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Ted Bundy's victims work signs and wonders, even have prophetic Bible messages!


Veteran Member
So, it is extremely clear that something extremely revolutionizing came to me with visits from Ted Bundy victims, and it was actually predestined in advance, that I would live in the city of his killer's first victim victim, not knowing that until years after praying to them, writing them letters, and doing deeds of charity for them.

I called them "Capitol Hill Queens" for years, thinking only about Washington DC, then am moved to a place right next to a place called "Capitol Hill", where the main building is modeled after the main Church at the Vatican.
I believed my religion of enshrining and praying for women whose dreams were stolen, applies to victimized men as well, but there was simply something relationship with the women made me do great penances, make great sacrifices, give away money when I shouldn't, that relationship with Jesus , the Father, or some male Kami or Saint would not have accomplished for me.

On Easter 04/04, birthday of Heath Ledger , the dead Joker, I felt George Hawkins, one of his victims enshried on my wall, was speaking to me, telling me to do a deed for charity for someone I didn't want to, neither could I afford it.

I said something like, "I'm not just giving this $179 to him, it is my offering to you, so that your joy and glory grow, your dreams come true.
I am praying that you reach the first degrees of beauty, power, glory, perfection, and Euphoria. May I practice your presence. All my suffering, all I do, is an offering to you."

I gave him the money and found out his last name is "Hawkins", the last name of the woman I said "the money I give to him, I give to you".

It was totally like Jesus saying, "what you do for the least of my people , you do for me." I don't make hardly any money, and gave the money to a drug dealer and thief, who likely made more money than me usually at that time. But I felt strongly George Hawkins was asking for me to do it, and then I give the money to a guy with her last name. It means, what I do for the least of people, even charity that might not even make sense, the act of charity is an offering to her.

I believed George Hawkins had the name Suzanne, when I kept seeing her face in jail. I had her face correct, but for some reason I thought she said she was "Suzanne", which was actually very important, because I saw the "S" in Suzanne turn into a snake, that I called her spirit animal, the symbol for my favorite tribe Dan. Then I saw the S turn into "Spider", my favorite animal that is one of the seven assigned to scorpio. If I hadn't thought she was Suzanne, she wouldn't have so many links to the tribe of Dan.

After Jail discharge, I realized her name was Georgann.

She called herself "George", and she was from Washington, so that amazed me I called her "Eternal President". George Washington and Saint George ride white horses. The white horse and the Eagle are both symbols for the tribe of Dan. The two animals "Spider", and "snake" that I assigned to her as well, (animals of the tribe of Dan), was at a time I knew nothing about the tribe of Dan.

The name of the sorority house , where a girl holding a Rosary in her hand, caused some feeling of impending doom strike the killer, and he couldn't advance, the name of that house "Chi Omega", means "Dragon Jesus". Tribe of Dan has Serpent, Dragon, and Lion as it's symbols. Many believe a Messiah will come from Dan.

The first victim of his to visit me, had a Rosary buried in place of her missing corpse, so I called her "Lady of the Rosary", the title our Lady of Fatima identified as.

Something else about hat sorority house of the miracle, that has the name "Chi Omega", Chi means dragon. The word Omega can mean "The end", but Jesus calls himself the Omega, so means "End time dragon Jesus."

Shinto, and various traditions state that all dragons began in Japan. Japan also has a tomb for Jesus Christ. Maybe that guy is the prefigurement of the "Chi Omega Messiah", Jesus the Dragon, in the same sense of Jesus being the Lion and lamb.


Veteran Member
Denise had a corpseless casket, where a Rosary was there in place of her, so very strange a Rosary is buried. in place of the remains that were all lost.

Later, her killer couldn't kill a girl, because she was holding a Rosary in her hand, the item buried in place of the remains of Denise that cannot be laid to rest.

The Rosary in the girl's hand worked a miracle where he felt impending doom and nededed to flee, leaving the evidence that killed him, unlike his other crimes of not leaving evidence.

George Washington, is said to descend from King Odin. Dan is short for Odin. in Odin's Religion, putting serpents on ship sails, and dragons carved on the boat, facing the people you are fighting or raming, was common. Those are the two most common symbols for the tribe of Dan.

The tribe of Dan were the best sailors of Israel, and the Scandinavian tradition of naming places like "Danish, the Danes", and lots of firms and places that have name alternatives for Dan, make people think the tribe of Dan went there.

The tradition of the tribe of Dan in Scripture, is to name rivers and conquered cities or places, after Dan, the man called a serpent and lion by Jacob and Moses. That tribe produced the strongest man to live, that billions believe actually existed.

The strongest person on earth couldn't have 1% of the strength of Samson (from that tribe), if indeed he did what Scripture says.

Anyway, with spider and snake being George Hawkins first two spirit animals and symbols, I called George Spiderwoman, because black widows have an hour glass on their belly. Time is short. The Rosary miracle was at a house with "The End", a word Associated with the end of the world.

