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The denial of the pecking order is folly


Well-Known Member
I see them (the cashiers) as fellow humans of course, but the management orders them to sit so as to make the customer feel good.

The customer then gets used to feeling good so expects this mode of subservience at all terms - and hence continues the downward cycle.

When the cashier has his day off and shops he now gets to see others standing so he then feels good himself.

The cycle continues until we are all slaves to the King money.

Then what?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
We are all only truly happy when we can elevate ourselves over others.

In the secular world this usually comes down to financial status, job, position at work and postcode.

Why do people always ask you 'so what do you do for a living?' as soon as they feel they are able to.

The answer is to see whether you are above them or below them and then how to act accordingly.

Why do people ask you what your religion or denomination is?

again, this is to see if they are above or below you in their sense of the hierarchy of man.

Why do people oppose certain forms of poor relief yet happily donate to 3rd World nations - again this is to make them feel good about themselves whilst keeping the nearby poor in their own countries at a significant disadvantage to themselves and thus maintain their own Lordship status.

We all think we are God and conflicts always arise when our Godhood status is threatened or there is a misunderstanding about who is above who in the order of status.

Thus all mainstream religions are doomed - as we can never let go of our supposed positions - this even happens within families.

Children are always supposed to be respectful of their parents regardless, this is even one of the biblical Commandments.

So is there a way to transcend this human failing?

This post says more about you than about other people.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Chickens have a pecking order. Human relationships are a bit more complex than that, but for some reason, we like to think we're just like chickens.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
This is all wrong.
We're only truly happy when we're at leisure.

This is for you:



It was on fire when I laid down on it.
So are you are saying that because you are standing then the cashier must also stand?

if so, then this would be a good example of the master and servant charade.

ie: I stand and pay ,so you lowly worker must also stand as I am the master customer with the money.

Why should I be expected to stand while you are serving me sitting down!

and as for bank workers, why should they be allowed to sit but a supermarket cashier not?

It is because they are closer to the machinery of evil - the dark financial heart of mans' greed and pomposity.

Sorry, but this is so ridiculous that it's laughable!

If you go to the teller line, you're both standing. What does this mean? When you apply for a loan, you're both sitting - what does THIS mean?

What does it mean when you're sitting but your doctor is standing? What does it mean when your cashier is sitting but you're standing? What about when your cashier is in a wheelchair and you are too? What about when you can't sit because there are no more chairs in the room? What about if you're normally sitting at your job, but you've cracked your tailbone and you have to stand?

I mean, come on.


Well-Known Member
you're not really addressing the points here though are you.

but, I am glad I made you laugh :)
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It's actually a power play to sit and have the other party adress you while standing. It shows that they must remain uncomfortable while appealing to you. Just think of a king in his throne adressing petitions.


Well-Known Member
that is true , and is the ideology for sure behind much of today's customer service rituals.

Customer sits, worker stands - or if the customer must stand then so must the worker.

is this really necessary though?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
that is true , and is the ideology for sure behind much of today's customer service rituals.

Customer sits, worker stands - or if the customer must stand then so must the worker.

is this really necessary though?

Hey, whaddya think of this?

Grocery store - customer stands, clerk stands

Makeup counter at Saks Fifth Avenue - customer stands, clerk stands

Bank - customer stands, teller stands

Water company - customers stands, clerk stands

Wal Mart - customer stands, clerk stands

ABC Auto Parts - customer stands, clerk stands

Hastings - customer stands, clerk stands

McDonalds - customer stands, clerk stands

Loan company - customer sits, employee sits

Edward Jones - customer sits, broker sits

Nail salon - customer sits, nail tech sits

Title company - customer sits, title clerk sits

I could go on but I'm getting bored.



Well-Known Member
the societal message is that when someone (ie: the customer) is spending then the worker must be humble to them because of that all important king, money.

This fuels the artificial sense of entitlement in the customer which invariably increases with their level of wealth due to the increased subservience offered to them.

Gradually this erodes society until we end up in the position we are at today - namely a two tier structure of haves and have nots but with nearly everyone living in an artificial status bubble.

This leads to crime, violence and oppression - a vicious circle fueled by man's avarice , chanelled by management , owners and the like.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Sorry, but this is ridiculous and I'm not wasting anymore time on this thread.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
So in Martinville, the President and the street bum are the same. In some ways they are, they both have to stand in line to vote and can only do so one time each.

