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The Big Bang Theory is dead.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand your sentence so I'm not holding out much hope of understanding your imaginary friend.
The unsaved cannot understand the word of God and the gospel of Christ.
So if you believe the gospel of,Christ which is preached by many, you would get saved.
And then you would understand the word of God


Veteran Member
That is funny.

Like the fossils have dates stamped on them too.
Like March 23, 123,456,723 BC 6 pm
That shows all those exact dates that they keep publishing.
Not sure what day of the week though
You aren't just fighting a loosing battle, you're still fighting in a battle -and war- that your side has already lost centuries ago.

Time for you to catch on.

TLK Valentine

Read the books that others would burn.
I appreciate his joy at being saved, but I can't countenance a Heaven where this sort of thing is a widely held position. I don't know that there would even be widely held positions in Heaven. I don't want to spend eternity listening to this sort of message. For me personaly, that would mean something bad happened.

"The Church is a hospital for sinners, not a country club for saints."

Until that gets fixed, I'll happily accept their blackball.

TLK Valentine

Read the books that others would burn.
Actually, you can just believe it as it preached.
It is simple to understand the gospel of Christ.

Ah... I can't read it for myself because I can't understand the word of God, but I can listen to it preached...
...by someone who is saved, I take it? I mean, it would have to be someone saved; nobody else would be able to understand it.
...someone saved, such as - and I know I'm just spitballing here...

... yourself, for example?


Well-Known Member
Ah... I can't read it for myself because I can't understand the word of God, but I can listen to it preached...
...by someone who is saved, I take it? I mean, it would have to be someone saved; nobody else would be able to understand it.
...someone saved, such as - and I know I'm just spitballing here...

... yourself, for example?
When you read Genesis 1, do you believe that God created all things in the 6 days as it describes?
And when is says that Satan deceives the whole world, do you not understand that if someone does not believe in Jesus Christ, they are deceived?

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

TLK Valentine

Read the books that others would burn.
When you read Genesis 1, do you believe that God created all things in the 6 days as it describes?
And when is says that Satan deceives the whole world, do you not understand that if someone does not believe in Jesus Christ, they are deceived?

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Sorry, I'm not saved, so all that just comes across like, "usbv wj dqo Isocuap 4, sp nwo wmcwls oqna Nel aovyavi iws cjwos ip aje 3 opce oc wo pejcuels?"

Can't understand it, remember?

But even if I could, and I said "no; I believe in evolution," you'd say I wasn't saved, which means I'm going to hell.

To which I respond: Yeah... tell me something I didn't know?

I'm pro-choice, politically liberal, and a strong supporter and ally of all my LGBT+ friends. So if being an evolutionist means I'm not going to Heaven, I got news for you: I was blackballed a long time ago.

If your god is looking for an excuse to keep me out, I got plenty for him to choose from.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I'm not saved, so all that just comes across like, "usbv wj dqo Isocuap 4, sp nwo wmcwls oqna Nel aovyavi iws cjwos ip aje 3 opce oc wo pejcuels?"

Can't understand it, remember?

But even if I could, and I said "no; I believe in evolution," you'd say I wasn't saved, which means I'm going to hell.

To which I respond: Yeah... tell me something I didn't know?

I'm pro-choice, politically liberal, and a strong supporter and ally of all my LGBT+ friends. So if being an evolutionist means I'm not going to Heaven, I got news for you: I was blackballed a long time ago.

If your god is looking for an excuse to keep me out, I got plenty for him to choose from.
Maybe one day you will change your mind.


Well-Known Member
Your god wishes suffering on people I care about, and wishes suffering on me for caring about them.

I see nothing to gain from changing my mind.
if you believe the gospel of Christ then you will be saved.
Then you can preach the gospel of Christ to many including those that you know and love.