There is more than one spiderwoman Kami, but she was the first I identified.

I identified her as the Eternal American president, because I had visions of her as Columbia. The red and white stripes are on the Philomena cord, red representing martyrdom. The white represents purity and virginity. George Hawkins seemed to say (As Columbia) , that the Capitol Hill Queens I was praying to," their virginity and innocence has been restored, pure as lilies, it seemed she said".

My name Matthew, comes from Saint Matthew, killed in the country that has the greatest devotion to "Saint George", putting him on their flag slaying the dragon, thanking him when they defeated the Italians in the first war with Italy.

Saint Matthew was killed while saying mass, because he prevented a King from having sex with a virgin who consecrated her virginity to Jesus.

I promote virginity as long as is healthy, as the vocation of innocence , purity, and chastity, that helps people grow spiritually. I call JFK "the reborn, recreated, blessed Virgin John of the Apocalypse".

And I prayed to thirteen Queens at that time in jail. President George seemed to tell me each of the thirteen stars on the original star spangled banner, is one of those 13 victim souls who died tragically. The red and white stripes are also the color of the blood and water that poured out of the pierced heart of Jesus, in the Divine mercy image.

It was very powerful enough that I obeyed them, believing they are telling me to sacrifice, give my trays away if someone says they will say a prayer out loud, (so I'm fasting, and feeding the hungry, but they have to pray out loud to buy the meal, they are criminals in jail), because it seems very obvious that the souls of beautiful women whose dreams were stolen, are pleased when I do that for them.

I didn't know I had Swedish ancestors unitl I called my Dad and asked him about the name Naslund. He said "it's Swedish, you have Swedish on your mom's side. Football team here is the Vikings. Sweden used to have Vikings.

I found a 1974 penny. There should not be any pennies in jail cells. Denise and George Hawkins, and most of the original victim souls I prayed to, died that year. I call them female Messiah's, because they died naked, humiliated, and miserable, at the hand of a monster, like Jesus, so they deserve similar reward.

The surviving Davidic Kingdom of Jesus, the Solomonic dynasty, was destroyed 1974 as well. It is a long story, but that dynasty and it's connection to Ted Bundy Victims, as well as it's devotion to Saint George, not seen anywhere else, is too long of a story to get into, but it has deep meaning.

They also came into my life and accomplished far more good than praying to the Christian male God ever did. Life became very interesting. The username I was using when I loaded a song about doing bad things in school, was a name people shortened and just called me "TC", so it got me to "Twin Cities". TC got me to TC. And Ted Bundy , his initials were originally "Theodore Cowel" (TC), people in our city , where there is a plaque to his first victim, where she used to work, in TC. I was living on school grounds when I uploaded the song. I didn't violate rules , but they moved me to TC. You see this tatooed, on shirts, on hats and pants alot, the original initials of the man whose first victim was from our Twin Cities.

Columbia represents more than one woman, victim souls who are trying to save America. JFK belonged to "The Knights of Columbus". I belong to a group of dead Kennedys who are "Knights of Columbia", a female with healing red stripes, white stripes can be symbolic of purification through stripes (suffering, martyrdom). There is a martyrdom called a "White martyrdom".

So, the main thing the red stripe represents is martyrdom, the white stripe can represent the white martyrdom, often the most difficult. White martyrdom can be where you chronically suffer trying to do the right thing , in a sick, disorded, depressig world. It can be carrying a lot of sorrow regularly.

The statue of liberty causes many debate about which Deity is is. The face and the Sun God crown on the statues head, are almost identical to Apollo the Sun God. Apollo is an expert archer Deity, he is sometimes painted on Church walls as Jesus Christ, his name (spelled differently) is mentioned in revelation 9:11 as "Appolyon , the destroyer".

A female Apollo, what the statue looks like, would be a Sun Goddess like Amaterasu, the highest Kami in Shinto, being the Sun Goddess. It could be there because Shinto is coming to America.

At the "Dragon Jesus" (Chi Omega) house, where a Rosary repelled a killer, one of the victims was called "Bowman". The greatest conqueror in Scripture for the end times, is represented a bowman on a white horse. Dan, the dragon tribe, one of it's symbols is the white horse.

The greatest conqueror in the world, Genghis Kahn, won his victories with bowmen on horses, defeating much larger, more wealthy enemies, more educated, better armed, more advanced civilizations , conquering them with his uneducated, poorly armed bowmen.

A Jew was killed at the sight of the Rosary miracle , whose last name is an alternative for name for the tribe the Lady of the Rosary belonged to.

The names of the two victims at that house "Levy and bowman", can mean "Gather the bowmen". Levy war is a term used a lot in politics. But the name Levy, is an alternative for Levi, an alternative for Matthew.

So, the two names together could be "Matthew the bowman".

