I think you have not understood what I am trying to say to you, do you all think that your bones will not disperse into full disintegration? surely those who deny death are the ones who fear it the most. Death is another beginning to another journey of our celestial bodies in forms we know not. The destruction of the world is something which right before your eyes is being conducted in a well arranged manner, so whether I crave for it or not, makes no difference whatsoever, it is being destroyed for what Man' hands have sent forth, to continue to blame God is yet a very grave mistake one is making, God has created the Devil and He has created the Angels and He has created Mankind, and He has created things of some we have no knowledge and some we have no knowledge, God's Plan is strong, and HE has a firm grasp on the forelocks of the creatures HE has created and indeed HE has full command over them, the wicked he lets them enjoy the brief life of the world for a while, but in the end they too will perish and face the Angels of Death.
Iblees whatever you all might like to fanthom in your minds, is a reality and I keep telling all of you he has played his cards so correctly that look at all of you behaving and defending him of his non existence, truly he has put a spell on all of you in ways you possibly cannot perceive.
Try walking at night alone in the woods and you will feel the presence of the Jinns who abide there, try going to a remote or abandoned house, they live there, they live in this world and they yes are from another dimension, yet the ones who deny the command of their Lord try to break the vortex and enter into our realm to cause mischief.