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The Cartoon Controversy


To Save A Lamb
I'm curious as to all the other Muslims on this board's thoughts on the cartoons publised about Muhammed (pbuh) and the reaction to them.

I've expressed my views clearly in the number of threads devoted to this topic in the debate section.
The pictures are a complete insult to Islam. They shouldn't have been made or printed. It just shows the lack of knowledge and more importantly, the lack of respect some ppl have towards Islam.


To Save A Lamb
The pictures are a complete insult to Islam. They shouldn't have been made or printed. It just shows the lack of knowledge and more importantly, the lack of respect some ppl have towards Islam.
The cartoons were an insult to Islam and a show of ignorance on the side of their creator, I agree. But we have to remember that they are just silly pictures. I know the culture situation is a very bad one, but by acting with a blind moral outrage just gives them power in the fact that they have made the "religion of Peace" look like a group of uneducated violent jerks- something we know just ins't true. But why do you believe they shouldn't be made? Free speech is for all views.

And, more importantly, what do you think of the reaction in the Muslim world to the cartoons?
jamaesi said:
But why do you believe they shouldn't be made? Free speech is for all views.
And, more importantly, what do you think of the reaction in the Muslim world to the cartoons?
The pictures shouldn't have been made because it is haram (forbidden) in Islam. The pictures were offensive and were created to make a joke out of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.S)

As for the Muslim reaction, that is questionable. However, these pictures are insulting and were targeted towards muslims by attacking our Prophet. They could burn our houses, rob us, whatever, but don't make fun of our religion and our prophet.


Veteran Member
jamaesi said:
As much as I as agree with the sentiments- isn't this forum for Muslims only?
My apologies for not seeing the posts sooner. Yes for Muslims only.


Muslims respect Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) very much and insulting him (pbuh) was very outrageous. It's simple to understand this outrage. What if someone makes an insulting image of your family - will you except that? And for Muslims, Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) is more than a family and insulting him (PBUH) is very offensive.


Ask Muslims not the Media.


jamaesi said:
The cartoons were an insult to Islam and a show of ignorance on the side of their creator, I agree. But we have to remember that they are just silly pictures. I know the culture situation is a very bad one, but by acting with a blind moral outrage just gives them power in the fact that they have made the "religion of Peace" look like a group of uneducated violent jerks- something we know just ins't true. But why do you believe they shouldn't be made? Free speech is for all views.

And, more importantly, what do you think of the reaction in the Muslim world to the cartoons?
I agree, we must be very wise, specially in these times.


jamaesi said:
... Anyone?
I've heard about it from other people and have not seen it, they clearly know how we as Muslims feel, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the form of a cartoon, now that i can't handle, i will definitely be outraged when i see the image!


Veteran Member
Premium Member
jamaesi said:
But why do you believe they shouldn't be made? Free speech is for all views.
Because this will spread hate among Muslims and non-Muslims especially the uneducated Muslims who may involve in violence as a reaction of the insulting of thier beloved Prophet.

And, more importantly, what do you think of the reaction in the Muslim world to the cartoons?
In Saudi Arabia and some other gulf countries they bycott the Danish product "which is so legal and i have no problem with it" but in some other countries they went to burn the Danish embassy and their flag which Muslims do not supposed to do so.


To Save A Lamb
Muslims respect Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) very much and insulting him (pbuh) was very outrageous. It's simple to understand this outrage. What if someone makes an insulting image of your family - will you except that? And for Muslims, Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) is more than a family and insulting him (PBUH) is very offensive.
Then I'd shrug it off and ignore them. Why bother with ignorant people- it only makes you look ignorant yourself.

Because this will spread hate among Muslims and non-Muslims especially the uneducated Muslims who may involve in violence as a reaction of the insulting of thier beloved Prophet.
Don't you think the ridiculous reaction to these cartoons has tarnished Islam more than the cartoons themselves? Let the cartoons be published- and let Muslims educate each other.
Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.S) gave his whole live towards Islam, he questioned the people who believed in idolatry and lived peacefully according to Islamic laws. His life serves as an example, that no matter what happens Allah always comes first.

Now to have these people insult the prophet in a cartoon? The man who was known as trustworthy by his friends, companions and enemies alike. I know that the actions the muslims are taking may not be the most peaceful, but most of the people who choose violence have a great love for the prophet.


Well....I totally agree with jamaesi...

These pictures are insults and accuses to prophet Mohammed...I agree with that...

I agree that these pictures are ment to be an attack from the whole country...a prove for this is that the government previously prevented puplishing pictures that mock the holocausts...