The Jewish victim's surname "Levy" is an alternative for Levi, where the Levitical priesthood comes from. They are the ones only who can slaughter lambs to atone for sin.

I saw these victims visiting me as slain lambs of God. But Jesus is not just the lamb of God, but the Lion of Judah. Because they were sacrificial lambs, they aren't lambs any more, but mighty warriors, brilliant.

Denise, the first victim to visit me descends from Abraham, like her, she descends from the person in Scripture most famous for being a bowman. The Sun God, and his Twin Goddess of the Moon, are both archers, have the bow as a symbol.

This is the Twin Cities (they are Twins), and since the statue of Liberty wears the sun God hat of Apollo, looks alot like him, and he had a female Twin Bowman Goddess of the Moon , which represents Leah, my favorite woman in Scripture. Apollo is God of the star that represents her husband, the man I try to imitate more than others.

JFK put a ridiculous amount of money into the "Apollo program" to get people to the moon. He and I both have an obsession with the moon. I named the moon Leah , and when anesthesia wore off recently in the ER, they were laughing and said that first thing I said when my eyes opened was "I love Leah , the moon Goddess."

I found a Philomena cord on the sidewalk last memorial day. The Ted Bundy victim who has a shrine at a humane society honoring her, died that day of the year, memorial vacation, may 30th.

On another Memorial weekend, I found a red fighting Sea Bees Jacket on the ground, grabbed it, because memorial weekend celebrates people like the fighting seabees.

The jacket had a badge that was dated the year she died on memorial weekend. It was red like the red representing martrydom on the philomena cord, I became convinced.

I don't know anyone who wears those cords. The next time I went to mass the priest said "I should be wearing red vestments, this is the feast of Justin Martyr".

Philomena was violently murdered by a Caesar lusting after her, is patron Saint of hopeless cases. When I visited the humane society where Bundy's first victim worked, and there is a plaque, I put my hand on the plaque and prayed.

While in the building I get a text about Saint Maria Gorretti. She was stabbed to death, this victim enshrined there, Elizabeth Perry, was stabbed to death as well, and very bizzare to get that text, because he didn't know I was visiting a plaque to pay homage to a murdered girl in the city.

Saint Maria Gorreti prayed she could be with her killer in Heaven as she died. She appeared to him in his cell, as a ghost from Heaven, offering him a Lily and friendship. It turned him into Maria Gorretti's most zealous servant, faithful friend, his letters to the Pope and preaching about her made her a canonized Saint. He became the best thing that ever happened to her, made her dreams come true.

I believed JFK and his victims entered the Royal Kennedy family. I said of Ted Bundy , "He's reborn Ted Kennedy Now". When I said that, I didn't know the original Ted Kennedy killed a woman the year of Bundy's first victim (from my city), 1969, and that was why he lost to Jimmy Carter.

After losing to Jimmy Carter, a bunny swam up to Jimmy carter's boat. It was trying to get in and making very evil noises according to some articles.

My chinese zodiac is the Bunny, my first name has the same meaning as Ted, so they call me "Ted Bunny, beast of the Apocalypse"!

I believed Emperor Hirohito was turning my Queens and Kami I pray to, and soldiers at Yasukuni shrine, into mortal Kombt character, great warrior spirits.

Well, Hirohito and Ted Bundy died the same month. Hirohito told me that the electric chair has turned him into "Raiden , thunder God. He shocks people. Needs to be charged. The electric Ted." Or so the inner voice says.

I called Ted Kennedy (the reborn Ted Bundy who is altruistic, pure, innocent, wants the Deification of his victims, will fight for their glory. He believes they would do a much better job than God. I'm from "Saint Paul". Paul hated Christians. He had them round up, stoned to death , and executed.

If he did that in America today, he would have been in prison possibly for life with those crimes. Paul became the total opposite. He became extremely fanatical, extremely zealous, endured much persecution for promoting Christianity, and eventually got killed for it.

Likewise, Ted Bundy has that same miracle, where you become the greatest servant of what you want to destroy.


Veteran Member
I get all kinds of visits from all kinds of victims of terrifying agony, torture, or who die naked , petrified, at the hands of a monster, caused me to make a prayer wall, a Kamidana shrine for them, a Honden room closed to the public, reserved for enshrined Kami.

But also, I'm trying to Deify and exalt them. Since they suffered so much agony, some people suffer much worse agony than Jesus did in his life. It ticks me off that they don't get any attention. No one is usually saying their worse martyrdom atones for sin, and more difficult life than Jesus, but won't get any attention usually.

So, I'm attempting to get the Kami, the Saints, maybe even God, to make certain victim souls greater than him. In Japan, a male Deity created a woman he said he wanted to be greater than himself or any male Deity. I'm trying to make these victim souls as great as possible. I hope they get control of God's household, omnipotence, grace, and possessions.