With this being a religious forum, I have to ask: it's been hard to pinpoint exactly what your views of religion are, and your beliefs, if you have any. Do you have any religious beliefs, and have they changed over the years that you have been here?
Thank you for your questions! I have all sorts of religious beliefs --- too numerous to catalog all of them here. So, I'll just focus on the question of deity.
First, I think there's a negligible chance of deity, just as there's a negligible chance the tree in my yard has an undetectable soul.
Second, I think the notion of deity most often arises from a combination of how our brain functions and from our social environment (what we've been taught about deity).
In regards to how our brain functions, it seems that we have certain built in ways of perceiving or experiencing the world that incline us towards the belief there are supernatural entities, including gods. For instance,
agent detection, a respect for elders, causal reasoning, and so forth, all seem to now and then incline us towards assuming the presence of supernatural entities.
Other ways in which our brain functions that seem capable of encouraging a belief in deity are certain mystical experiences. Specifically, those mystical experiences that involve a sudden loss of subject/object perception while experiencing yet continues in some sense. When those experiences occur, we either experience a sense of oneness of all things, or we experience all as One. In either case, that oneness or One can be interpreted by us as god.
I don't think I could adequately express all my religious beliefs in anything short of a book. What I've written here is a gloss, and somewhat inaccurate for the sake of brevity.
I'm pretty much a methodological naturalist. The major religions I feel closest to in outlook are Taoism, much of Buddhism, and in some ways, Shinto.