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Statistics of Current Progress of Ahmadiyya Muslims : Overview : Address by Ahmadiyya Khalifah


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you….On the second day of Jalsa Salana UK, 22 August 2015, after the recitation of Holy Quran, and a poem of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace), Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V Mirza Masroor Ahmad sahib (may Allah be his Helper) read an overview in 90 minutes from the very vast annual progress of worldwide Ahmadiyya Jama'at, attained by the grace of Allah the Exalted…..He mentioned statistics about the service of various departments of Jama'at, comments by people from outside Jama'at and some faith boasting events.

He (a.t.) announced that 5,67,330 people from 113 countries, of 391 nations have joined the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community during the past year.

His Holiness also announced:

= Jama'at / Community has built / gained 401 new Mosques across the world during the past year. [156 new, 245 brought by new comers’ communities, 1st ever Ahmadiyya mosque: in Ireland completed; in Japan about to get completed.]

= Community is now established in 207 countries of the world.

= Community has now translated the Holy Quran into 74 languages. [2 added this year; Sinhales and Barmese]

= Number of new local chapters (communities / Jama'ats) added in last year is 776. [e.g. 155 new chapters in Benin, 20+ in UK]

= New places where Ahmadiyya message reached for the first time is 1208.

= Through 2460 exhibitions message reached to 1,709,000 + .

= Through 13735 Nook stalls and Book fairs, message reached to 1,798,000 people.

= Attending number of Book Fairs 13,735.

= New child devotees of life for faith (waqfeen e nau: parents devote them before birth, children confirm latter) 2683.

This year the new country where Ahmadiyya Jama'at is established is Puerto Rico.

Delegations were sent to 54 places to make contacts with new comers.

To various countries, 305,300 books (in 38 languages) worth 347000 British Pound were sent from London. Books worth 26,600,000, Rupees were sent from Qaadian (India).

More than 220 librarries on regional and central level have been made in various countries.

Presses of Jama'at are working in various countries.

Worldwide, 13,600,000 + leaflets and flyers were distributed and message reached to 38839000 + people. … In USA 4,200,000 flyers were distributed, 466,000 in Canada, 209,000 in Germany……….

Graduates from Jamia Ahmadiyya UK distributed 282,000 flyers in 86 cities and towns of Spain.

60 million people were reached through TV etc, Newspapers, Exhibitions and Bookfairs.

Ansarullah UK distributed 49000+ Books ‘Life of Muhammad’ and Pathway to Peace’. People demand these books.

Various desks of languages are working. Arabic desk has printed 110 books and folders sincs last year. Translation of book by Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) and Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) are being done…..Russian desk is working through Murabbiyan and Mualemeen [clergies and religious teachers] in area states via internet. Friday sermons and other literature is being translated……..French desk is doing translation of Friday sermons, they have an official youtube channel for translation of books. They are translating books of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.)…….Bangla desk is working hard and present a live program on MTA (mta.tv)……….Turkish and Chinese desks are working, transaltion work and printing of books continue.

Press & Media Office is serving, it’s member delivered 250 interviews during the year.

Website of Jama'at [www.alislam.org] is serving. Books of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) in audio are avaible. There are other books too.

‘Review of Religions’ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Review_of_Religions] has increased its work. Non-Ahmadis praise it too.

On local levels, in 28 languages, 140 educational, training and knowledgeful magazines etc are being printed.

Muslim Television Ahmadiyya [MTA: www.mta.tv] has vastly spread its service. Now Friday sermons come with sub-titles. Studios are extened. Jalsa Salana UK has broadcasted for Africa too. It is using satellite and internet for worldwide reach.

MTA Africa project is developing. Grand studio is being in Ghana, it will focus on Africa.

There is a media group Africable. It is popuar in 13 African countries. Its owner has began a free channel service TNT sat. It has given MTA a number MTA36 in free channels. It will make MTA reach 300 million people.

On other TV channels: This year peaceful message of Ahmadiyya Jama'at was delieverd through 1882 TV programs in 854 hours.

Radio Channels: 10544 programs in 9070 hours in various countries.

200,000,000 people were reached through these TV and Radio programs.

Teachers and students in Ghana answer people on telephone. It has vast coverage.

Coverrage in world print media: 673,886,000 reader reached through 3730 newspapers via 6008 articles and news.

Now Waqfeen e nau [devoted children before birth, latter they shall affirm] has reached to 56818 in 105 countries. This year 2683 children are added. Pakistan leads.

Photo Treasure: This department present photo-history of Jama'at on vast level.

Nusrat Jahan Scheme: Under it, in 12 African countries, 42 hospitals and clinics are serving….In 13 countries, 684 schools of various levels are serving.

Ebola virus: Jama'at has served a lot agaist it in Siera Leon an Liberia with good effects.

Architect & Engineers: International association of Ahmadi Architect and Engineers [IAAAE] is serving well by the grace of Allah the Exalted. Their work is going well for model village project and water pumps. They are installing solar sytems too. Effects are good.

Humanity First [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humanity_First]: It is serving well in various ways, they are providing free medical camps with good effects.

Blood donation: In this regard world wide efforts are being made…. In USA, this year, 130 drives were launched and 3000 donations were collected.

Eye Cure and Donation of eyes: Free eye operations are being done in various African countries….. Charity walk collection is distributed in charities.

Wellfare of Prisioners: Connections and well fare is being done in some countries. Gifts were presented on Eid and other occasions.

Re-links with New Ahmadis: Sometimes, people join the Jama'at but slowly the links faded. A serious drive is underway in various countries. In this regard.

New Bai'ats: By the grace of Allah the Exalted , this year 5,67,330 people joined the Jama'at in 113 countries from 391 nation.

Reference: Based on progress report for last year, address by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper), 22 August 2015, Hadiqatul Mahdi, Alton, Hampshire, UK, alislam.org, mta.tv