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Star Wars (episode III)


Rajun Cajun
Nobody has posted in the Religious Media forum in quite some time, so I thought I would. Anyway, I just saw Star Wars Episode III for the umpteen millionth time (I'm a big fan of the series). I just can't get ofer how Chancellor Palpatine tempts Anakin Skywalker to the dark side of the force. He's very convincing (maybe it's just the wine speaking :D). To me, the guy who plays Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sidious is what makes the movie good. What did yall think of the movie Star Wars (episode III)? Were there any religious or political conotations?


Pneumatic Spiritualist
I was pleasantly suprised that Lucas had Sidious use Anakin's LOVE for Padme turn him to the Dark Side. It showed that any emotion, even one as innocent as love, can be twisted and corrupted if allowed to cloud ones judgement.


the star wars saga is laced throughout with both political and religious conotations.

the religions are the jedi and the sith(good and evil) and the constant struggle between the 2. the jedi are a large organization, they teach passivity, emotional constraint, self sacrifice, and contemplation. the sith teach aggression, using your emotions, and self interest. the jedi attempt to control and limit power, the sith attempt to harness and use all the power. now, whether you feel it is the sith or the jedi that is actually the evil side, thats up to you. personally, its pretty gray, both have their good and their bad. gearge lucas used some old asianic religions to create the basis for the 2.

politics in star wars has to deal with the loss of freedom in a manner that strangely is similar in nature to what is happening in our own world today. i do feel that his writing of Ep 1,2,3 were influenced by these events. frankly, it doesn't take much imagination to go the little bit extra that he did with the emporer. you have the war, during the war, sacrifices had to be made by the people for their own security, and extra power was given to 1 man in order for the decisions to be made more quickly. at first the liberties lost weren't very important, just extra guards on the street, and people suspected of being sympathetic to enemy being either arrested or covertly surveilled. later in the war it was much more restrictive, security checks everywhere, and more guards on the street. to get a really good sense of the political structuring and posturing you should read the books too, the expanded universe give you a lot of depth, and helps you learn the characters better.

i am also a really big fan, if you couldn't already tell, im reading on my 68th or 69th star wars book atm, have watched all the movies, many of the documentaries, and played almost all of the games. i like how they are writing the jedi in the newest post Ep 6 books, really makes things interesting, and after the New Jedi Order books, you never know what to expect, that series was really unpredictable.

palpatine is an intersting character, but i haven't read any books that go much further into the character than the movies do. i personally would like to see a book written specifically about him. i would also like to see an entire line of sith books starting when they went into hiding, going over the influence they had in the direction of the republic, i think it would be cool.:jam:

what can i say, im a nerd:D



Veteran Member
Todd said:
Nobody has posted in the Religious Media forum in quite some time, so I thought I would. Anyway, I just saw Star Wars Episode III for the umpteen millionth time (I'm a big fan of the series). I just can't get ofer how Chancellor Palpatine tempts Anakin Skywalker to the dark side of the force. He's very convincing (maybe it's just the wine speaking :D). To me, the guy who plays Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sidious is what makes the movie good. What did yall think of the movie Star Wars (episode III)? Were there any religious or political conotations?
Yeah Palpatine's part was played really well, and out of the three new ones this is definitely my fav.

Jedi'ism seems to me to be very much like Daoism.


Active Member
I think the ending was rushed, they spent so much time building upto the scene with obi-wan and Anakin they just seemed to rush the dialogue a bit


Veteran Member
Dark_Waltz said:
I think the ending was rushed, they spent so much time building upto the scene with obi-wan and Anakin they just seemed to rush the dialogue a bit
By that point (seeing as they'd known each other at least 15 years) I doubt there was much to say!

On with the light saber battles!!!! :jam:


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Todd said:
Were there any religious or political conotations?
I haven't seen it yet, but I'd be interested to know what religious or political conotations you noticed in the movie?


I loved the movie but my brothers said that they didn't really like it.They said that the last part where anakin puts on the darth vader clothes was really corny.I guess it was but I don't think it ruined the whole movie.


Well-Known Member
The last battle needed some hard core lava throwing action going on!!! If I was a jedi, lava would have been thrown... =P


Flaming Queer
spacemonkey said:
I was pleasantly suprised that Lucas had Sidious use Anakin's LOVE for Padme turn him to the Dark Side. It showed that any emotion, even one as innocent as love, can be twisted and corrupted if allowed to cloud ones judgement.

i figured this out before i saw the third film

we saw in the second film that anikin's love brings him pain and anger - which lead to?

its a shame lucas has refused to do the last three films though :tsk:



Veteran Member
gtrsgrls said:
I loved the movie but my brothers said that they didn't really like it.They said that the last part where anakin puts on the darth vader clothes was really corny.I guess it was but I don't think it ruined the whole movie.
OOOooohhh I dunno it came bloody close!!!!

Yeah, thanks George Lucas, You are teh m4ster of cheeeses.

