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TestimonyFrom 204 Countries and Prolonged Persecution – Seek God's Help Only. Martyrdom Remembered.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you.
‘And no soul can die except by Allah’s leave — a decree with a fixed term. And whoever desires the reward of the present world, We will give him thereof; and whoever desires the reward of the life to come, We will give him thereof; and We will surely reward the grateful.

And many a Prophet there has been beside whom fought a large number of godly people. They slackened not for aught that befell them in the way of Allah, nor did they weaken, nor did they humiliate themselves (before the enemy). And Allah loves the steadfast.

And they uttered not a word except that they said: ‘Our Lord, forgive us our errors and our excesses in our conduct, and make firm our steps and help us against the disbelieving people.’

So Allah gave them the reward of this world, as also an excellent reward of the next; and Allah loves those who do good.’
(Holy Quran, Surah Ale Imran, chapter 3, verses 146-149)

‘Think not of those, who have been slain in the cause of Allah, as dead. Nay, they are living, in the presence of their Lord, being well provided,

Jubilant because of that which Allah has given them of His bounty; and rejoicing for those who have not yet joined them from behind them, because on them (shall come) no fear, nor shall they grieve.

They rejoice at the favour of Allah and (His) bounty, and (at the fact) that Allah suffers not the reward of the believers to be lost.’
(Surah Ale Imran, verses 170-172)

By the grace and benevolence of Allah, Ahmadiyya Jama'at understands the essence of their Pledges and offers exemplary sacrifices, which are according to commandments of Allah. These are sacrifices of finances, time, honour, dedication for conveying real message of Islam and life.

However, some people with less knowledge or moral training or due to humanness or circumstances, feel that persecution to the Jama'at should be highlighted before the world and its governments.

Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (may Allah be his Helper) reminds that the divinely established communities have different approach. They do not believe in staging protests before worldly people, which has their own interest. The divinely made community use ways and means within the commandments of Allah to inform the world about persecution they suffer, but their reliance is only upon their Lord. Messenger and those who believe with him pray: “…..mataa nusrullah…..” (Holy Quran ch 2 : v 215) i.e. ‘…..when (will come) the help of Allah…’.

In each period of trial and tribulations, real momin / believers prostrate before Allah and seek His grace and help. He opens the doors of progress for them. Ahmadiyya Muslims in 204 countries are witnessing it. When trial and persecution prolonged in one country, vast worldwide blessings as victories from Allah descended and new avenues of progress opened.

If cruelty with innocents on the name of God continues and is not stopped by the world, it will take over the world. Ahmadiyya Jama'at does not depend on any government or any human right watch agency etc. It solely depends upon the Being of Allah. The subject has been explained in previous Friday Sermons by Holy Khalifah (a.t.).

In the time of tribulations, the worldly people raise slogans on streets, vandalize and take revenge because they are not given promise for final victory.---------- On the other hand Allah has decreed a Destiny and has granted promise for final victory and blessings in this world and in Hereafter for Ahmadiyya Jama'at. To receive such blessing and safety from opponents, in-depth supplications are required. Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) has said in a couplet that when opposition increased in clamor : “we hid in Hidden Friend”. God shows miracles and fast helps. Ahmadiyya Jama'at has made Pledge / Bai'at with Imam of the era – Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace); who was granted promises of victory. Jama'at witnesses their fulfillment. Others are not given promises.

Worldly people have their own interests…The other day, it was said in U.K. Press that Muslims should be expelled from U.K. because they are not loyal to country. Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at countered them and informed them that Islam teaches love for country. Newspaper asked them to write down all this and promised they would publish it. When written material was duly provided, they backed off with excuses even though there was no touchy religious material present. The reality was that they feared from other sects.

Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (a.t.) gave another example. He said, when he meets leaders and press, he tell them that in order to establish peace, justice has to be done and double standards should be abolished. Some of them admit (but do not say publicly) that they have their vested interests. How can such Jama'at rely on such people?

If reliance and trust in God is understood, then prayers done with requirements alone can blow away persecution.

Persecution to Ahmadiyya Muslims is open and direct at places and at other places, it is under the guise of law. It is not new phenomenon. This persecution has been going on since the time of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). There was time when it was felt that he may have to migrate from his very long owned family village of Qadian.

Going further up, we find that Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) all his life continued to endure enmity by opponents. His wife, Hazrat Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with him) was a rich business lady but after becoming Muslim, she suffered too. In advanced age, she was to live in exile in a valley with her husband (s.a.w.) and fellow Muslims. There was lack of food and basic provisions. Latter this suffering became the cause of her passing away……… Early Muslims believed in Allah’s promises of victory…….. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) endured suffering for thirteen years in Mecca with courage. He always prayed for guidance for his ill-wishers. When people in Mecca did not hear him, he went to nearby Taif but he was pelted with stones. He was blood soaked, God asked him if enemies should be crushed between mountains, he asked for their pardon in hope that their generation would accept Islam…….. After migration to Medina, a series of attacks by invading Meccans started. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and Muslims’ endured all this with patience and steadfastness. He (s.a.w.) established model in each matter and his Companions (r.a.) followed him. Their eyes were upon promises of Allah.

Being the subservient spiritual shadow and reflection of Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him), Holy Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) clearly told his community that his path is not bed of roses. New converts are joining Jama'at with this clear understanding as they tell Holy Khalifah (a.t.).





=Based on / and details in https://alislam.org/friday-sermon/2014-05-23.html
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Peace be upon you.
Peace be on all.
The Narrative of Two Martyrdoms (in Kabul, Afghanistan)
during the lifetime of Hazrat Promised Messiah Mahdi (on whom be peace)

"Table of Contents



The Narrative of Two Martyrdoms

The Events

Some Words of Advice to My Community


A New Miracle

An Important Matter

Further Details"

Source: https://alislam.org/books/tadhkiratush shahadatain/index.html