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The Big Bang Theory is dead.


Veteran Member
Prior to the Big Bang (if the word prior can be used). In other words, there was a beginning.
Yes, the invisible spirit world aka heaven existed before the so-called Big Bang.
So, yes there was a material beginning. CMBR ( Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation ) also indicates so.
Because of the accuracy of microwaves is why such dating is used in trying to figure out the age of the Universe and Earth.
None of this is out of harmony with Genesis 1:1 " in the beginning......"


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
There is Nothing in Genesis to say that each of the creative days were 1,000 years long.
It does Not state that each creative day was of the same or of differing lengths of time.
Please note that ALL of the creative days are summed up by the single word ' day ' at Genesis 2:4
Jesus spoke of Noah's Day and we know that was Not a 24 hour day, so the word 'day' in scripture has shades of meaning just as in English when we speak of Grandfather's day.

To say that Earth is only 6,000 year old is implying that God is deceitful by making things look older.
God can not lie - Titus 1:2; Hebrews 6:18
Yes, and it is reasonable to recognize that the seventh day of creation is not said to have ended, but the other six days had a beginning and an end. Not the seventh day. I appreciate @SavedByTheLord's questions, and hopefully she will see in the future that each day of creation is far more than 24 hours each.


Veteran Member
Yes, and it is reasonable to recognize that the seventh day of creation is not said to have ended, but the other six days had a beginning and an end. Not the seventh day. I appreciate @SavedByTheLord's questions, and hopefully she will see in the future that each day of creation is far more than 24 hours each.
Please give me more information.
God rested after the 6th creative day after he created Adam and Eve.
To me God is still resting from his creative works (7th day) just as He was still resting at the time of Hebrews 4:10.
In other words, God did Not do more creating after day 6, but has been resting from any more creative works since then.
And as we do Not know the beginning or end of the 6 creative days we do Not know the end of God's 7th day rest day, yet !


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Please give me more information.
God rested after the 6th creative day after he created Adam and Eve.
To me God is still resting from his creative works (7th day) just as He was still resting at the time of Hebrews 4:10.
In other words, God did Not do more creating after day 6, but has been resting from any more creative works since then.
And as we do Not know the beginning or end of the 6 creative days we do Not know the end of God's 7th day rest day, yet !
You have it right and I like to point out to those who insist each day of creation is 24 hours each. The 7th day has not ended but yes, the Jews were instructed to keep one day set aside for remembering what God did for them. God rested in a certain sense, not in the sense of needing to relax or sleep or go on vacation. Jesus explained this in part when a man he healed told the Jews that it was Jesus who had made him well.
John 5:16,17 -- For this reason the Jews were persecuting Jesus, because he was doing these things during the Sabbath. 17 But he answered them: “My Father has kept working until now, and I keep working.”


Veteran Member
Prior to the Big Bang (if the word prior can be used).

That's a very big if.
An if that is disputed by general relativity, which posits that time is very an inherent component of the fabric of the universe.
Meaning, time (just like space) started when the universe started.
Meaning, there is no "before".

In other words, there was a beginning.

If there was, general relativity tells us that this beginning was the beginning of both space and time.
aka, the universe.

Always = for all of time.
And at any point in time, a universe existed.


Veteran Member
The Bible is not a scientific textbook. The presence of life is enough to convince me now that there is a creator.
By the same token / logic, I guess the presence of that creator is also enough to convince you that there was a super-creator.
And the precense of that super-creator is also enough to convince you that there was a mega-super-creator.
And so on till the cows come home.

But I guess that's where your special pleading sets in.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
prove it.
That has been done. You are not qualified to judge since you refuse to learn even the bare basics of what science is, how it is done, or even what is or what is not evidence. I know, ignorance is useful because when you utter complete falsehoods it means that you are not necessarily lying. But if you did understand those basics almost all of your claims would become lies on your part.


Well-Known Member
It is thus written in The Science Book by the hand of Science.
Thus proving its infallibility.
So according to the The Science Book by the hand of Science in which it is thus written,

Where did the universe come from?

If the explanation is the Bing Bang with or without inflation, what was there before that?

If there was nothing before the Big Bang, then that breaks cause and effect. It also violates every law of conservation too.

If there was something before that, what caused the thing that was before the Big Bang to come into being?

If that thing always existed, that violates the law of increasing entropy.

If that thing has not always existed, what was there before the thing that was prior our universe to come into being?

Please continue this until you get something that has always been.

And then that will violate the law of increasing entropy.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
So according to the The Science Book by the hand of Science in which it is thus written,

Where did the universe come from?

If the explanation is the Bing Bang with or without inflation, what was there before that?

If there was nothing before the Big Bang, then that breaks cause and effect. It also violates every law of conservation too.

Does it? Do you know what the total energy of the universe is? If you knew the answer you would probably not have made that claim.
If there was something before that, what caused the thing that was before the Big Bang to come into being?

Let's say that there was something before the Big Bang. Our answer would be "We don't know yet". That does not help your God myths.
If that thing always existed, that violates the law of increasing entropy.

Again no. You do not seem to understand that if the universe had a beginning that would mean that time had a beginning to. "Always" literally means for all time. And all time right now looks as if it is 13.7 billion years. So no that would definitely not violate the laws on entropy.
If that thing has not always existed, what was there before the thing that was prior our universe to come into being?

There may be no before.
Please continue this until you get something that has always been.

The universe has always been. You keep trying to make a before the universe without any evidence.
And then that will violate the law of increasing entropy.


