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Some figures

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
from "Meet the Press"

  • Number of deaths due to four Florida hurricanes in 2004: 117
  • Number of deaths due to Aceh earthquake and tsunami in 2004: 140,000+
  • Homeless due to Florida hurricanes: 11,000
  • Homeless due to Aceh earthquake/tsunami: 5,000,000
  • US government aid to help Florida hurricane victims: $2.04 billion
  • US government aid to help Aceh earthquake/tsunami victims: $350 million [after the initial offer of $35 million]
  • Estimated cost of George Bush's upcoming inauguration celebration, not including security costs: $40 million
  • US government direct cost, per hour, of the US war in Iraq: $9 million
  • Yearly rate of al Qaeda expenses in Iraq, according to Osama bin Laden - $14.1 million.
  • Tsunami aid initially pledged by Denmark - $15.5 million.
  • Taypayer funds paid by Florida's Governor Jeb Bush for state's new 'People First' payroll software that can't calculate 2004 overtime pay owed to state employees until 2005 - $350 million
  • Halliburton's income from US government contracts alone in 2003 --$4.2 billion.
  • Amount of US money given away to Iraqi ministries by the US that cannot be accounted for - $8.8 billion.
  • Amount of Iraq's prewar debt US seeks to persuade other nations to forgive - $120 billion.
  • US Costs of Iraq War to date - $147.6 billion and rising.
  • US projected Costs of the Iraq War per month beyond 2004 - $4 billion.


Veteran Member
Thank you netdoc..frubars for the find. Think i need to send those figures out to some of my friends on the net. Knowledge is power ya know.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
So, what's your point NetDoc? I'd say that some of those Iraq War figures could be off by as much as $50 or $60 dollars. I'm sure Halliburton has just barely cleared $4 Billion. Typical left wing radical, trying to make things sound worse than they are!! :sarcastic


Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Do you realise how much grief I took as a Christian that was against Bushie???

Especially when you consider my "Only use the Bible to define Christianity" stance.

They just don't see the snake in the grass.


Veteran Member
NetDoc said:
Do you realise how much grief I took as a Christian that was against Bushie???

Especially when you consider my "Only use the Bible to define Christianity" stance.

They just don't see the snake in the grass.
I can only imagine Doc. If you feel like venting you should--we're here for you. Any fellow pacifist is a friend of mine. Christians killing for Christ makes as much as sense as hindu's killing for Gandhi.
robtex said:
Thank you netdoc..frubars for the find. Think i need to send those figures out to some of my friends on the net. Knowledge is power ya know.
Yes, excellent find...um, where exactly did you find these figures again?

TVOR said:
I'm sure Halliburton has just barely cleared $4 Billion. Typical left wing radical, trying to make things sound worse than they are!! :sarcastic
What's the deal with Halliburton, anyway? I hear a lot of my liberal friends make accusations about Cheney and Bush being paid off by Halliburton....is there any evidence to back this up, or is this just wild speculation? Is the President currently under investigation for this? Have any newspapers uncovered a money trail?

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
I was looking for info on James Dobson yesterday and wandered over this site that attributed these figures to "Meet the Press"

They sound about right, but I did not verify them at all.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Mr_Spinkles said:
What's the deal with Halliburton, anyway? I hear a lot of my liberal friends make accusations about Cheney and Bush being paid off by Halliburton....is there any evidence to back this up, or is this just wild speculation? Is the President currently under investigation for this? Have any newspapers uncovered a money trail?
A fair question, Spinkles. I'll take my best shot at it.

To my knowledge, Bush does not have any direct (or indirect) ties to Halliburton, although they may, in fact, exist. Whether he realizes any direct benefit from contracts awarded to Halliburton is beyond my knowledge at this time. That is not to say that Bush does NOT derive benefits from these contracts - those types of deals never see the light of day - but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

As for Dick Cheney - that is another matter. Prior to re-entering the federal government in his current capacity, Cheney was the CEO of Halliburton, and owned a considerable amount of stock - how much stock, I don't know, but I'm sure you could look it up as a matter of public record if you chose to. Without doing the research, I would be willing to gamble that the stock owned by Cheney was not common stock, but probably preferred stock - as part of the "golden parachute" compensation package he received as CEO. At any rate, to preclude a potential conflict of interest, Cheney resigned as the CEO of Halliburton prior to taking his post in the Federal Government. This is fine, as far as it went. The problem is, he did not divest himself of his holdings in the company, but rather, he placed those (quite substantial) holdings in a blind trust - as if anyone would be naive enough to believe that within two weeks of completion of his duties for the government, he will not take the holdings back out of the blind trust and, VOILA!! they have now tripled or quadrupled in value!! Who could have seen that coming?
So, in direct answer to your direct question (is Cheney being paid off by Halliburton), the short answer is no, not at this time. The answer to the bigger question (will Cheney benefit monetarily from these huge Defense contracts that Halliburton is awarded) the answer is an obscenely large YES. Yes, to the point of "profiteering" as some people have defined it over the course of history in our nation.

Back to Bush -
This is all speculation on my part, but I would be willing to guess that if someone dug into it, they would discover that Halliburton employs (or will employ) several people that are related to the Bush family (if they don't already sit on the Board of Directors at Halliburton). I would also be willing to guess that Halliburton does a fair amount of business with some companies owned by the extended Bush family - at some pretty extraordinary prices. Nothing wrong with any of that, mind you - just don't try to tell me that it is coincidental, as will be the timing of Cheney's retrieval of the holdings from the blind trust upon his leaving the federal government.


Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Yes... it had an URL.

I can't remember the URL (cut and paste) but they referenced Meet the Press. Was it a compilation? Who knows. When I have a moment, I will try to re-find it.

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
Mr_Spinkles said:
Yes, excellent find...um, where exactly did you find these figures again?

What's the deal with Halliburton, anyway? I hear a lot of my liberal friends make accusations about Cheney and Bush being paid off by Halliburton....is there any evidence to back this up, or is this just wild speculation? Is the President currently under investigation for this? Have any newspapers uncovered a money trail?
Who cares about that?! He's not indulging in sex games with a White House intern on his desk then why should anyone give a toss what he's up to?

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
lady_lazarus said:
Who cares about that?! He's not indulging in sex games with a White House intern on his desk then why should anyone give a toss what he's up to?
What a hideous thing to do!! Why, I'd say that if a President did that, we might have well over 1,000 young soldiers killed and another 9,000 wounded - not to mention the 100,000 or so Iraqis that could be killed. Oh - wait - my bad - I got confused there for a minute.

Never mind.


Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
The Voice of Reason said:
What a hideous thing to do!! Why, I'd say that if a President did that, we might have well over 1,000 young soldiers killed and another 9,000 wounded - not to mention the 100,000 or so Iraqis that could be killed. Oh - wait - my bad - I got confused there for a minute.

Never mind.

Ah, but the economies of small cigar producing nations are now hanging by the thinnest of threads.