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Spread Peace, No Jihad by Sword for Faith, Reform Selves, Blessed New Year! – 123 rd Jalsa Qadian


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you.:rose:

The Jalsa Salana-s (annual spiritual and moral gatherings) of Ahmadiyya Muslims worldwide are the means to teach the knowledge of the real teachings of Islam. They do internal cleansing and establish prestige of real Islam and Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) in the world……It was said by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah be his helper) in his concluding address of 123 rd Jalsa Salana Qadian India on 28 the December 2014…This address was also for the simultaneous Jalsa-s in Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Senegal and USA West Coast.

Earlier in Friday sermon of 26 th December 2014, the first day of Jalsa Salana Qadian

Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (may Allah be his Helper) from UK said that there was early time when Jalsa Salana would only take place in Qadian, India…..Then after the partition it also took place in Pakistan too, then a time came when opponents and governments made rules to stop Jalsa-s of Ahmadis along with other restrictions... Apparent restrictions cannot restrict hearts…..Despite suffering loss of lives, wealth and psychological persecution, Ahmadis continued to harbor the love of Allah the Exalted and Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) … They uniquely showed the practical love for kalmia [la elaha illallah muhammad ur rasul ullah : There is none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is His Messenger] when tried to stop its professing. …

There are fair minded people in the world who felt that this opposition to Ahmadis was in fact of opposition to Islam.

Despite all oppositions, now by the grace of Allah the Exalted, Jalsa Salana system initiated by Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) is taking place in many countries of the world.

There are many world leaders and many good natured Muslims who believe that Ahmadiyya Jalsa-s inform the world about beautiful picture of Islam…….

The world was to know about Islam through Jama'at Ahmadiyya because it is from the destinies of God the Exalted.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) has said loudly about it:

“Do not consider this Jalsa as common human Jalsa. It is that matter which is based upon pure support by Haqq (The Truth, God) and raising the word of Islam…..God the Exalted has laid the foundation stone of this Movement by His Hand. And nations have been made for it which will soon join in them because it is deed of that Qadir (The Capable) to Whom nothing is impossible. Soon the time comes but it is near that, in this religion, there will be no name left either of naturalism, or of those naturalist opponents who decrease things and worship fancies; deniers of miracles will not remain, and those who mix nonsense baseless anti-Quran traditions will not remain in them. And God the Exalted will establish the balanced path for this moderate and best Ummah in earth. The path which was brought by Quran. The path, which Messenger Karim (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) taught his Sahabah (Companions: may Allah be pleased with them). The guidance, which, Siddeeq (Truthul), Shaheed (Martyr) and Sulaha (Pious) would receive from the beginning. It will happen. Definitely it will happen. The one who has ear to hear, hear. Blessed are those people, to whom straight path is opened.”

Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (may Allah be his Helper) said that Allah the Exalted Himself has made the Jama'at to establish the Islam in its real shape. No opposition of any magnitude can fail it….. Ahmadis should remember their responsibilities. They have done Bai'at, they should self check and bring changes in their characters, which Allah the Exalted and Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) taught and Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) explained. Then they will become heir of his (a.s.) prayers. Pay rights of Allah and rights of people. Be tender hearted, show mutual love , humbleness and sacrifice. Remember the example of parents, they are happy with child who listens to them, serve and obey. Practice high morals, leave low desires, show goodwill, show kindness to whole world, give precedence to faith over worldly matters, strive in the way of Allah to see His paths. Be vigilant. System does its best but if something is felt short in arrangements of Jalsa, bear with patience. Pray for self and for each other and absorb blessings of Jalsa in the town of Promised Messiah (a.s.) where followers has come from Russia, America and Europe and other place for Jalsa. Pray for faith and adherence with Khilafat. May the world come under the flag of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) through his Promised Messiah (on whom be peace).

Latter on 28 th December 2014, in the Concluding Address of Jalsa Salana Qadian

Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (may Allah be his Helper) from UK said, as mentioned in the beginning of this essay, that Ahmadiyya Jalsa-s are means for internal spiritual learning and cleansing and to tell the world and to establish the real beautiful teaching of Islam and Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). They gather to put in practice, the knowledge of true Islam.

