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Abou Soufyan joined the hypocrites...The Ummayds are the cursed tree mentioned in the Quran.
As of the Quran...We are the ones who believe that the Quran has not been changed. The narrators of the Quran are Shiites people...And the Famous Quran printed in Saudi Arabia is narrated by Hafs, from Asim who narrated it from Imam Ali a.s.
Sunni claim that the Quran has been distorted...
They Also claim that some of the Quran was narrated by a single individual!
Aysha said..a chicken has eaten part of the Quran...
We believe that they distorted the meanings of the Quran...
Yes the Sunnis still claim that some part of the Quran printed in Saudi Arabia is not part of the Quran...That is the first verse of each verse "Bismillah al-rahman-Al raheem"
If i have time i can go on and on.
it is worth mentioning that ...The word 'Sunnis' is misleading ...The differences between the Sunni sects are huge....
There were wars between them...
Save the taqiyyah. I know some shias believe in tahriif of quran, they say 12th imam got the complete quran and current quran is only 1/3 of the Real Quran. So they say 2/3 is missing.
But know that only a Kaafir believes in the tahriif of quran and only a Kaafir makes takfiir of sahaba because they disbelieve in words of Allah about quran and sahaba and only a Kaafir accused Aisha r.a of zina(Adultery) and kufr(disbelief).
My question for u is:
Is a person who believes in tahriif of quran and takfiir upon sahaba a murtad kaafir? Yes or no
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