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... this year, help is on the way: An army of 700 lawyers is being deployed to protect America's schools from the ACLU grinch.
In the past few weeks, the Alliance Defense Fund has contacted over 3,600 school districts nationwide, explaining the law and separating myth from fact regarding the celebration of Christmas in public schools. Moreover, as part of the group's "Christmas Project," more than 700 ADF and affiliated attorneys nationwide are available at no cost to the school district to combat any attempts to censor the celebration of Christmas in schools and on public property
Christmas Wars and the Loss of Christian Privilege:
Conservatives anger is due more to the fact that Christianity no longer dominates American culture; Christmas is simply an egregious example of this trend. The "right" they say they are losing is the "right" to dominate discourse, culture, government, and society. The loss of Christmas as the focus of the holiday season and the loss of public acknowledgment of the religious elements of Christmas represent the loss of Christian privilege occurring throughout American culture.
Lawsuits, or the threat of lawsuits, are a weapon in the war - a war that transends Christmas itself and goes to the core of retaining special Christian privilege.
Christians who get upset over things like Happy Holidays arent seeking tolerance or respect, they are seeking privilege and status. They want others to make them feel better about themselves by recognizing that Christianity is special and is better than all other religious systems. The failure to do this is, in their minds, a sign of a conspiracy. The truth is that its a product first of increasing religious pluralism and, second, the pressures of the market to be more inclusive in order to attract the broadest group of customers. Why do these conservatives hate the market so much?