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Standing on the Side of Love

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
In Support of Marriage Equality: No Discrimination in the Constitution

In response to debate on the proposed "Marriage Protection Amendment" set for Congressional vote this spring, the Unitarian Universalist Association has launched Standing on the Side of Love 2006: No Discrimination in the Constitution, a campaign focused on mobilizing Unitarian Universalists to speak out against this hurtful and discriminatory amendment. The UUA has opposed discrimination against gay, lesbian, and bisexual people since 1970. We know from our religious experience of worshipping and being together that what unites us as families and as people is much greater than what divides us. We need policies that will help create as many stable, healthy families as possible—not impose definitions of what constitutes a family. As a religious tradition dedicated to promoting democracy and justice, we believe that the proposed amendment would hurt thousands of families and children, turn the Constitution into an instrument of religious discrimination, and eviscerate the principle of equal protection.

The US Senate is expected to vote on the amendment, S. J. Res. 1, the Marriage Protection Amendment, during the week of June 5. Passage of this proposal by a two-thirds vote of both the Senate and the US House of Representatives would allow this Amendment to be put before the country for a vote. If ratified by three-quarters of the states, it would become part of the Constitution. The proposal would amend the US Constitution to decree that "Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman." The proposal goes on to state that "Neither this Constitution, nor the constitution of any State, shall be construed to require that marriage or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon any union other than the union of a man and a woman."

The Rev. William G. Sinkford, UUA President, wrote, "Amending the United States constitution to deny same-gender couples the rights and responsibilities of marriage would be to enshrine discrimination into the document that provides the foundation for our democracy. While the constitution has been amended in the past, it has never been altered with the express intent to deny equal protection to an entire class of citizens, and now is no time to start."

NOW is the time to act. Go to the UUA Washington Office for Advocacy's web site for comprehensive information on how to contact your elected representatives. Meet with members of your congregation to organize a "Standing on the Side of Love Sunday" service along with letter writing to follow the service. If you are a same sex couple either enjoying the benefits of equal marriage or civil union, or seeking the protection of the law for your relationship, please tell us your story. The proposed federal amendment is about ALL our lives, for what affects one group of people affects us all.


  • Tell us your story! Are you a same sex couple either enjoying the rights of legal marriage or civil union, or seeking it? We'd like to share your story with others.
  • Visit the UUA's Standing on the Side of Love 2006: Defeat the Federal Marriage Amendment resource page for comprehensive resources to support your work as an advocate who stands on the side of love.
  • Visit the UUA's Press Room for published articles on the UUA's Freedom to Marry work.
  • Read the Testimony of the Reverend Robert M. Hardies, at a Religious Leaders' briefing for Members of the House of Representatives; Washington, DC; June 18, 2004.
  • Find Standing on the Side of Love banners for use on your congregation's website.
Freedom to Marry, for All People


Flaming Queer
oooooo :D i like the looks of this one!

why did i not ask this before? :areyoucra

might actualy go along .... after i've given up my sunday morning job, it looks like they don't do evening services.... but its just round the corner to my favourie shop and my favourite pub!

:woohoo: church, shop and pub all in one bus ride :woohoo: