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Select the ones that you agree with:

  • 01: A useful video

  • 02: A useless video

  • 03: I like the video

  • 04: I don't like this video

  • 05: This was new to me

  • 06: This was known to me

  • 07: RF video should be under 03 min

  • 08: RF video should be under 05 min

  • 09: RF video should be under 10 min

  • 10: I prefer the poster gives some highlights (using mm:ss) in the OP

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Veteran Member
Speak Your Truth

Below video is ca. 30 minutes, and I had many times the thought "this feels good what she says here". Personally I think it makes sense what she says. Her frequency idea reminds me of the "aura" concept. I think that her way of describing things are easy to understand, and practical.

Note: I put it in "General Debates", because all can reply as they like (Discussion Forum is less free).

In short about the video below:
She describes "our truth" as "our frequency". All have their own frequency/truth. There is no right/wrong in my truth/believe. It is not about "changing the other into your truth". Gradually we all shift our frequency/truth in a higher truth. This goes slowly/gradually. Just by "standing in your own truth" you radiate your frequency. It's good to speak out your truth, and there is no need to tell others that their truth is wrong. By speaking out your truth, the other will, if it feels good to him, change by himself, without you needing to try to convince him.

Why I include a poll:
* I like to know if people are interested in this kind of information
* I am curious what people on RF prefer as maximum length of a video, so that next time I can take that into consideration
(if you choose 03min+05min it means that you prefer <03min, but <05min is also oke)



Veteran Member
Speak Your Truth

Below video is ca. 30 minutes, and I had many times the thought "this feels good what she says here". Personally I think it makes sense what she says. Her frequency idea reminds me of the "aura" concept. I think that her way of describing things are easy to understand, and practical.

Note: I put it in "General Debates", because all can reply as they like (Discussion Forum is less free).

In short about the video below:
She describes "our truth" as "our frequency". All have their own frequency/truth. There is no right/wrong in my truth/believe. It is not about "changing the other into your truth". Gradually we all shift our frequency/truth in a higher truth. This goes slowly/gradually. Just by "standing in your own truth" you radiate your frequency. It's good to speak out your truth, and there is no need to tell others that their truth is wrong. By speaking out your truth, the other will, if it feels good to him, change by himself, without you needing to try to convince him.

Why I include a poll:
* I like to know if people are interested in this kind of information
* I am curious what people on RF prefer as maximum length of a video, so that next time I can take that into consideration
(if you choose 03min+05min it means that you prefer <03min, but <05min is also oke)
I'm afraid this is exactly the kind of thing I really have no time for.

It seems meaningless from the start. What does "speaking our (our?) truth" or, even worse, "being in our truth" mean?

And then she talks some rubbish about "alchemising density" into either "light" or "life" - not clear from the recording which it is and one can't work it out from the context since neither makes any sense.

And that is just the opening sentences. I'm afraid I gave up at that point. I couldn't face more of it, to find out what she means about "frequency". What's for sure is it won't make any sense.

Anybody who hijacks terms from science to talk rubbish with them forfeits my respect.

But on the general questions about videos I think it is important that if a video is cited, it either needs to be very short - 5 min max - or else the poster needs to summarise what it says and possibly direct readers to the point in the video at which a key point or illustration is made, to save them watching the whole thing. We can read 5 paragraphs of text in about 3 minutes. Most videos take about 15 mins to give you the same amount of information. I am personally unwilling to spend more than 5 mins watching a video unless someone has given me a really compelling reason to do so.
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Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
In short about the video below:
She describes "our truth" as "our frequency". All have their own frequency/truth. There is no right/wrong in my truth/believe. It is not about "changing the other into your truth". Gradually we all shift our frequency/truth in a higher truth. This goes slowly/gradually. Just by "standing in your own truth" you radiate your frequency. It's good to speak out your truth, and there is no need to tell others that their truth is wrong. By speaking out your truth, the other will, if it feels good to him, change by himself, without you needing to try to convince him.

I'm not exactly sure what is meant by frequency, didn't watch btw so just going by what you said, sounds a bit new age. Which is ok for one's own mental massage but I don't much care for it.

The rest is ok, I am comfortable with my truth. Don't need approval for it or to try and convince others.


Veteran Member
I'm afraid this is exactly the kind of thing I really have no time for.
Thank you. I appreciate your generous feedback.

But on the general questions about videos I think it is important that if a video is cited, it either needs to be very short - 5 min max - or else the poster needs to summarise what it says and possibly direct readers to the point in the video at which a key point or illustration is made, to save them watching the whole thing. We can read 5 paragraphs of text in about 3 minutes. Most videos take about 15 mins to give you the same amount of information. I am personally unwilling to spend more than 5 mins watching a video unless someone has given me a really compelling reason to do so.
Thank you.
Good to know, that textreading is 5 times more time-efficient, I did not know it was that much. I keep that in mind when posting again. And I agree, when I see a RF video and it's about 2-3 minutes I start with a smile, 5 minutes still oke, but I also prefer to keep it below 5 minutes. Good to hear. Usually I always do this, but was curious if it's appreciated by others. Personally I find above 3 minutes the limit without directing to the main points OR a little summary.
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Veteran Member
I'm not exactly sure what is meant by frequency,
Human Aura: The invisible field of electromagnetic energy. Different auras have different colors = frequency.
This aura is your truth/being, that is what you send out to others.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
Human Aura: The invisible field of electromagnetic energy. Different auras have different colors = frequency.
This aura is your truth/being, that is what you send out to others.