I dont mean to say that they respect jews more than muslims...I just want to say that this is a silly way of attacking...

they insulted the prophet, but the prophet himself is the one who didnt care about the insults thrown on him, cuz we are orderd not to care about fool actions, and this is one...

I think we would better educate Danish and European people about the man they had insulted. This is number one, number to is to let muslims there solve the problem themselves by going to courts, thats how the Danish laws will take the muslims right from that newspaper...

I believe we are the main responsible for what happend...If we were good muslims, no one would ever dare puplishing these pictures...

If we really love prophet Mohammed, why dont we obey his teachings?
we are at the bottom of the world's civilization, we have no sciences, no technology, no education...we disobey the prophet's teachings about the most important issues, and only care about silly pictures(although they are still insults)...Come on!!

Wake up muslims....!!


Now to have these people insult the prophet in a cartoon? The man who was known as trustworthy by his friends, companions and enemies alike. I know that the actions the muslims are taking may not be the most peaceful, but most of the people who choose violence have a great love for the prophet.
This means they dont know him, they made this due to their ignorance, and our duty is to educate them...


Veteran Member
Premium Member
jamaesi said:
Then I'd shrug it off and ignore them. Why bother with ignorant people- it only makes you look ignorant yourself.

Believe me, this case is more about the Muslims seeing themselves mocked by other nations more than that these cartoons insulted Mohammed "peace be upon him" because what happened doesn't compare to what Prophet Mohammed have faced in his life time and he was just forgiving his enemies for thier ignorant.

I remember a story when once Prophet Mohammed went to a city "it's in saudi arabia now" to ask them to believe in one Almighty God instead of idols but they insulted him well, sending children to throw stones at him, he was bleeding too. Then once he went far out from the city Allah sent "the angel of the mountains" to prophet Mohammed to give him the permission to to punish this city "the city was srrounded by 2 huge mountains" by making this city vanished in the middle of these 2 huge mountains by corrosponding it together on them. Prophet Mohammed directly refused saying "i don't remember the excat meaning": I hope that the children of this city or "the seed of this city" might have within it believers in Islam one day.

Now all the city are Muslims.

Again, a jew once wanted to test the harmony, peace and wisdom within prophet Mohammed saying that he examined the prophicies of Mohammed except 2 things.

1- his forgivness surpass his anger.
2- and the anger and ignorance of others against him just makes him even more tolerate and peaceful.

He went to prophet Mohammed and he had a deal with him before in some business for Muslims. Then, this jew came early to prophet Mohammed "before the time they agreed to meet and deliver this business thing" and he graped the prophet's clothes catching him by his hands staring at him, talking with him loudly claiming that prophet Mohammed don't want to give his rights quickly "and he said somthing about arabs attitude in negative way", at once the companion of prophet Mohammed "Omar bin al-khatab" jumped prepared his sword to deal with the jew, prophet Mohammed smiled asking Omar to calm down saying: Omar, "will you ask me to give this guy "the jew" his rights on us and at the same time asking him "the jew" to calm and deal fairly with me "the prophet said". Then, the prophet asked Omar to give the the jew what he wants and add for him more goods more than what he really deserve. The Jew explained what he wanted to do earliar and confessed (I believe in no god but Allah and Mohammed is prophet of Allah).

Dear jamaesi, I hope that my english didn't made you lost in the middle of my text and i'll try to find a well translated one for you soon in sha Allah about this Hadith and others too.

Don't you think the ridiculous reaction to these cartoons has tarnished Islam more than the cartoons themselves? Let the cartoons be published- and let Muslims educate each other.
I agree with you. They have been so emotional instead of using peacful ways to defend prophet Mohammed.

Thank you .. :)


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
muslimbrother said:
The pictures shouldn't have been made because it is haram (forbidden) in Islam. The pictures were offensive and were created to make a joke out of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.S)

As for the Muslim reaction, that is questionable. However, these pictures are insulting and were targeted towards muslims by attacking our Prophet. They could burn our houses, rob us, whatever, but don't make fun of our religion and our prophet.
May I ask, does that rule have to be applied by followers of Islam to non-Muslims, as well as Muslims (ie do followers of Islam feel that they must see that rule enforced on everyone) ?:)

Judgement Day

Active Member
michel said:
May I ask, does that rule have to be applied by followers of Islam to non-Muslims, as well as Muslims (ie do followers of Islam feel that they must see that rule enforced on everyone) ?:)
No but,

muslimbroter said:
The pictures were offensive and were created to make a joke out of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.S)
Thats the main reason why Muslims all over the world cannot accept this.