It is in contrast to what world sees from the defamers of Islam i.e. the organizations and groups which do not understand the truth of Islam, they are misusing history and mixing things for their selfish gains, they attribute thing to Islam which have nothing to do with Islam. These matter create wrong impression for the world that Islam is a terrorist religion. Ahmadis are victims of this terrorism too. An Ahmadi is martyred on 27 December in Guranwala Pakistan. [“….inna lillahe wa lnna elaihe raje’un” (2:157): Surely to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return]. We do not answer them back, not because of our weakness but because of our practice of true Islam.

Terrorists groups are hurting Islam and world due to their wrong concept of Jihad. The real Islam teaches to live with peace with others and Muslims.

These days Western Media is quite exaggerating against Islam. But initial mistake is from Muslim groups, it has to be admitted. But there are good writers too. Recently, a German journalist visited area under ISIS control. He is a fair minded person and understands the real teaching of Islam. He asked them repeatedly that they are trying to implement the teaching of Islam but Why practice on vast teaching of mercy and love in Quran is not seen in their conduct . They could neither deny him nor answered him !

“He said he reminded the fighters that most chapters of the Koran began with the words "Allah... most merciful".

"I asked: Where is the mercy? I never got the real answer."

Source: wwwDOTbbcDOTcom/news/world-middle-east-30585783

Thus it is not the duty of others that they write an occasional report in a column in favour of true teaching of Islam and Muslims should remain inactive.

Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (a.t.) said: It is our duty today that, in the representation of Promised-Messiah-of- Muhammad-(s.a.w.), we should inform the world about Islam’s teaching of peace and love everywhere at every level.

Promised Messiah like first Messiah was to convey mercy but he is much more in this because it is the teaching of Quran and ‘rahmatul lil’aalaameen’ (mercy of all worlds) Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) -- the perfect and last Prophet with Shariah. The beauty of Holy Quran shines as it used to 1400+ years ago. That is why Christian journalist could not see mercy of Islam in ISIS.

The Imam of era has presented this teaching . Ahmadis should adopt it and spread it to be in his force.

“Look! I have come to you people, carrying a commandment. It is that, from now jihad of sword is finished but jihad of purifying the selves remains. And I have not said it from myself, but the plan of God is this. Ponder the Hadith of sahih Bukhari where it is written about the description of Promised Messiah that ‘yadha ul harb’ i.e. when Messiah will come he will end the religious wars. Thus I order that those who are included in my force they should step back from such thoughts. Purify the hearts and increase their human mercy and become sympathizer for the afflicted ones. Spread peace on earth, that their religion will spread with it. And do not be surprised that how it will happen because AS God the Exalted, to fulfill physical needs, without through ordinary means, has used elements of earth and all things of earth in the new inventions of present time, and He has shown railway to run much faster than horses -- SIMILARLY now He, to fulfill spiritual needs, with no use of human hands, will use angels of heavens. Huge heavenly signs will appear and many shines will be produced, with which many eyes will be opened.”

Thus force of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) do not have to use apparent guns, they have to clean their selves, they have to spread peace of Islam as ambassador of Islam then world will love Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). They do not have to win bodies, they have to win hearts.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) further said that All passed true Muslims believed that Islam spread by its excellences not by sword. Quran asks to show good examples. Early Muslims were attacked then defended themselves. Islam does not need sword or gun.

In Quran, there is explanation at several places about ‘la ikraha fiddin……..’ (2:257) i.e. there should be no compulsion in religion. Quran clearly tells not to spread Islam with sword, but do it by virtuous models…Thus Islam does not ask that people should be made Muslim forcefully or they should be kept Muslims by coercion.

Islam does not ask the death penalty to those who leave Islam:

Holy Quran Translation: [5:55]

‘O ye who believe! Whoso among you turns back from his religion, then surely Allah will bring such a people (instead of him) whom He will love and who will love Him, and who will be kind towards believers, hard and firm against disbelievers. They will strive in the cause of Allah and will not fear the reproach of a fault-finder. That is Allah’s grace; He bestows it upon whomsoever He pleases; and Allah Grants Vastness (and is) All Knowing.’