Have you seen these auras?


Veteran Member
Thank you. I appreciate your generous feedback.

Thank you.
Good to know, that textreading is 5 times more time-efficient, I did not know it was that much. I keep that in mind when posting again. And I agree, when I see a RF video and it's about 2-3 minutes I start with a smile, 5 minutes still oke, but I also prefer to keep it below 5 minutes. Good to hear. Usually I always do this, but was curious if it's appreciated by others. Personally I find above 3 minutes the limit without directing to the main points OR a little summary.
Yes, it depends a lot on how interested you are in the topic and whether you know if the video has been made by a respected authority. I would watch 5 minutes of Carl Sagan, or Rowan Williams, or Richard Feynman with great pleasure. Deepak Chopra? I might give him 30 seconds max. :confused:


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
No, I can't see auras myself.

Me either, so can't really support the idea much.
Personally I think feelings are more involved. Truth, expressing your truth supports your happiness. Telling lies generally suppresses one's happiness. If our goal is happiness, for me, I think it is, then being truthful makes being happier easier. If we are happy we do seem to radiate that happiness out into the universe which the universe seems to respond to.


Veteran Member
Truth, expressing your truth supports your happiness. Telling lies generally suppresses one's happiness.
That's also my experience. If I go against my conscience, immediately I feel depressed, and when I follow my conscience I feel happy.


Veteran Member
Truth, expressing your truth supports your happiness.
Truth = God the wise declared

I read your link. This seems to give the same advise how to live a happy live. Nice to see the East is meeting the West:
Cynicism (philosophy) - Wikipedia

My Master told me "Always speak the Truth, that's all that is needed ... all the rest will come to you". And He added "Never lie, not even a white lie, because it will always come back to you; just use your brains and give a smart reply".

My Master illustrated this with an anecdote: Hunter in the forest chasing a deer asked the Saint he met "Did you see the deer I chase?" The Saint adhering to speaking the truth and non-violence, answered "my eyes can't speak, and my mouth can't see"; thereby he avoided a white lie).

Origin of Ramayana (Hindu scripture) also shows the importance of speaking the truth and not lie:
A thief went to a Master to become His disciple. His first question was "do I have to quit stealing?". No, I only ask from you to speak the truth. this thief became the writer of the Ramayana, one of the most read books on earth
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Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
I'm afraid this is exactly the kind of thing I really have no time for.

It seems meaningless from the start. What does "speaking our (our?) truth" or, even worse, "being in our truth" mean?

And then she talks some rubbish about "alchemising density" into either "light" or "life" - not clear from the recording which it is and one can't work it out from the context since neither makes any sense.

And that is just the opening sentences. I'm afraid I gave up at that point. I couldn't face more of it, to find out what she means about "frequency". What's for sure is it won't make any sense.

Anybody who hijacks terms from science to talk rubbish with them forfeits my respect.

But on the general questions about videos I think it is important that if a video is cited, it either needs to be very short - 5 min max - or else the poster needs to summarise what it says and possibly direct readers to the point in the video at which a key point or illustration is made, to save them watching the whole thing. We can read 5 paragraphs of text in about 3 minutes. Most videos take about 15 mins to give you the same amount of information. I am personally unwilling to spend more than 5 mins watching a video unless someone has given me a really compelling reason to do so.
^ this


Well-Known Member

It's a garbage sentiment overriding the personal experience, sometimes hard, in understanding someone else.

It's actually insulting.


Well-Known Member
Speak Your Truth

Below video is ca. 30 minutes, and I had many times the thought "this feels good what she says here". Personally I think it makes sense what she says. Her frequency idea reminds me of the "aura" concept. I think that her way of describing things are easy to understand, and practical.

Note: I put it in "General Debates", because all can reply as they like (Discussion Forum is less free).

In short about the video below:
She describes "our truth" as "our frequency". All have their own frequency/truth. There is no right/wrong in my truth/believe. It is not about "changing the other into your truth". Gradually we all shift our frequency/truth in a higher truth. This goes slowly/gradually. Just by "standing in your own truth" you radiate your frequency. It's good to speak out your truth, and there is no need to tell others that their truth is wrong. By speaking out your truth, the other will, if it feels good to him, change by himself, without you needing to try to convince him.

Why I include a poll:
* I like to know if people are interested in this kind of information
* I am curious what people on RF prefer as maximum length of a video, so that next time I can take that into consideration
(if you choose 03min+05min it means that you prefer <03min, but <05min is also oke)

This lady is running totally emotionally. I see very little reason or Math involved. It's all about what Feels. I'm not sure she even knows what truth is. On the other hand, through the back door she teaches people not to control others. Control is one of the petty things mankind holds so dear. Maybe the video isn't all bad.

I think if we were to have a personal conversation, she would want to argue with me. On the other hand, Drama is where most of the learning takes place.

If I step off a High Rise Building, it doesn't matter what my truth or beliefs are. I'm going to fall. The equation has always been more than feeling.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!