I think its that Polyamogy-superpowers kicking in. :D


Well-Known Member
Oh I forgot, some here can make claims of anyone they want, people they don't even know.
my bag, how can I be so stupid.
Of course some here know more about total strangers then that people do themselves.

As someone with experience (unfortunately) in being assaulted, I can speak for myself, and it is a big fat no. I've also encountered others that have said the same thing. Rape does not cause one to be bisexual, lesbian, gay, etc. You are born with sexuality -- and it is quite fluid, so it can change during your lifetime, but most people stay within a specific range on the spectrum.

Fact: Rape is an act of power and control, not sex.

I would suggest that everyone take a chance to read the link, and because this subject has morphed from the original OP, here is a thread to discuss on this subject.



Active Member
You're misconstruing my use of the word "issue". I should have put parentheses around the word "issue" to show the intended sarcasm.

Sexuality is really not an "issue" in first-world countries. To make it out to be an "issue" is absurd and just goes to show how sensitive people are in first-world countries when it comes to their problems.

It's essentially a nonissue, but still an issue to some people in the first-world system of things.


Well-Known Member
You're misconstruing my use of the word "issue". I should have put parentheses around the word "issue" to show the intended sarcasm.

Sexuality is really not an "issue" in first-world countries. To make it out to be an "issue" is absurd and just goes to show how sensitive people are in first-world countries when it comes to their problems.

It's essentially a nonissue, but still an issue to some people in the first-world system of things.

You do know that people in first-world countries still are beaten, abused, killed for being gay, lesbian and bisexual (as well as being transgender) right? It is a complete issue when people are still being harmed for it.


Active Member
You do know that people in first-world countries still are beaten, abused, killed for being gay, lesbian and bisexual (as well as being transgender) right? It is a complete issue when people are still being harmed for it.
The statistics of hate crimes against LGBT-type individuals in first-world orders is actually nowhere near the point that one would define it as an "issue". To call it an "issue" is a fabrication given the statistics available on such crime.
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Well-Known Member
The statistics of hate crimes against LGBT-type individuals in first-world orders is actually nowhere near the point that one would define it as an "issue". To call it an "issue" is a fabrication given the statistics available on such crime.

You don't consider hate crimes an issue? :areyoucra

In 2007 alone,
1,265 lGB-biased
hate crimes were
reported to the FBI,
which is a 6-percent
increase from 2006.
attacks on the basis
of gender identity
are not tracked on
the federal level.


Try reading the entire study, I think it refutes your notions that it doesn't matter.

Highest Number Of Anti-Gay Murders Ever Reported In 2011: The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs

Reported hate crimes committed against individuals because of their sexual orientation increased in 2007 to 1,265, the highest level in five years. Of all hate crimes reported in 2007, the proportion committed against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals rose to 16.6 percent, also the highest level in five years. According to the FBI's HCSA reports, gay men and lesbians have consistently been the third most frequent target of hate violence over the past decade. (Link)

Are Violent Hate Crimes Against LGBT People on the Rise? (The answer is yes)

Tell me again how this isn't a problem? :rolleyes::cover::facepalm:
'Desperate Anger' Is Driving The Rise In Anti-Gay Hatred


Active Member
Reported hate crimes committed against individuals because of their sexual orientation increased in 2007 to 1,265, the highest level in five years. Of all hate crimes reported in 2007, the proportion committed against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals rose to 16.6 percent, also the highest level in five years. According to the FBI's HCSA reports, gay men and lesbians have consistently been the third most frequent target of hate violence over the past decade. (Link)

Are Violent Hate Crimes Against LGBT People on the Rise? (The answer is yes)

Tell me again how this isn't a problem? :rolleyes::cover::facepalm:
'Desperate Anger' Is Driving The Rise In Anti-Gay Hatred
1,265 crimes, in your mind, is equivocal to an issue? According to 2012 statistics, there were 521,196 arrests for violent crime (facts: line 2.). If you do the comparative math, you'd find that less than .003% of all crimes could possibly be related to anti-LGBT.

lol. Let's not dramatize this as a so-called "issue", for .003% of all violence crime is not really an "issue". Everything is statistically possible, but this type of possibility is incredibly unlikely; nonissue here, folks.


1,265 crimes, in your mind, is equivocal to an issue? According to 2012 statistics, there were 521,196 arrests for violent crime (facts: line 2.). If you do the comparative math, you'd find that less than .003% of all crimes could possibly be related to anti-LGBT.

lol. Let's not dramatize this as a so-called "issue", for .003% of all violence crime is not really an "issue". Everything is statistically possible, but this type of possibility is incredibly unlikely; nonissue here, folks.

You heard it here! You must reach a certain statistic to be considered important and worthy of recognition! Back to the mines with ya!


Well-Known Member
1,265 crimes, in your mind, is equivocal to an issue? According to 2012 statistics, there were 521,196 arrests for violent crime (facts: line 2.). If you do the comparative math, you'd find that less than .003% of all crimes could possibly be related to anti-LGBT.

lol. Let's not dramatize this as a so-called "issue", for .003% of all violence crime is not really an "issue". Everything is statistically possible, but this type of possibility is incredibly unlikely; nonissue here, folks.

So because you consider it a "low" amount it isn't worthy of caring? :facepalm:


So because you consider it a "low" amount it isn't worthy of caring? :facepalm:

Any injustice is wrong.

But the amount of attention each injustice gets is what the issue here is. There are hundreds of millions of people in the world who suffer and die horribly every year. Millions of children die each year from starvation. Try to imagine that for a second, dying because you're hungry and a child while so many in the west engorge on calories that result in their early deaths. Hundreds of millions more die from easily preventable disease.

The amount of attention GLBT issues get is not equal at all and quite ridiculous to be honest. Even if you were to look at American issues: the ghettos, the lack of healthcare access the poor get, incarceration rates, the drug epidemic, these are all much bigger affecting tens of millions of people. The whole GLBT thing has a lot more to do with classism and a very subtle form of racism than a real pressing issue.
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Well-Known Member
Any injustice is wrong.

But the amount of attention each injustice gets is what the issue here is. There are hundreds of millions of people in the world who suffer and die horribly every year. Millions of children die each year from starvation. Try to imagine that for a second, dying because you're hungry and a child while so many in the west engorge on calories that result in their early deaths. Hundreds of millions more die from easily preventable disease.

The amount of attention GLBT issues get is not equal at all and quite ridiculous to be honest. Even if you were to look at American issues: the ghettos, the lack of healthcare access the poor get, incarceration rates, the drug epidemic, these are all much bigger affecting tens of millions of people. The whole GLBT thing has a lot more to do with classism and a very subtle form of racism than a real pressing issue.

Just because it is a 'first-world issue' doesn't make it not important.


Active Member
So because you consider it a "low" amount it isn't worthy of caring? :facepalm:
We're arguing whether or not it should be classified as an "issue". I'm not saying I don't care, I'm saying that my use of the word "issue" is clearly more appropriate than yours.
Just because it is a 'first-world issue' doesn't make it not important.
Such "issues" take a backseat to things statistically more prevalent. They're low priorities, if we can even prioritize something so statistically unlikely.

That's why we don't class things statistically minuscule as "issues". They don't warrant any real discussion. It's unimportant. To do so is to disregard the legitimacy of real problems.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Of course hate crimes and discrimination against LGBT people is an issue. So are all the other examples where people are killed, mistreated, lacking the basic amenities of life, etc. They all have special interest groups working to solve those problems and raise awareness so let's not play this game.