Industrial Strength Linguist
The only claim I was making was that most people gender dysphoric are not intersex, and I provided outside sources to back up my claim. Do you agree with me now?
You said "vast majority", but we only know that the percentage of those born with intersex characteristics is somewhere under 2% of the population, and we don't know how many cases are misidentified as one sex or the other. Maybe 10-20% of identified intersex individuals go on to experience gender dysphoria later on in life. My view is that children that later go on to experience gender dysphoria may have biological conditions that predispose them towards it, even if their genitalia appear normal enough not to be classified as "intersex" by a superficial inspection. That doesn't mean that they aren't biologically different from other children at birth and that they aren't in some unobvious biological sense "intersex". Your original remark was about hormone levels, but are those even measured or relevant to gender classification at birth?
More importantly, it isn't clear what any of this has to do with denying mental care or social support to those experiencing gender dysphoria , which is really what you seem to be advocating here. You really make it seem like you approve of the actions being taken by these states to deny medical services and bathroom access on the basis of some kind of stigma associated with the relatively rare condition. That is what the school protest was all about--kids reflecting the same anger, fear, and hatred that many adults have surrounding social support for LGBTQ individuals.
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