Jesus did not use bullwhip and He did not destroy a place of business.
LOL! I love it when I can school True Believers™ on their own "holey" book!
(one they obviously never actually read....)
Jesus interacts with Capitalism exactly twice in the bible stories. In one example, he commands is followers to pay their darn taxes-- "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's" on a question should Good Jews pay taxes to the government.
The second time, a good Capitalist Business had been set up as a fine convenience for those wishing to purchase temple accouterments. Naturally, it was a closed-loop business deal:
the very BEST of all possible Capitalistic Ventures. The good temple priests had set the prices to purchase ingredients for the Mighty Spell Casting-- erm-- Sacrifices to YWEH. Payable in Hebrew coin only.
Who uses Hebrew coin, apart from the priests? Pretty much nobody.
So some enterprising folk very kindly set up a very convenient bank-- wherein they are happy to change non-Hebrew money for the Right And Proper Hebrew Coin.
And along comes the Hippy Jesus-- he doesn't like Capitalism--- in fact,
he hates it-- he takes a whip and ruins their little marketing venture-- without so much of a by-your-leave.
Jesus was a Communist, you see-- he abhorred ownership of anything.