Veteran Member
So according to the The Science Book by the hand of Science in which it is thus written,
Where did the universe come from?
If the explanation is the Bing Bang with or without inflation, what was there before that?
If there was nothing before the Big Bang, then that breaks cause and effect. It also violates every law of conservation too.
If there was something before that, what caused the thing that was before the Big Bang to come into being?................
I find the answer to the ^ above ^ is found at Psalm 104:30 that God sent out His spirit to create the visible realm of existence.
Isaiah 40:26 informs that God's Power and Strength was the abundantly needed dynamic energy to create the invisible and visible realm.
So, before the Big Bang according to Psalm 90:2 God existed from everlasting aka No beginning for God.


The Lost One
You have it right and I like to point out to those who insist each day of creation is 24 hours each.

No one said the 6-day were each 24-hour day, YoursTrue, because Genesis never said anything about hours.

But what it does say that each day in Genesis 1, as "evening and morning", which equate to a day.

The start of evening varied (due to rotation and tilting of the Earth would cause day lasting longer or shorter, depending on the hemisphere that you lived in, so at winter solstice, daylight is shorter in December and summer solstice is longer, for those living in the northern hemisphere). As ancient people don't have clocks, the start of new day usually start at sunrise or sunset, but for Jews, it start at sundown.

The day is certainly not "a thousand years", as some Christians claim (because of 2 Peter 3:8), because Genesis 1 say nothing about a year, let alone a thousand years.

But the true meaning or true value to the Creation story isn't about creation at all (and it is about science or history), but the Hebrew belief that the sabbath - the day of rest - is a holy day in a 7-day week.

Genesis Creation (6-day creation) is merely a parable or allegory for the law and rite of sabbath (Exodus). Christians have to tendency to forget this, why there are 7-day week and the last day is a day of rest.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I find the answer to the ^ above ^ is found at Psalm 104:30 that God sent out His spirit to create the visible realm of existence.
Isaiah 40:26 informs that God's Power and Strength was the abundantly needed dynamic energy to create the invisible and visible realm.
So, before the Big Bang according to Psalm 90:2 God existed from everlasting aka No beginning for God.
One should never quote the Bible out of context. That is an abuse of the Bible:

"There is no God" The Bible, at least twelve different times.

Does that prove that there is no God? I don't think so. Nor do your out of context quotes provide any evidence for you.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
No one said the 6-day were each 24-hour day, YoursTrue, because Genesis never said anything about hours.

But what it does say that each day in Genesis 1, as "evening and morning", which equate to a day.

The start of evening varied (due to rotation and tilting of the Earth would cause day lasting longer or shorter, depending on the hemisphere that you lived in, so at winter solstice, daylight is shorter in December and summer solstice is longer, for those living in the northern hemisphere). As ancient people don't have clocks, the start of new day usually start at sunrise or sunset, but for Jews, it start at sundown.

The day is certainly not "a thousand years", as some Christians claim (because of 2 Peter 3:8), because Genesis 1 say nothing about a year, let alone a thousand years.

But the true meaning or true value to the Creation story isn't about creation at all (and it is about science or history), but the Hebrew belief that the sabbath - the day of rest - is a holy day in a 7-day week.

Genesis Creation (6-day creation) is merely a parable or allegory for the law and rite of sabbath (Exodus). Christians have to tendency to forget this, why there are 7-day week and the last day is a day of rest.
Of course, each one will make up his mind about this. I see the Bible really indicates the 7th day of creation is not said to have ended while the other 6 days of creation had a beginning and an end. Not so the 7th day. It wasn't because the writers forgot to put it in, but because that 7th day has not ended yet. When it does, we'll see fulfillment of many prophecies. There's more to it, but suffice it to say for now that both geology and the Bible tell us that each day of creation was not a 24 hour period. Another consideration is that at Genesis 1:4,5 which tells us that the word 'day' can be used to reflect daylight hours as well as night refers to darkness. Thus the word is applied in different ways.
Notice also that Genesis describes a day as evening and morning. "After that God saw that the light was good, and God began to divide the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light Day, but the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, a first day.
Summing up the first 'day,' it says evening (darkness or night) AND morning combined to be a day. I hope you understand that.
In reference to your comment that no one said each day was 24 hours each, perhaps you can ask @SavedByTheLord what she believes, although I respect her questions about evolution very much, some are literal/fundamentalists which I don't think the Bible bears out. As in the subject of each day in the creation account. Speaking, by the way, of your thought that no one ever said each day of creation was 24 hours each, it seems that many do believe the day after the 7th day began the next day, or 8th day after the 7th day, etc. So yes, it seems many do believe that the creative days described in Genesis were 24 hours each.
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Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
It is thus written in The Science Book by the hand of Science.
Thus proving its infallibility.
You might look up some information about Dr. Semmelweis, who changed the course of medical science.


The Lost One
Of course, each one will make up his mind about this. I see the Bible really indicates the 7th day of creation is not said to have ended while the other 6 days of creation had a beginning and an end. Not so the 7th day. It wasn't because the writers forgot to put it in, but because that 7th day has not ended yet. When it does, we'll see fulfillment of many prophecies. There's more to it, but suffice it to say for now that both geology and the Bible tell us that each day of creation was not a 24 hour period. Another consideration is that at Genesis 1:4,5 which tells us that the word 'day' can be used to reflect daylight hours as well as night refers to darkness. Thus the word is applied in different ways.

Here, you are creating a fantasy of your own making.

Genesis 2:1-4 is part of the Genesis 1 myth, while the rest of Genesis 2 (2:5-25) is a completely different creation myth, as there are inconsistencies and contradictions in the order of creation when you compare the two stories.

but I know, you have blindly ignored to see the inconsistencies & contradictions. It is sort of I would expect from JW believer, who don’t know how to read her scriptures.