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Stopping Smoking


Well-Known Member
Someone here said they would like to stop smoking, so I thought I would tell you a few things I learned about smoking and stopping smoking. I stopped about 7 1/2 years ago and have never had a cigarette since.

Some misconceptions about smoking:
1. It doesn't calm you, it merely satisfies the nicotine craving. I am much calmer since I quit.
2. You are addicted to nicotine and not to tobacco.

Hints on how to stop:
1. First I cut down and stopped smoking in certain situations. I stopped smoking while on the phone and in the car. I delayed after meal cigarettes and the first morning cigarette. At the end, I was only smoking in one place, the kitchen, standing up.
2. I recommend quitting cold turkey, so you can break the nicotine habit. Remember you are addicted to nicotine.
3. I avoided situations where I had smoked the most. i.e. talked less on the phone.
4. I took walks several times a day. You can run also.
5. If you have an urge for a cigarette, take a deep breath. Smokers don't breath deeply, only when they are dragging on a cigarette. Taking a deep breath emulates dragging on a cigarette. The urge disappears within seconds.
6. I listened to powerful classical music. It gave me power.
7. Peppermint mints or gum is great. When you inhale it gives you a kick in your lungs. like the drag on a cigarette. I especially do the peppermint after meals.
8. Stay away from other smokers and smoky places.

Benefits of not smoking:
You and your clothes no longer smell like stale smoke. You feel great, food tastes great, you are healthier. I have had fewer headaches and colds, etc. I am calmer and happier. I think an addiction holds you back. I am so happy not to be trapped by that habit. It is about forming new habits.


Veteran Member
hey as you guys post your quitting stories if it ain't too personal...why u start? what led you to smoking.....Do you know anybody who smokes and sees it as good or neutral as opposed to bad? i never met anyone who thought it was good...wondered if anybody else has.

i work with a 65 year old woman and last year she started. I noticed she smoked and I remember saying to her about a year ago that she is the healthiest senior citizen that smokes that I have ever met. she asked me what I meant by that...and I said most smokers ain't doing so good at her age......she laughed it off and than 2 months ago gets terminal lung cancer.

4 months ago she asks me to loan her a book of a philopher whom i really admire. i say sure (this is 2 months before she finds out she has cancer) and give her the book. the book is michael shermer's "how we believe." michael shermer is an agnostic and this particular book, which is an awsome book, spends a lot of time putting forth arugements against various religions mostly christianity.

kinda feeling really guilty about that..not that i planned it this way or anything.. she isn't a christian for the record but she is a theist...just not a catorgized one.


Religious Zionist
Well at first i used to just smoke when i went out, you know to be social. And then i started smoking real heavy in college. But after a few years of that i stopped because it, frankly, got too expensive.

Besides i was smoking alot of weed back then and most of my cash was going to that lol:jiggy:


Well-Known Member
I started smoking when I was about 15 ( I am 34 now). I started because my parents used to smoke around me and it made me sick. I know it sounds stupid, but it didn't seem to bother them. I quit at the age of 19 for 8 years and picked it back up for about 3 years at the age of 28 after my divorce. I quit again about 2 years ago, and promised my son I would never do it again.

My advice, remember why you want to quit, commit yourself to it. If you think that promising someone that you love that you will quit, make sure that you can do it. if you don't you will be twice as depressed about smoking and probably never will quit.


Well-Known Member
I was going to start this topic, but oh well.

I still am smoking. it's too expensive now. Lightkeeper, you deserve frubal points. :)

Smoking USUALLY begins in someone's life when the people they "hang with". I only started 5 years ago, and had one now and then. Then it increased.

I didn't have a smoke for 3 days, and my mouth was feeling horrible, and actually started bleeding slightly. I guess it hits some more than others.


Well-Known Member
SoulTYPE01 said:
I was going to start this topic, but oh well.

I still am smoking. it's too expensive now. Lightkeeper, you deserve frubal points. :)

Smoking USUALLY begins in someone's life when the people they "hang with". I only started 5 years ago, and had one now and then. Then it increased.

