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Tales of Power (by Carlos Castaneda)


Well-Known Member
It's a very indepth novel about an aspect of modern Native American spirituality--called sorcery rather than shamanism in this book--that is rarely seen and explored. It is extremely philosophical, helps you look at the world in a completely different way, reads like a fantasy novel, and is told from the point of view of a Western student studying under Don Juan, a Native American teacher of this way of life.

You can read it either as pure fantasy, or, for those who believe in magic and a magical world, as a fantastic account of a magical journey.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
I have to add that it is very controversial ammong native americans...
I have yet to read it for myself, but I'll get around to it eventually...



Well-Known Member
I'll bet, having read it. Especially since you can't TELL if it is fantasy or fact...

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
Yeah, alot of new age writers are claiming to know native american shamanistic rituals and stuff, but barely any of them are accurate. I know this due to my uncle being part cherokee, I am however not native american. (But I was born here, so therefore I am native to America. HEHE!!!)
question, is this book meant to be read stand alone or in a series? From amazon.com description, it sounded like the finale in a series. Even if it is, can it be read alone? I want to read it, just don't want to drop the cash for 5 books :roll:

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Master Vigil-
you mean its not just wearing feathers and face paint and pounding on drums?
I cant just pick a fun animal like a dragon and call it my Totem?
will I get a cool "genuine Indian Name" too?

seriously its always frustraiting and yet amusing to run into 'new-age indians'... never know wether to laugh or cry... :roll:



Well-Known Member

It is definitely part of a series. However, I read it before I knew that, and I think it can stand alone. I read the other books in the series too, and they are good as well. It is up to you. After reading this book, you'll PROBABLY want to read the others... so in that case I'd recommend starting at the very beginning of the series... but it's up to you! As I said, it stands alone pretty well. :)

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! But I want to be an indian mommy!!! Yeah, I would laugh at them for only then will they feel stupid. For a while I thought I was like the shamans because of my abilities, but I never claimed to be a shaman. It just wasn't my right to claim that title, especially because shamans go through hard training their whole lives to achieve that title. I was only a simple guy with odd abilities.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
another book to check out in referance to Castaneda...

>>From the Washington Post Brian Doherty reviews Sorceror’s Apprentice: My Life with Carlos Castaneda by Amy Wallace

"Castaneda assured Wallace that his magic sperm went straight to a woman’s brain, where it effected positive change — and could not impregnate, as his lovers were merely human. He could read newspapers through his toes. With charisma based on such incredible claims, he kept everyone around him in constant anxiety by alternately offering warm approval and assaulting their inherent worth."<<

apparently his books have been linked to the poisoning deaths of several teenagers recently... he discribes using jimsonweed to get to 'an altered state of consciousness'... jimsonweed is highly toxic.

a couple of good pages on him

I've said it before and I'm shure I'll say it agian

never trust anyone who is selling Native Religion!!!!
they are plastic indians and fake shamans...



Well-Known Member
It's a very indepth novel about an aspect of modern Native American spirituality--called sorcery rather than shamanism in this book--that is rarely seen and explored. It is extremely philosophical, helps you look at the world in a completely different way, reads like a fantasy novel, and is told from the point of view of a Western student studying under Don Juan, a Native American teacher of this way of life.

You can read it either as pure fantasy, or, for those who believe in magic and a magical world, as a fantastic account of a magical journey.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
I have to add that it is very controversial ammong native americans...
I have yet to read it for myself, but I'll get around to it eventually...



Well-Known Member
I'll bet, having read it. Especially since you can't TELL if it is fantasy or fact...

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
Yeah, alot of new age writers are claiming to know native american shamanistic rituals and stuff, but barely any of them are accurate. I know this due to my uncle being part cherokee, I am however not native american. (But I was born here, so therefore I am native to America. HEHE!!!)
question, is this book meant to be read stand alone or in a series? From amazon.com description, it sounded like the finale in a series. Even if it is, can it be read alone? I want to read it, just don't want to drop the cash for 5 books :roll:

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Master Vigil-
you mean its not just wearing feathers and face paint and pounding on drums?
I cant just pick a fun animal like a dragon and call it my Totem?
will I get a cool "genuine Indian Name" too?

seriously its always frustraiting and yet amusing to run into 'new-age indians'... never know wether to laugh or cry... :roll:



Well-Known Member

It is definitely part of a series. However, I read it before I knew that, and I think it can stand alone. I read the other books in the series too, and they are good as well. It is up to you. After reading this book, you'll PROBABLY want to read the others... so in that case I'd recommend starting at the very beginning of the series... but it's up to you! As I said, it stands alone pretty well. :)