Storm Moon

† Spiritual Warrior †
Wasn't Fallwell (or Dobson, I can't remember) saying that the sith were the good guys and the jedi were the bad guys? talk about taking the film out of context. all in all, i loved it. now whenever I watch the first three, I never really look at Darth Vader the same again. I think he was just played for a sucker in order to fulfill palpatine's needs, so if you think about it, he was a victim in a lot of ways. He was duped into thinking that the Force could save Padme from death, when in reality, it cannot.


Veteran Member
I've always seen a bit of a religious bit on Star Wars. Jedi = good, God, heaven, all things good
Sith = devil, evil, all things bad. Like someone said, it's a bit like Taoism/Daoism.


Veteran Member
Jensa said:
=beckysoup61Jedi = good, God, heaven, all things good
Sith = devil, evil, all things bad. Like someone said, it's a bit like Taoism/Daoism.
I think she completely misunderstood the point there..... which is:

That there is balance between and within all things, including good and evil, which in turn, is the way of life.

[editted for he! oops SORRY!]


Active Member
Ian McDiarmid is an amazing actor, and I read several reviews which said that he really "stole the show" and I agree. I always thought it was cool the way that 20 years ago he was playing the Emperor at his oldest and then in the present day was playing the "younger" emperor, haha. That's quite interesting I think. Although, whatever happened to that random who was originally the emperor, in the Empire Strikes Back? It's definitely someone different, but I don't know who.

I am a big fan of the Star Wars movies, but I have a serious problem with Star Wars books, especially the ones set after the Return of the Jedi. I also have a problem with people who talk about Episodes 7,8 and 9. First of all, where do people read about this stuff - they always say 'I read "somewhere" that he wrote 7,8 and 9' Is this ACTUALLY true? Or is it just one of those Star Wars rumours? If it's true then fair enough he wrote them, but he's RIGHT not to make them. The Return of the Jedi is the PERFECT end to the series - the prophecy comes true and balance is restored to the force - all this nonsense about the Emperor cloning himself or whatever is just a complete load. Lucas knows it too.

The Star Wars books are just shameless penny grabbing - a collection of worthless tales from people who couldn't leave the story be, while at the same time making a fat pile of cash. Personally I think they are terrible, particularly Timothy Zahn's. I can't fathom any other reason other than money as to why one would want to write such novels. Star Wars is a story of films, 6 parts, some better than others but all pretty damned good. It's a solid story, told well. tha'ts all we need to know!


Active Member
Storm Moon, you were saying about Vader being duped - you're totally right - the fatal mistake made by Anakin Skywalker was not to heed the Jedi warnings of being wary of visions of the future. Difficult to tell the future is! Anakin sees Padme's death and then is convinced by Palpatine that the dark side has a cure - whereas actually, the reason Padme dies is BECAUSE Anakin has turned to the dark side and done terrible things, like murdered a bunch of children and then also tried to kill Padme too. The doctor robot thing says "She's lost the WILL to live", because she has lost Anakin to the dark side. He went down a path she could not follow.

The vision of Padme's death was misunderstood, misinterpreted - and that lead to the upheaval of the entire galazy - amazing stuff.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Episode 3 is my favorite out of all the Star Wars movies. Allthough the divide between good and evil was intended to be clear, Drekmed pointed it out clearly that both sides have thier good and bad points. I've also read alot of the Star Wars books. My question is, how can you make any more after The New Jedi Order series? There isn't alot of characters left to continue it.


Luke Wolf said:
My question is, how can you make any more after The New Jedi Order series? There isn't alot of characters left to continue it.
there are still plenty of characters. you still have the mains luke, mara, leia, han, jacen, and jaina. there are the semi-main kyp, corran, ben(luke/mara's son), zekk, tenel ka, and the lesser known masters. seeing as how only 2 or 3 main jedi were killed in the action of new jedi order. the newest books are focused more on the divide in the jedi. they are divided about whether or not they should serve the galactic alliance or not, and they are divided over the powers once believed to be of the dark side. there is still a lot to write about, every book adds to the characters and lets you see a bit more of them, some books even completely change a character in it. since the NJO books transformed many of the supporting characters into leading characters, it allows a continuation of the story, also there were certain things done with specific characters that enable interesting plot twists to arise.
the jedi were rekindled by one man, luke. until both the jedi and the sith are completely wiped out, the story can continue, and both the jedi and the sith are far from gone.

LongGe123 said:
The Star Wars books are just shameless penny grabbing - a collection of worthless tales from people who couldn't leave the story be, while at the same time making a fat pile of cash. Personally I think they are terrible, particularly Timothy Zahn's.
just out of curiosity, have you actually read any of the books? i mean novels, not comic books. i haven't read any of the comics.


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I dont want to spoil it for those who haven't read it, but I am still upset over the character that dies in the vary first book saving Han's son.
I haven't finished all the NJO books yet, but does anyone know what becomes of Corusant after the Yuzhan Vong leave?