Thus if death was penalty for those who leave Islam, mention of fear of death if left Islam should have been mentioned instead of fear from reproach of people. This verse negates compulsively someone keeping Muslim…It is between person and Allah the Exalted …Whoever accepts Islam does it at Will…..Those who accepts Islam by force, they do not present sacrifices, they do not compete with thousands without pay either. They do not give lives to defend faith.



Peace be upon you.

Islam spread in Africa and Hindustan by Dervesh-es (simple lifed preachers), in China by those who felt for Islam and preached there. They took the message of ‘la elaha illallah’ to the boundaries of Europe…..It can not be done by those who are forced to be Muslim and whose heart is disbeliever…It can only be done by those whose hearts are filled light of faith… If there was fear of sword thousands would have left…..In Europe, people accepted Islam at Will…..When Christians came in Spain they converted Muslims with force. Some Muslims saved their faith by hiding in caves for 150 / 200 years then they were sunk in sea by deceit.

Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (a.t.) met a Spanish woman during his tour of Spain. Huzur (a.t.) told her she seemed new convert to Islam. She replied that she is not a convert. Now they have gotten religious freedom and she returned to her original faith Islam. There are many like her………….There, a Spanish Christian Professor of History took Huzur (a.t.) to the remains of places of last Muslims and said : You should take this area back to revive Islam here. Huzur (a.t.) told him: Surely we shall take it; you took it with sword, we shall take it by sword of love as Messiah-of-Muhammad has taught us that he came to nullify extremist jihad. Beauty of Islam captivates hearts.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) said : “Promised Messiah has come in the world so that he should remove the thought of raising sword for the name of religion and prove by his arguments that Islam is such a religion which is absolutely not dependent on sword for its propagation. But the personal excellences of its teaching and its truths and knowledge and arguments and live supports of God the Exalted and signs and its personal absorption are such things which has always been the reason of its progress and propagation. That is why all those people -- who raise objection that Islam was spread by the force of sword -- should be aware that they are false in their this claim. The effects of Islam for their spread, are not dependent on any coercion……..Now God the Exalted wants and He has planned to remove all those objections from the pure being of Islam which are raised by wicked people at it. The objection raisers of propagation of Islam with sword will now be very ashamed.”

On the other side there are people who -- instead of accepting the one-sent-by-Allah, the true servant of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) to introduce the true Islam to world – blamed that the claimant has stopped the jihad by sword to please his worldly masters.

Let it be clear, the Master of Promised Messiah (a.s.) is Allah the Exalted. He is servant of Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) who is called ‘mercy for worlds’ by Allah the Exalted; he commanded Muslims to show mercy even in defensive wars; he never made anyone Muslim with sword; his wars were defensive and to establish peace……..Being the servant of khatamun nabiyeen [Muhammad : Seal of all Prophets, Best of all Prophets, Last Prophet with Last Religious Book], rahmatul lilaalaamin [mercy for all worlds] we do not need to blame back how much these people have damaged reputation of Islam by their actions.

But we, the followers of Messiah of Muhammad (s.a.w.) do loudly announce that Those who are truly practicing the Islam, are only servant of Messiah of Muhammad (s.a.w.)….. They, by fulfilling their promise, are telling the world by their words and deeds that true Islam is religion of peace. They are telling the world that the wars in earlier time were defensive and to maintain peace. They were like bitter pill by doctor, not to end the lives…..But current wars on the name of Islam have nothing to do with Islam. Today jihad is changed because no one tries to change faith of Muslims by sword…..It is time to do jihad with Tabligh (conveying message).

Allah does not do compulsion and did not teach Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) to do so:

[ch10:v100] And if thy Lord hadenforcedHis will, surely, all who are on the earth would have believed together. Wilt thou, then, force men to become believers?


Allah the Exalted is for everyone:

[ch1:v2] ‘All praise belong to Allah, Lord of all the world.’

