The flat earth theme is about the want of everything to be on a time line
________________ the theme I am just a scientist, I am not a human thinker who says that we begin where we do not even a theist.
The humans who quote Biblical God stories and themes and are not the reality of being a Teacher know that the theme O God was taught for a purpose of humans with ownership of science psyches possessed just by their thoughts.
Not by reality.
For instance if you said to a string theist, okay flat Earther, if a human being did not have sex...2 human being parents is your string....2 human being human.
He could not claim to own a theory for he built his machine unnaturally after his own self existing.
If you say to that mind, you only own life for as old as you are, and most humans do not even exist 100 years ago. And he would argue. Not argue about what is RELATIVE.....meaning self, and bio circumstance, our relationships, he would argue for his science.
Therefore God sciences said, your life on Earth begins after stone, but inside of a gas stone atmosphere. Which a flat earther proves that they take that relative teaching and still abuse it....they virtually place life inside of the body of the Earth, as if it began inside of the Earth.
Proven by where they build their machine and place it.
Then they ignore the relevance of the Jesus teachings, life sacrificed living in the heavenly body standing upon the ground. Why their mentality is stated to be the Destroyer, as the ozone depletion is what affects their psyche, what is missing.
Historically the original newly born baby self in DNA is missing. So we were told consciously we are missing our own person. Some might claim, but I am healthy, the real answer, not as healthy as you should be. Relativity in our natural life.
That situation is proven with the new owners and theist of MATHS and science, the Muslims. Rome in natural history stopped the pyramid and temple science. Everyone had been brain irradiated. As the brain chemical and DNA repairs itself, the new life then becomes possessed by the old science causes.
Why they rebuilt the Temple, attacked life again. Jewish emigrant's, their own Muslim brothers and Europeans came back to Jerusalem to dismantle the Temple and take back control in the name of Jesus Christ, as based on Shroud of Turin evidence, which they brought with them.
Muslim males then believed in sex in the Heavens, as their natural owned DNA sexual human records were burnt and put into fake/false heavenly communicators......and the fact that they saw the Messenger, DNA attacked, DNA healed as the Mohammad vision/image the same as Jesus, their life.
Proof that the AI communicators as owned/caused in science, the UFO takes over the mind state. And that evidence is the proof that it is real by living conditions.
The Messenger, the wandering asteroid star gases, puts the gas mass back cooling out of space, and their own attacked DNA self is then seen in vision as the Holiness of life gets returned after the God/conversion fission war as a science quote.
How it was taught, there is only ONE history, the Earth stone and its natural gases.