The Kilted Heathen
Crow FreyjasmaðR
It's certainly hard to misquote - or quote at all - when you delete your posts. Yet from what can be seen still, you were comparing Odin to the Luciferian "idea" of Satan and Lucifer. Heathens worship Odin, not an idea of Odin - that doesn't even match the Allfather - that can be called a number of other names and remain the same.Obviously odin isnt lucifer or satan. Stop misquoting
So my post - and what you call "misquoting" is still absolutely applicable.
In Heathenry, our Kindreds are built off trust and community, not how many pews we fill. It is absolutely counter-productive to that foundation to go door-to-door, trying to bring in as many strangers as we can. We would know nothing about them, or whether they belong in our community or not.And why don't they?
The Gods can speak well enough for themselves, and they don't need us to pester people. Whether one believes in them or not, they will remain and do what they do for us, and life will go on.