When a true Muslim reads this verse, he believes that Allah is Lord of all people; Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, Christians too. How could he hate others? That is how Ahmadi Muslim understand about Allah – the Lord of people of all religions, nations, countries and cities. They try to connect everyone with Allah. They cannot praise Lord of all people and hate them too simultaneously…..Only Extremists do not know it or do not want to know it.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said that after coming of Promised Messiah, it is obligatory upon Muslims to avoid Jihad. Had he not come, there would have been an excuse. But he has come and they have seen day of promise therefore now those who raise sword for religion have no excuse before God the Exalted. One who understands Quran and Hadith , he can well understand that the way of Jihad of current savage like people is not Islamic Jihad but these are illicit acts due to excitement of nafse ammarah (untamed state of self which incites to evil) or due to vain desire of getting paradise, which are spread in Muslims. Ignorant clergies, may God give them guidance, have deceived common simple people very much and have declared such acts of clear oppression, mercilessness and anti-morals as key to paradise. Can it be a virtuous act that someone, whom we do not know, is walking in bazaar and we shoot him. If this is virtue then beast are more in it. Subhan Allah (Holy is Allah) how much those people were righteous and had spirit of Prophets when God commanded them in Mecca not to answer back evil even if they were cut in pieces. After getting this order they acted with humbleness and weak like infants as if they had no power in their arms…It is sad and shameful that we do not have any animosity with someone and we do not know him previously, he is buying something at shop for his children or doing some proper work and we, for no reason, fire at him with pistol and make his wife widow, his children orphans and his home a place of mourning…..This way is mentioned in which Hadith and Verse? Can any molvi (clergy) answer? Foolish have heard the name Jihad and then by this excuse they are trying to fulfill their low-self-desires.

Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help) said that Imam of era has taught the right education from Quran and Hadith to establish peace. Muslims should be happy that Allah the Exalted has fulfilled His promise and sent ardent devotee of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) to establish peace in the world through Islam. May they realize to get connected to Imam of age….. May we become model of beautiful teaching of Islam. May we establish love, peace, goodwill at each level and bring all world under the flag of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) to get them connected to ‘rabbil aalaamin’ Lord of all worlds/people with spreading love and removing hatred. May we realize how Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) served purpose of his Master Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and may we fulfill our responsibilities in this regard…..May Allah the Exalted save the world from disaster and conditions of fear. Pray for progress of Jama'at. May everyone reaches home safely. May eases come for Jama'at everywhere for Islam. May everyone is granted happy and blessed new year.[Aameen]


Based on:

Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (a.t.)’s

= Friday sermon, 26 th December 2014 and

=His address at 3rd day of 123 rd Jalsa Salana Qadian India


"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
Does your religion say the same daily prayers as Sunni and Shiites Islam??


Peace be upon you.
Does your religion say the same daily prayers as Sunni and Shiites Islam??

Peace be on you.
Ahmadiyya Muslims pray like sunni Muslims:

From official Ahmadiyya site
The Online Salät Guide @ Home Page

More @ Ahmadiyya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


source: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
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Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
For me, raised in a Christian atmosphere, it's very hard to see Islam as the Religion of Peace, when the world is under threat of muslim extremism by acts or brutal terror and murder.
I understand those that commit such acts are not a "few", but thousands.
ISIS alone claims 40 thousand fighters. News reports atrocities that alarm
those with moral values.
I appreciate reading posts here by people of Allah. I respect the kind words, and enjoy reading verses from the Qu'ran, promoting fairness, mercy, and peace.
However I've read a fair amount on the religion of Islam and the 1400 year history
seems tainted with conversion by sword and continues to this day.
Ease of travel, technological advancements in communications, and weapons have given extremists the ability to cause harm as never before.
I do understand that Christianity has it's share of murder, conversion by sword, enslaving indiginous peoples in the quest for gold, silver, spices, labor, and such.
Somewhere, somehow, the Chrisitan religions changed, stopped killing, murder, enslaving indiginous peoples.
It's almost like the Christian religion seemed to mature and take seriously the
peaceful message of Christianity.
Still I keep an open mind and heart and respect the message of Islam, respect those of the Islamic faith and appreciate those that post enlightening scripture and messages here.
And I thank you for that.


Active Member
Of course Islam is not inherently violent. It can be interpreted peacefully, violently or anything between. However, I would say that it's easier to interpret Islam violently than it is to interpret Buddhism violently.

