I started this thread only 6 days ago -- and look where we go next: From the Tennessean, yesterday: Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti wants the state to be able to investigate and compel information on out-of-state abortions. This started with the private health records of trans people seeking treatment -- but now they want the private medical records of any Tennessean woman who has had an abortion -- IN ANOTHER STATE, WHERE IT IS LEGAL.
But not only in Tennessee -- Republican AGs in 19 states: Arkansa, Alaska, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippe, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and Utah, have all signed a letter and sent it to the Biden Administration about their right (as they see it) to get your private medical records. Your private medical records in other states where the treatment you sought was completely legal. And might that care, soon, not include fertility clinics or contraception? I don't see why not.
How far are Republicans going to go with this? I am beginning to sense real panic -- that they're beginning to fear their stance on this issue is not playing well, and are now trying desperately to rile up their base. For what reason isn't clear to me.
But the Republicans are -- as they'll proudly tell you themselves -- the party of limited government. This, folks, isn't limited government. This is outrageous over-reach. This is "Big Brother is watching you!"