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Some More Qualities – To be Developed in Ramadhan.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you…. It is the duty of Jama'at of true believers that they should remember and remind others about the directives given by Allah the Exalted in Holy Quran….This reminding should be done by all Murabbiyan / missionaries, and by all office-holders at all levels of Jama'at. It is the service to help Khilafat’s functions. It can bring revolutionary change in Jama'at. The person who reminds others should first check him or herself.

With regard to get nearness of Allah in Ramadhan, some qualities of true believers were mentioned previously; which were --- to be humble, avoiding arrogance and to pay rights of worship of Allah and rights of various section of creation of Allah.

Furthermore, true believers should check and rectify their weaknesses in Ramadhan.

The standards of those who believe Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) should be very high….

== They should be fasting in Ramadhan (there should be proper justification for no fasting),

== They should offer worship in most excellent way, and

== They should read Holy Quran during Ramadhan….In this month, the angel Hazrat Jibraeel (who brought revelation) used to specifically have Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) repeat the Holy Quran….So we should pay special attention to recitation of Holy Quran and search commandments and practice them.

== Offer Tahajjud Salaat (or Taraweeh after Ishaa Salaat – initiated by Hazrat Umer r.a. for those who could not wake for Tahajjud in Ramadhan ).. Tahajjud is encouraged even outside of Ramadhan. However it is not a must condition for fasting.


Allah says:

[ch2:v22] 'O ye people, worship your Rabb (Lord) Who created you and those who were before you, that you may become righteous.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) explains: 'O people worship the God Who has created you…He alone is worthy of worship Who has created you, that is, He alone is Ever-Living, so it is Him you should love. Thus faithfulness is in having a special connection with God and in considering everything else nothing compared to Him.' (Tafseer Hazrat Masih e Maud, Vol. I, p. 454)

Intellectually, we know that God made us, and we also believe so. He is Everlasting and listens to prayers and we should love Him…..Ramadhan provides special atmosphere to make these ties with Him.

Worship helps to recognize God, to gain righteousness, and to learn divine attributes……The verse states: '…worship your Rabb (Lord)…' The Arabic word Rabb رب is a Divine attribute which means : to create, to nurture and to develop…..Thus proper worship will help absorb physical and spiritual benefits of Divine quality Rabb. Worship will enhance our righteousness beyond Ramadhan.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said: The fact is that the reason for the creation of man is worship of God alone. As stated elsewhere: 'And I have not created the Jinn and the men but that they may worship Me.' (51:57). In truth worship is when man clears the terrain of his heart from all manner of crookedness and hardness just as a farmer prepares his land.' (Tafseer Hazrat Masih Maud, Vol. V, p. 237)


Allah also commands:

[8:28] 'O ye who believe! Do not betray Allah and the Messenger while youso oftenbetray your trusts and you know it.'

The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said that belief and disbelief, veracity and falsehood cannot co-exist in a person's heart. Similarly trust and betrayal of trust cannot co-exist. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) also said: A believer may have bad habits aside from falsehood and betraying trusts; he cannot (by definition) have these two habits.

The above saying of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) explain very well that the heart of a believer cannot breach trusts in three situations: sincerity in doing work for the sake of God, wishing well for all Muslims and living in harmony with Jama'at/community.

The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) included avoiding and shunning betrayal in his second condition of Bai'at (as dishonesty).

Every Ahmadi makes pledge at their respective meetings, these pledges are also trusts and not fulfilling them is betrayal of trust. It is also important to be connected and obedient to Khilafat and this is repeated in the pledges.

In domestic matters after marriage young men and women have some rights over each other and fulfilling these rights is a trust….The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) has strictly said that that a man who has haq mehr (dowry) fixed at marriage with no intention to pay it is an adulterer and a person who takes a loan with no intention of paying it back is a thief.

Some people trust others but when seek advice they are not given proper advice..... Some lawyers give incorrect or careless advice to asylum seekers but pocket their fees. This is betrayal of trust.

