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Syrian refugees


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
There is much debate here in America regarding allowing Syrian refugees into the country, especially in light of the recent terror attacks in Paris. Many Governors here have now issued orders not to allow refugees into their states, and the number is growing. Reports are that ISIS, ISIL, IS, DAESCH...whatever, are planting their killers among legitimate refugees in order to get them into various countries so they can further satisfy their bloodlust. I would like to know your thoughts on this regarding allowing these refugees into the USA or into your country if you live outside the USA.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I'm old enough to remember the panic over Nicaraguan guerrillas infiltrating over the Mexican border.
Plus ca change...


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I'm old enough to remember the panic over Nicaraguan guerrillas infiltrating over the Mexican border.
Plus ca change...
Ok. So do you think this is like that, or do you think that this is a different more serious issue?
Reports are that ISIS, ISIL, IS, DAESCH...whatever, are planting their killers among legitimate refugees in order to get them into various countries so they can further satisfy their bloodlust.

It was mostly Europeans with 1 Syrian.

The purpose of the Syrian, and the purpose of his passport being on him, was to elicit exactly this response. This is exactly what they want.

Jihadis make America dance like a puppet on a string. Ironically, the staunchest Republican 'patriots' dance most sweetly for them.

They might as well be working for the Jihadis. Nobody has done more for their cause than the Republic Party, not even bin Laden.


Active Member
There is much debate here in America regarding allowing Syrian refugees into the country, especially in light of the recent terror attacks in Paris. Many Governors here have now issued orders not to allow refugees into their states, and the number is growing. Reports are that ISIS, ISIL, IS, DAESCH...whatever, are planting their killers among legitimate refugees in order to get them into various countries so they can further satisfy their bloodlust. I would like to know your thoughts on this regarding allowing these refugees into the USA or into your country if you live outside the USA.

Only 1% of all terrorist attacks in europe are carried out by muslim groups or groups affiliated with their system of Islam (europol)

About 6% of terrorist attacks in the US are carried out by Muslims, over 40% by hispanics/far right militias/radical christians (FBI)

A few thousand refugees from syria have arrived in mainland europe but 4 million are displaced across syria and lebanon and turkey

With regards to the terrorists in Paris, none of them were syrian or needed to dress up as refugees, as they all held french or belgian passports, meaning they could travel across borders pretty easily. So, why was there a syrian passport at the scene? Who planted it? What was the purpose?

I assume it was to change the narrative of the refugee story.


Active Member
I assume it was to change the narrative of the refugee story.

Indeed. The influx of the refugees is a big problem for Europe, which can't even count them, let alone do any background checking. Recently, nearly 14000 of illegal immigrants who were to be deported from Sweden simply disappeared and nobody knows where they are. I'm aware that one just can't stop migration altogether but the way the EU handles the problem is ****ty. Especially, Merkel's open door policy proved disastrous, letting everyone in, no matter whether they are refugees or economic immigrants. When Hungary started building the fence on the border, there was moral outrage, now everyone is talking about the necessity to strengthen the control at the EU outer borders.

The fears of terrorists among the refugees are not totally groundless. Most of them are males and there are so many of them that it's difficult, if not impossible, to verify their identity. Not to mention, that many of them don't want to register and destroy their documents in order to cross the borders illegally.


Sunni muslim
With regards to the terrorists in Paris, none of them were syrian or needed to dress up as refugees, as they all held french or belgian passports, meaning they could travel across borders pretty easily. So, why was there a syrian passport at the scene? Who planted it? What was the purpose?

That's what i'm wondering.
Did they really wanted to be attacked in Syria ? To be bombed ?

Or they did that to aggravate the situation of the syrians who "dared" to flee from them and stop them in their way to european countries ?

A specialist once said they want to implicate the west to start a world war as they have apocalyptic views with all that implicates in the propheties.
I'm not sure that's what they really want because compared to the people who support them if there's a "world war", they have zero chance to win. Or they're maybe too naive and fanatic to see the reality.

Anyway what's strange is that we always find the passeports. He exploded himself but the passport didn't burn with him, ok.


Active Member
Indeed. The influx of the refugees is a big problem for Europe, which can't even count them, let alone do any background checking. Recently, nearly 14000 of illegal immigrants who were to be deported from Sweden simply disappeared and nobody knows where they are. I'm aware that one just can't stop migration altogether but the way the EU handles the problem is ****ty. Especially, Merkel's open door policy proved disastrous, letting everyone in, no matter whether they are refugees or economic immigrants. When Hungary started building the fence on the border, there was moral outrage, now everyone is talking about the necessity to strengthen the control at the EU outer borders.

The fears of terrorists among the refugees are not totally groundless. Most of them are males and there are so many of them that it's difficult, if not impossible, to verify their identity. Not to mention, that many of them don't want to register and destroy their documents in order to cross the borders illegally.

That's a lie, the majority of refugees are female, 50.3% and more than half the number of males are below the age of 18.

Now, the refugee narrative has changed numerous times over the last 12-18 months. We keep hearing "syria, syria, syria," but a large number of refugees arriving in europe are also from ethiopia, kenya, eritrea, libya, CAR, Ghana and so on and so forth. Whatever happened to them? When this "crisis" first became an issue, the french media kept broadcasting images of rampaging black men trying to jump fences or climbing into lorries, now they've all disappeared, replaced by white/arab faces.

it's quite remarkable how easily led the people are.


Well-Known Member
That's a lie, the majority of refugees are female

Well that is not true.

69,2% are men
30,8% are women

50.3% and more than half the number of males are below the age of 18.

Which is also wrong or a lie.

Those under the age of 18 are 30,9%.
Of those under 16, 55% are male and 45% are female.
Of those between 16 and 18, 79,2% are male and 20,8% are female.

Page 7


Veteran Member
Indeed. The influx of the refugees is a big problem for Europe, which can't even count them, let alone do any background checking. Recently, nearly 14000 of illegal immigrants who were to be deported from Sweden simply disappeared and nobody knows where they are. I'm aware that one just can't stop migration altogether but the way the EU handles the problem is ****ty. Especially, Merkel's open door policy proved disastrous, letting everyone in, no matter whether they are refugees or economic immigrants. When Hungary started building the fence on the border, there was moral outrage, now everyone is talking about the necessity to strengthen the control at the EU outer borders.

The fears of terrorists among the refugees are not totally groundless. Most of them are males and there are so many of them that it's difficult, if not impossible, to verify their identity. Not to mention, that many of them don't want to register and destroy their documents in order to cross the borders illegally.
I keep seeing people repeating the claim that most of the refugees are males, but the statistics don't seem to bear that out. So I'm wondering where that is coming from.