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Soka Gakkai

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I'm personally not a big fan albiet I softened my stance over SGI since the conference at Berkley. There were some intresting exchanges that were brought up at Berkley between Zen and Soka Gakkai practitioners, yet this sect is not formally recognised as a Buddhist school.

The basics stem from Nichiren Buddhism, but split and subsequently had adapted cult like traits under Ikeda and promoted active proselytizing and doctrinal controls to reign in and retain it's membership. Their focus is on the Lotus sutra.

From an organisational standpoint their methods are strikingly similer to Christianitys JW's.


Well-Known Member
I am not a member of SGI, but I have been to a Nichiren Shoshu temple several times and SGI's practices and philosophy are based off of Nichiren Shoshu so I'll give a bit of input. Like Nowhere said, you'll find an extreme emphasis on the Lotus Sutra and the practice of Daimoku (reciting Nam myoho renge kyo). Nichiren, the founder of Nichiren Buddhism, taught that by practicing recitation of the Daimoku, one can reach enlightenment within one's lifetime. This is because, according to Nichiren (as well as other Buddhist thinkers to some extent), all people have an innate Buddha-nature, that is, all people have the potential to become a Buddha. With the help of the Daimoku, we are able to realize this innate nature we all have.

While I appreciate some aspects of Nichiren Shoshu, I am not a huge fan. For one, they emphasize on the fact that Nichiren is a latter-day Buddha, being superior to Gotama Buddha. Another thing that bothered me, was, like I have heard about SGI, they seem a bit "cultish" in nature IMO.

(Sorry about answering a question in a DIR, but I felt like I needed to share my knowledge :eek: )
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My sincere advice would be so stay away. The leader of this cult is a very ego-driven man whose main goals seem to be power and political influence in Japan (think evangelical Xian Right in US).

It also seems odd that "Buddhist" practitioners would be encouraged to mumble a phrase in a language they don't understand, with the hope that this will bring them material gain in the present life (SGI members are encouraged to chant for new cars, houses, etc.)

If Gotama could see SGI, I'm not sure he would approve. You're much better off just reading the Lotus Sutra in English, rather than chanting its title in Japanese like it's an incantation. It's not.