The problem is when we need to ask Mr. Obama to live under a bridge or to add another room to the White house.

Should the street bum get secret service protection? Should the President get none?

Take college for example, who is the higher person here? The professor may be the paid servant, but he is also the task master. Is the professor not deserving of respect? I believe the student receives a certain level of respect as well.

Martial art schools are the perfect example of mutual respect but still there is a leader. Why is there a problem with this leader being a leader?

I believe in Martinsville, nothing is really different, things are just turned upside down. The strong serve the weak and the rich work for the poor.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Hey, whaddya think of this?

Grocery store - customer stands, clerk stands

Makeup counter at Saks Fifth Avenue - customer stands, clerk stands

Bank - customer stands, teller stands

Water company - customers stands, clerk stands

Wal Mart - customer stands, clerk stands

ABC Auto Parts - customer stands, clerk stands

Hastings - customer stands, clerk stands

McDonalds - customer stands, clerk stands

Loan company - customer sits, employee sits

Edward Jones - customer sits, broker sits

Nail salon - customer sits, nail tech sits

Title company - customer sits, title clerk sits

I could go on but I'm getting bored.


I say the thread cannot go further until someone answers what each of this situations mean o.o

You simply are taking the situations you want and making them to mean something for everything else. It makes no sense. be honest and answer the question.


Well-Known Member
I believe in Martinsville, nothing is really different, things are just turned upside down. The strong serve the weak and the rich work for the poor.

This is not what I am saying at all.

Since when does being a cashier make you weaker than the average customer (who may well be a cashier himself)?

no, this thread is really an attack on the human ego and it's inbuilt need to create an overpuffed sense of entitlement - this overpuffing is aided by the free market system.

Look where this puffing has got us.

Now everything has a monetary value and everyone has an ego way bigger than they deserve. In fact I would say that most of us are living our own bubbles of delusional grandeur because of this free for all system.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
This is not what I am saying at all.

Since when does being a cashier make you weaker than the average customer (who may well be a cashier himself)?

no, this thread is really an attack on the human ego and it's inbuilt need to create an overpuffed sense of entitlement - this overpuffing is aided by the free market system.

Look where this puffing has got us.

Now everything has a monetary value and everyone has an ego way bigger than they deserve. In fact I would say that most of us are living our own bubbles of delusional grandeur because of this free for all system.

You must be speaking for yourself. You certainly don't speak for me. I don't think that way at all.

I've been rich and I've been poor. I'm the same person, and don't think I don't know it. I'm not worth a bit more now than I was back then, and I understand that others are no different than me when it comes to their value as a person.

What it really boils down to is a maturity level. Mature people, regardless of their age, understand that the value of a person depends on their humanity, not their income.

Apparently you don't yet realize that, because you insist on judging others by their income level.
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Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
I am thrilled when I see a hard working employee. I have respect for the dignity of labor. I don't see an inferior person, I see the future well off person.

Sucess is all about attitude. I would not let some loser customer on a head trip ruin my perspective of how the road to success works. You have to learn how to deal with jackwads of the world. I smile. Service with a smile, all the while I am having some violent fantasy of what I really would like to tell them.
that is true , and is the ideology for sure behind much of today's customer service rituals.

Customer sits, worker stands - or if the customer must stand then so must the worker.

is this really necessary though?

The relinquishing or acquiring of power is all in one's head. In reality, we are all humans, all capable of the same acts, so it is only society who prescribes what the 'norm' considers a hierarchy. Are you cattle or a man? Do you agree that there is an established hierarchy, or do you not give a rats whisker? Should we prescribe to the masses, or walk our own path? Regardless, it's still personal perception. If you truly believe that society is structured how you claim, you must have a bleak look towards humanity. Mine is brighter because I see the potential and equality in those around me.


the societal message is that when someone (ie: the customer) is spending then the worker must be humble to them because of that all important king, money.

This fuels the artificial sense of entitlement in the customer which invariably increases with their level of wealth due to the increased subservience offered to them.

Gradually this erodes society until we end up in the position we are at today - namely a two tier structure of haves and have nots but with nearly everyone living in an artificial status bubble.

This leads to crime, violence and oppression - a vicious circle fueled by man's avarice , chanelled by management , owners and the like.

WHO is not BOTH a customer AND an employee/worker?
You speak as if there are TWO truly separate groups of people.
'The customers' and/Vrs 'The workers'.

HINT: Where do customers/consumers get the money they spend....