The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said, 'a man who does not repent and give up trespass of the eye, betrayal of trust, bribery and every other unwarrantable means is not from my Jama'at. Every husband who betrays the trust of his wife and every wife who betrays the trust of her husband is not from my Jama'at. After accepting God as One it is essential not to usurp the rights of His creation. A person who usurps his brother and betrays him is not an adherent of 'there is none worthy of worship except Allah…… Raiment of righteousness is a Quranic idiom. This indicates that spiritual beauty and spiritual elegance comes from righteousness. And righteousness is abiding by all trusts of God and pledges of faith as well as all trusts and pledges of mankind to the best of one's abilities. That is, practice their deeper and finer points to the best of one's capacities.'

All obligations and rights given to us are trusts. If we wish to seek God's beneficence we must abide by all trusts given to us.


Commandment of Allah which enhances societal harmony:

[3:135] 'Those who spend in prosperity and adversity, and those who suppress anger and pardon people; and Allah loves those who do good.’

A society is truly like a paradise where rights of each other are fulfilled by making sacrifices. The companions of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) showed it by their practices: '…but prefer others to themselves even though poverty be their own lot…' (59:10)…..

Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) showed the best example who even forgave the killer of his daughter.

Once someone was abusive to Hazrat Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) in the presence of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). Hazrat Abu Bakr (r.a.) did not reply and Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) kept smiling. When the abuser exceeded, Hazrat Abu Bakr (r.a.) replied harshly it made Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) unhappy and left. Latter at the request of Hazrat Abu Bakr (r.a.), Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) explained: As long as you were silent in the face of the man's abuse Allah’s angel was responding on your behalf. But when you responded Satan came…….Obviously Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) could not have stayed.

Hazrat 'Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) once said that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) did not ever retaliate any personal abuse.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said: Indeed, the perfect man, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) was severely persecuted. He was verbally abused and mischief was made against him. But the embodiment of high morals responded by praying for his abusers because God had promised to safeguard his life and honour if he stayed away from the ignorant and he was promised that people of lax morals would not be able to attack him. Indeed this is what happened. These people were disgraced and they either fell down in his feet submitting to him or they were ruined.

To follow his master (s.a.w.), Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) showed exemplary model. Once, during the court case involving Dr Martyn Clark, Maualwi Batalawi was to give testimony against the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). In order to weaken his testimony the Promised Messiah's lawyer asked the clergy some contemptuous questions regarding his parentage in court. The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) stopped his lawyer from asking questions of such nature and promptly put his hand on the lawyer's mouth to prevent him from speaking. Thus, he put himself in danger in court but safeguarded the honour of his sworn enemy……This is how anger is suppressed, people are pardoned and kindness is shown to them.

The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said: True believers are those who suppress anger and forgive attacks of crude and cruel people and do not respond to rudeness with rudeness. He advised his Jama'at and said, the purpose of preparing this Jama'at is to instill righteousness in speech, hearing, sight and every other faculty and a person has the light of righteousness inside and outside and is an excellent model of good morals with no unwarrantable anger and fury. He said he has observed that people in the Jama'at still had the failing of short temper and racncour and malice is developed on little issues and they fight with each other. Such people have nothing to do with the Jama'at. He said: I do not understand the problem in keeping quiet in response to an abusive person! and do not answer. Reformation of every community starts first with morals. What is needed is to progress in patience initially and the best way is to pray with heart-felt compassion for anyone who is abusive that Allah may correct the person. Rancour and malice should not be increased in heart. As world has laws, God too has laws The world does not give up its laws, why would Allah the Exalted give up His? Unless you bring about change, you will have no value near Him. God the Exalted does not like that instead of the fine qualities of forbearance, patience and forgiveness there is barbarity. If you develop in high morals, you will reach God very quickly.

May Allah the Exalted enable us to increase the quality of our worships, and to make them permanent; may we permanently establish our morals and quality of paying rights. Those who serve Jama'at in any capacity, they should present their lead role models inside houses and outside..Pray very much for the progress of Jama'at and safety from the very dangerous plans of opponents of Jama'at, pray very much for the victory of Islam – while praying for selves.

Reference, Based on : Friday Sermon: Self-Reformation and helping others Reform
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