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The Devil has been in My Girlfriend's Panties Drawer!


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Tell the truth Sunstone, you sniffed my panties right? What else where you doing at the time? ;)

OMG! You're right! You're right! My very first thought upon discovering those alluring black, lacy French-cuts was that they were my girlfriend Sally Daniel's own drawers, and I did in truth sniff upon them, for I am not entirely pure in the sight of the Lord! OMG! But they were yours! And you are a man! A man! Surely, I am in danger this very instant of adopting a sinful and damning homosexual lifestyle and moral affliction!

I must at once call the Reverend J.J. Johnson, jr, and demand that he alert the entire Lady's Congregational Church Choir and Volleyball Team to hasten to my house in order to pray away the gay before I commit any lewd homosexual acts that would damn me to Satan's Burning Lake of Fire forever!
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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
If Sunstone sniffed those panties...

I confess I did, and it's cost me dearly, too. My pastor and church elders have enrolled me in a Reparative Christian Counseling Program for Souls Allured to the Homosexual Lifestyle -- and, at my own expense!


رسول الآلهة
Laced panties?

In the typical Japanese culture, white cotton panties are apart of the pantsu paraphilia along with things like shimapan while laced undies fall under the more "mature" category and thus less sinful. I find it humorous how culture differ in undergarments decorum.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I find it humorous how culture differ in undergarments decorum.

Well, isn't that something! Has it occurred to you, Sterling Archer, that while you're busy finding it "humorous how cultures differ in undergarments decorum" the Rev. Rick and I are in a hard-fought and desperate struggle with the Devil's own Demons of Homosexual Choice for the eternal salvation of our souls?


رسول الآلهة
Well, isn't that something! Has it occurred to you, Sterling Archer, that while you're busy finding it "humorous how cultures differ in undergarments decorum" the Rev. Rick and I are in a hard-fought and desperate struggle with the Devil's own Demons of Homosexual Choice for the eternal salvation of our souls?

Pfft, dude please. The Devil has been on vacation since 1999, after Y2K he needed a day off. I think he ain't even suppose to be back until 2666.

You probably just saw Charlie Sheen snooping around in your ladies' undie drawer. Just be sure to leave some drug laced rat traps around your house to catch that wicked Charlie Sheen and you shall be fine.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Yeah, well, your souls may be in danger, but admit it....you liked it.

What has "like" got to do with it? Got to do with it? Got to do with it? Like is a second-hand emotion!

"Like" is the Devil's own evil means of luring strong, firmly upright, heart-stopping heterosexual Christian men into a sordid, throbbingly passionate relationship with each other, thus destroying the sanctity of their marriages and relationships to good Christian womensfolk -- womensfolk like the highly admirable Sally Daniels of white cotton classic-cut briefs that are attractively embroidered with steamy verses from the Song of Solomon. "Like" is the trap door in the Devil's master plan!
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
Badran! BADRAN! Are you there Badran! It has been revealed to me that our fellow RFer and Admin, the Reverend Rick, has been sinfully dressing up in women's garments and is therefore come dangerously close to losing his eternal soul and impressive fashion sense to Satan's dark demon forces of despair! Badran, pray for him! Pray until your clasped hands are chaffed with the fervor of righteousness! We must act at once to save him from immorality and immolation in the Lake of Fire!

I do not believe that Reverend Rick is capable of doing something like this. I do not believe such a thing is possible.

I believe there must have been a misunderstanding here and that everyone should just calm down.


Atheist Triple Goddess
Are you the exorcist?

Nah, I just like to have documentation of other people's foibles and the necessary visuals when drool happens. nothing is more amusing than slack-jawed, hormonally challenged, testosterone handicapped individuals when confronted with the materials that make their dreams somewhat wet.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Help me Jesus!

The situation is now worse than you think, Brother Badran! Far worse than you think!

It's now worse than Godly Christian men sinfully wearing upon their defiled bodies the unholy garments of womensfolk!

It's now worse than Godly Christian men sniffing upon the very sex scents of unrepentant and lascivious Church Elders!

It's now worse than Godly Christian men turning away from their Christian spouses and their Christian sex kitten mistresses in order to choose the unsanctified and unholy homosexual lifestyle!

Brother Badran, it's even...it's even gone beyond the imaginable! It's now even gotten worse than the terrifying and Godless War on Christmas! Far worse!

Brother Badran! The Reverend Rick has not only departed from the ways of the brethren of the Living Life of Light Church, he has not only adopted hideous customs, strange practices, fleshly lusts, and an ungodly preference for greeting Wal-Mart Shoppers with "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" --- Brother Badran, the Reverend Rick is now surely possessed by the highest and most dangerous demons of hell for he has been quoting to Pastor J.J. Johnson, jr. himself passages from the New Testament and he is now threatening to adopt and take upon himself the practice of a Christ-like lifestyle!


Atheist Triple Goddess
Yo, leaders of the self-righteous and true followers of the myth. Stop speaking in allegories. I know your sacred texts have a few and I admire that you all want to emulate those guys who paved the way to that salvation thingy with their words and such. But seriously, why go on and on about all that sin thing and giving that boy Satan such a bad rap? At least he acts like a real man.

That war on Christmas thing happens to be another one of those myths that help sell ad space and time but really only exists in some grumpy old men’s imagination.

And I for one have figured it out. Those are the same kind of guys that you represent. You make a big to do about nothing—in this case underwear that you find in some imaginary girlfriend’s drawers—we all know you don’t have any girlfriends or even friends with benefits of the female persuasion. You are all just pretending so you don’t have to explain to your mothers why you have panties in your wardrobe. Yeah, I know all about the dress-up games you play.

I am the one who sends out all those plain-brown-paper-wrap packages—I have names and numbers.

Stand up for yourselves and be proud of what you are, namely silk and lace aficionados, albeit with some strange sense of fashion.

….oh yeah, sunnyboy, that little red lace bra you’re wearing under that starched shirt does wonders for the old manboobs.


Atheist Triple Goddess
Sunstone has man boobs? Have you met him? He has the body of a Greek God. His buttocks are perfect orbs.

well, that greek god thing...ah, you sure?

I think you were looking at the dude standing next to him. sunrock did not resemble any statue of greek gods i've ever seen.

maybe you just need new glasses. yeah, that's it, get new glasses.


Atheist Triple Goddess
ok, you win. i got me some eye bleach and am currently imbibing catnip infusion to regain my equilibrium.

it's been a rough few days with all that underwear wrapping and never mind the "toys" people order for xmas. nothing like a religious holiday to get that mojo going with the help of mood enhancers, as we call it in the trade.