That one dude...
Why should I have a faith?
I missed a lot of this and have to watch it again.
Ham really doesn't understand science for sure and what has already been learned.
It was funny he said he knew nothing about plate tectonics and is a young Earth Creationist and then there is no evidence for an old Earth.
Was the formation and age of moon brought up?
No, the moon wasn't mentioned at all unfortunately. Ham would have had a tough time explaining it without basically saying 'God did it'.
I agree with Sunstone that Ham was the better presenter and had fewer facts to present. One thing that Bill failed to point out that would have made all of Ham's arguments come crashing down on him was a blatant inherent confirmation bias. Ham had evidence that depended on his assertion of creationism being correct, whereas Bill's scientific assertions being correct depended on evidence that was found.