I didn't have a smoke for 3 days, and my mouth was feeling horrible, and actually started bleeding slightly. I guess it hits some more than others.
How do you give "frubals"?

Soul, do you want to quit? I understood your post as you "not having a smoke", but not that you wanted to quit.


Well-Known Member
SoulTYPE01 said:
I was going to start this topic, but oh well.

I still am smoking. it's too expensive now. Lightkeeper, you deserve frubal points. :)

Smoking USUALLY begins in someone's life when the people they "hang with". I only started 5 years ago, and had one now and then. Then it increased.

I didn't have a smoke for 3 days, and my mouth was feeling horrible, and actually started bleeding slightly. I guess it hits some more than others.
Good luck on stopping. We think of cigarettes as our friends but they are not.


Well-Known Member
Lightkeeper said:
You click on Frubals. A pop up box comes up and you give the frubals.
Ah, it threw me off when it said "karma"...so when you give frubals it is "karma"?
(excuse my stupidity):bonk:


I'm trying to quit. I'm 22, started smoking when I was 14...who knows why. I don't even remember my first cigarette. I'm not all that addicted to nicotine. My problem is that I smoke a lot when I drink and I drink quite a bit (I'm full of vices). Actually, tomorrow is supposed to be my "quit date," so we'll see how this goes. I usually spend my Thursdays at a local bar, but I think I'm going to try to avoid the bars for a couple weeks or the temptation will be way too strong.

Anyway, wish me luck!!


Well-Known Member
Best of luck to you Katetacular. It really is great to breath in fresh clean air. I have noticed on my relatives who smoke, that they wrinkle earlier and more than the nonsmokers.


Well-Known Member
KateTacular said:
I'm trying to quit. I'm 22, started smoking when I was 14...who knows why. I don't even remember my first cigarette. I'm not all that addicted to nicotine. My problem is that I smoke a lot when I drink and I drink quite a bit (I'm full of vices). Actually, tomorrow is supposed to be my "quit date," so we'll see how this goes. I usually spend my Thursdays at a local bar, but I think I'm going to try to avoid the bars for a couple weeks or the temptation will be way too strong.

Anyway, wish me luck!!

I drank about 2 years ago. I drank when I was happy, I drank when I was sad. I didn't drink a lot as far as quantity, it was just a high frequency. I started drinking when I was 15, but I didn't start drinking until after my divorce about 6 years ago. I started to party a lot, trying to fill the void I felt. I quit drinking for my son 2 years ago this month. It wasn't the alcohol that was bugging me so much as the smoking, so I quit both at the same time. I didn't just say "this will be temporary", I did it for the rest of my life.

I am telling you all this because I want you to know that I never realized how much drinking had been part of my life. Any time I thought of fun, of being with my friends, of healing a wound, alcohol was part of it, and I had to have a cigarette if I was drinking.

You have to quit drinking to quit smoking. You can have fun in life without either of them, you can have fun with your friends without them. You will have to spend a little time away from them for a bit though.

If you need any support on this, feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] :)


Uber all member
I stopped smoking cigarettes once before. I stopped smoking other tobacco before. Both for years. Perhaps I'll stop smoking cigarettes again.



Well-Known Member
huajiro said:

I drank about 2 years ago. I drank when I was happy, I drank when I was sad. I didn't drink a lot as far as quantity, it was just a high frequency. I started drinking when I was 15, but I didn't start drinking until after my divorce about 6 years ago. I started to party a lot, trying to fill the void I felt. I quit drinking for my son 2 years ago this month. It wasn't the alcohol that was bugging me so much as the smoking, so I quit both at the same time. I didn't just say "this will be temporary", I did it for the rest of my life.

I am telling you all this because I want you to know that I never realized how much drinking had been part of my life. Any time I thought of fun, of being with my friends, of healing a wound, alcohol was part of it, and I had to have a cigarette if I was drinking.

You have to quit drinking to quit smoking. You can have fun in life without either of them, you can have fun with your friends without them. You will have to spend a little time away from them for a bit though.

If you need any support on this, feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] :)
I do know people who quit smoking, but didn't quit drinking. Sometimes we have to realize that the people we drink with aren't really friends, they are drinking buddies.