Another bit: I'm walking on the sidewalk approaching the corner curb to cross the street. The light is red and I will have to stop and wait until it turns green so I can cross. I'm about 7 feet away from the curbside to wait. Well, this male and female couple are walking perpendicular on the sidewalk. They are heading West while I'm heading South. Same sidewalk. However since I'm walking and with a certain 'gait' of step, as well as they, I 'assume' that as I'm approaching the curbside with only a few feet left in front of me, that the couple would choose the 'larger' space of sidewalk to pass. Which would be to my rear and not my front. But no.. They desire to be less than 1 foot away from the edge of the sidewalk to pass me rather than taking up the 4 or 5 feel that is behind me.
I rethink about that .. So i turn, cross the way they crossed, approach them on the other side of the street and ask them, 'are you from around here'? The guy responds, 'why'? And so I tell him, 'you just cut me off'.
He goes on to say that this is a free country, that the sidewalk and all places public are 'free' to be used in anyway any person wants. I ask him if he is from another State or something. He said he was from Ohio or Utah, or Idaho or something. He has this very thick heavy accent that is not Ohio or Utah, or Idaho. So I ask him if he is a U.S citizen. He says, ' fact i come from direct lines to citizens of the U.S when it was still in Colonies'.
Well, you can figure the rest out... I come to find out that his accent was German. I guess his family 'line' went from Colonial days to being a German citizen.. But still. Cutting off persons is not favored in the U.S. So: Imagine if I was in Germany, visiting, or recently moved in.. I really ought to do things 'their' way, right? After all, I'm under 'their' jurisdiction, right? And who knows? They might find what I was doing, which is contrary to their customary ways, offensive. And who knows what kind of 'revenge' customs they might have? Would I; being only a 'newbie' there?
Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on the way you have your personal outllook, every State in the U.S teaches schools in English.
But if I were to enter into any ChinaTown in the U.S, I would not think of showing anything 'contrary' to their customary ways of doing things. Even if they 'cut' off or 'pushed' a bit. Why? Because they are speaking and doing their 'things' in Chinese, not English. And it would be okay. It would be okay because on the sign entering into that 'district', there was a big green sign on the side of the road that read: China Town. Welcome.
And so, I was appreciative that they let me know what I was going to 'deal' with if I stopped and did any kind of 'interacting' there; even if only to buy some vegetables. I wonder if they ever think of any 'non Chinese' persons there as offensive because they come across as 'anti-sociable' because they do not engage in any kind of verbal communication?
I was talking to a person I know a little the other day about respect and how certain persons demand respect although they don't give any respect to any. He laughed. And I continued, and even when they are given respect, they still don't reciprocate.