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Solution to Terrorism - Children Massacre - Lesson


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you.

These days many events of oppression and brutality are happening in those countries which call themselves Islamic. Such happenings are taking place in other places too but not on such high scale. In physically advanced countries, when oppression is done by any person from government or by any group or by an individual, loud protest is heard. Few days ago, there were protests in America.

True Islamic teaching strongly commands believers to exercise love and goodwill but today’s governments, groups and organizations who call themselves Muslims are very much practicing oppression to gain their personal benefits. Thus going opposite to the true Islamic teaching is ‘Islam and peace’ according to them.

These days many extremist organizations are surfaced up on the name of Islam or with claim to impose Islam. They are committing such heinous acts which make a human wonder whether they are human or lesser than beasts in the disguise of human.

Recently, a situation of oppression developed in Pakistan, which was worst example of brutality, it made everyone cried and restless

Similar bloodshed of Ahmadis was done in mosques in Lahore (Pakistan) four and half years ago which was mentioned in five worst event of its kind by some TV channels…..The difference was that in the case of oppression to Ahmadis, government did not pay much attention and many of common people did not raised voice, perhaps due to fear of fanatic maulvis (clergies)

Reminder from May 2010 : Death toll rises to 98 in Pakistan attacks - CNN.com

Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (a.t.) said: But we Ahmadis have mercy for humanity, we become restless by seeing humanity in trouble. Thus our hearts feel pain for the pain of our people of our country, who are called Muslims.

In recent incidence in Pakistan, majority of the victims were innocent children. Among the martyrs, there were children of 5 or 6 years of age too. There were from 10 to 13 and older. They did not know much about terrorism and religious differences……May Allah the Exalted wrap them in His mughferat (cover and help) and mercy; grant patience to their parents.

These children were martyred because so called Shariah enforcers wanted to take revenge from Army….What is their concept of Shariah? It is in contrast to the teaching of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) He (s.a.w.) forbade to kill women and children in war. Once during a war, a companion killed a Jewish child, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) made the companion accountable, and when he tried to explain, Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) asked him, ‘was he not a child of human? ’

Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) established honour of humanity but these terrorists are acting oppositely on the name of Islam, which made everyone sad – Muslims or non Muslims alike. Church of England has mentioned its sorrow over the incident and they prayed in their way…… But the sympathizers of terrorist organizations, not one or two, three or four of them, jointly stated that they are not sorry for the incident.

Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (may Allah be his Helper) received letters from many Ahmadis that how much they felt unrest the whole day of the event. Huzur (a.t.) himself felt very much about the news. Such state of heart becomes prayer for the destruction of terrorists . He prayed May Allah the Exalted clean Pakistan and other Islamic countries from these cruels. These incidents reminded one the oppressions against Ahmadis. May Allah have mercy on children and be Provider for the children who lost parents.

Such events are painful saga of all Muslim countries; Iraq, Syria, and Libya are witnessing oppression. The more painful is that these cruelties are taking place on the name of Allah and His Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him)…..In Syria, about 1,30,000 people have lost lives in government and Sunni discords; among them children are 6,600; more than one third who have lost lives, are civilians.…..ISIS is killing thousands of people. They have killed hundreds of women and girls because they refused to marry them…..Some sources says the numbers are much higher.

The minds of those who understand the truth of Islam boggle when they see all these cruelties are taking place on the name of Islam, they ask:

= What is ‘this Islam’ of terrorists?

= Is it happening on the name of Allah – The Rahman (Gracious), The Ra’uf (Compassionate), The Rahim (Merciful)? Who is merciful beyond comprehension.

= Is it happening on the name of Messenger who is [21:108] ‘…..rahmatul lil’aalameen’ (mercy for all worlds)?

= Is it taking place on the name of Shariah which commands to show justice with enemy too.

Holy Quran [ch5:v9] ‘O ye who believe! be steadfast in the cause of Allah, bearing witness in equity; and let not a people’s enmity incite you to act otherwise than with justice. Be always just, that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah. Surely, Allah is aware of what you do.’

May these people who use the name of Islam check themselves whether they are drawing the true picture of Islam.

= Will the children, who saw their peers dying in terrorist acts, ever consider these cruels as Muslims? And what the children will think about Islam? ….Thus these cruels are also pushing children away from Islam.