Maybe a Muslim here can comment on this, I haven't got a chance to ask someone:
"Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loveth not aggressors." Nice! but then right after this:
"And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter."


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
I've read beautiful, kind, merciful, verses in the Qu'ran and just can't understand how such poeticly beautiful words can promote the extreme violence we see reported
on pulic media.
The free world is shaken and offended by the actions of so many thousands of islamics.
I understand the deep distrust of islamics by "infidels" tho I try not to be jaded
by the events we see unfold every day.

I keep an open mind about islam and pray that one day this insane violence will stop.


Peace be upon you.

Maybe a Muslim here can comment on this, I haven't got a chance to ask someone:

"Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loveth not aggressors."

Nice! but then right after this:

"And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter."

Peace be on you.
Thanks. First the verses, then answer:

[2:191] And fight in the cause of Allah against those who fight against you, but do not transgress. Surely, Allah loves not the transgressors.

[2:192] And kill them wherever you meet them and drive them out from where they have driven you out; for persecution is worse than killing. And fight them not in, and near, the Sacred Mosque until they fight you therein. But if they fight you, then fight them: such is the requital for the disbelievers.

[2:193] But if they desist, then surely Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful.

Translation from: Ahmadiyya Muslim site alislam.org/quran

a)----Above mentioned [2:191] is one of the earliest verse in which permission to Muslims was given. The very first was [22:40]:

[22:40] Permission to fight is given to those against whom war is made, because they have been wronged — and Allah indeed has power to help them —

[22:41] Those who have been driven out from their homes unjustly only because they said, ‘Our Lord is Allah’ — And if Allah did not repel some men by means of others, there would surely have been pulled down cloisters and churches and synagogues and mosques, wherein the name of Allah is oft commemorated. And Allah will surely help one who helps Him. Allah is indeed Powerful, Mighty —

b)-----The verse about your specific inquiry i.e.[2:192] is about when war actually starts.....It obviously does not mean to kill all non-Muslims because

- it states "kill them"

- it does not state "kill all non-Muslims"

The pronoun "them" here clearly refers to"against those who fight against you"

in [2:191].....Thus it is not for every common non-Muslim.

c)----Also in [2:192] words
"drive them out from where they have driven you out"

refer to the time when situation became so much impossible for Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and his Companions that they had to migrate from Mecca to Madina.

d)---- Message of Islam is to be taken to all people:
[34:29] And We have not sent thee but as a bearer of glad tidings and a Warner, for all mankind, but most men know not.

Therefore every non-Muslim is not meant to be killed (God forbidden). True Islam gives life to all human......Ignorant and selfish extremist try to take it.

More reading
-- @ The Holy Quran

-- Ahmadiyya Muslim understanding of Jihad @ Our Views on Terrorism
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Peace be upon you.
I've read beautiful, kind, merciful, verses in the Qu'ran and just can't understand how such poeticly beautiful words can promote the extreme violence we see reported
on pulic media.
The free world is shaken and offended by the actions of so many thousands of islamics.
I understand the deep distrust of islamics by "infidels" tho I try not to be jaded
by the events we see unfold every day.

I keep an open mind about islam and pray that one day this insane violence will stop.

Peace be on you.
Actually it is decline-train with various compartments and cars. Decline of morals from decades. Rise and fall of various 'isms', two world wars, destructive weapons, rise of religionlessness and now extremism.

The solution is foretold in Islam. The Original Post calls to it, the whole Ahmadiyya DIR in RF calls to it.



Jehovah our God is One
Of course Islam is not inherently violent. It can be interpreted peacefully, violently or anything between. However, I would say that it's easier to interpret Islam violently than it is to interpret Buddhism violently.

Maybe a Muslim here can comment on this, I haven't got a chance to ask someone:
"Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loveth not aggressors." Nice! but then right after this:
"And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter."

the problem is that Mohammad was likely speaking of a specific situation encountered by the people of his day and giving them direction. Unfortunately his words have been taken as gospel and muslims are trying to apply them as if they are the laws of God and a requirement to be met.