May clergies do not drive the progenies away from Islam on the name of Jihad. May they accept the Imam of era and follow true teaching of Islam and let others do too. …. The ardent devotee of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) i.e. the Promised Messiah (a.s.) told these Maulovis (clergies) :

‘The Maulowis will do Islam a great favour if they can unite to dispel this notion [extremism, wrong understanding of Jihad] from the minds of ignorant Muslims. In so doing, they will not only help to reveal the excellences and beauties of Islam, but will also remove the aversion which religious opponents have for it on account of their misconceptions…’ (How to be Free from Sin, p. 13)

But these clergies do not pay heed to these words of peace. They keep personal benefit and politics above the prestige of Islam. Even they have not shown strong emotions of sadness and anger over Peshawar incidence. They should remember the commandment ‘wattaqullah’ (fear Allah, act righteous as Allah said). Allah has knowledge of everything. This knowledge is not just to for storage but each act of human decides his fate. Oppressors surely sees their bad end…The advice of Imam of age reforms physical life and Hereafter.

Allah says about those profess Kalima: [ch 48:v30] ‘…tender amongst themselves…’ but what terrorists are doing? Cruelty to own people. Killed about 150,000 in one country and children in school. Do they think they shall be spared? :

[ch4:v94] ‘And whoso kills a believer intentionally, his reward shall be Hell wherein he shall abide. And Allah will be wroth with him and will curse him and will prepare for him a great punishment.’

And Allah further states as to who a true believer is:

[ch4:v95] ‘…and say not to anyone who greets you with the greeting of peace, ‘Thou art not a believer.’

So called clergies teach extremism to ignorant. Then they kill innocent children who go to school to become good part of society. Perhaps these extremist take Hell lightly. They do not have belief in Allah and in Hereafter. Their deeds do not bring any good in this life too:

[ch8:v47] ‘And obey Allah and His Messenger and dispute not with one another, lest you falter and your power depart from you. And be steadfast; surely, Allah is with the steadfast.’

The above words are being true 100 % for state of Muslims today. Their mutual fights have finished their power. Their many countries have become battle fields. Their leaders have shaken hands with western countries. They do have their own organization but equal to nothing. They have no mutual unity and no status in comparison to non Muslim countries. Their leaders are controlled by large powers. If their presidents, prime ministers or commanders of forces are well received by big powers, they feel as if they have gotten bounties of both worlds. They are leaned towards world and think it is means of their survival. And they have no room for God the Exalted.

How many things should be counted? They feel effects of oppression for few days, then again they fall as toys in the hands of oppressors. It will not change unless their leaders and commons:

= listen to God.

= do justice to foe.

= progress in peace.

= create goodwill.

= Governments take care of subjects and subjects obey governments.

= have fear of God.

We feel the pain of Muslim Ummah as they belong to our Master (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). The Imam of age has taught us in a poetic way:


O heart! Have concession for these people and be compassionate towards them

After all they claim to love my Prophet.

They are cruel to us but we do not take revenge and pray for them as Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) taught us in line of Islamic teaching.

He taught:

‘True believers and Muslims are enjoined to be gentle and compassionate.’

‘Each person should look at himself every day and see as to how much he cares about these matters and how much compassion and good will he has for his brothers.’

‘The common purpose of the advent of all Prophets is to establish true and real love of God and to instill special import in love for and rights of humanity and among brothers. Until these are practiced all matters are merely ceremonial.’

‘Be compassionate to God’s people and do not oppress them with your tongue, hand or by any other means. Always endeavour for the good of humanity. Do not feel arrogant towards anyone even if they are your subordinate and do not verbally abuse anyone even if they verbally abuse you. Become meek, forbearing and good of intention and be sympathetic to mankind so that you are accepted.’

‘What does God want from you but this that you treat all humanity with fairness? More than this do good to those who have never done good to you and more than this be compassionate to God’s creatures as if they were your next of kin; as mothers are with their children…The ultimate degree of good is borne of natural instincts like those of a mother.’

== Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (a.t.) asked to pray for all oppressed in world.

== He (a.t.) narrated:

-- detailed events: Taliban abducted and slaughtered an Ahmadi cultivator,

-- about a pious Arab lady,

-- about an Egyptian Ahmadi who remained steadfast.

DETAILS IN: Friday sermon of Dec, 19, 2014 by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (may Allah help him with His Might Help), UK, alislam.org and mta.tv