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The, differences ,between ,Christianity and Islam


New Member
Q: What are the factors which causes a widening gap between muslim and christian communities?.

A: Praise be to Allaah.

There are many great factors that widen the gaps between Muslims and Christians. The differences in belief between us and them do not let us get close unless they give up their kufr (disbelief) and misguidance, and join the monotheists who believe in One Lord and God, and bear witness that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is His Messenger, and believe that ‘Eesa (Jesus – peace be upon him) was a human being.

These are the most significant deviations in their religion, which widen the gap between us Muslims and them:

1. The Christian belief that the Messiah is the son of God.

2. The Christian belief that the Messiah (peace be upon him) is a god alongside God and that he is the second person of the holy trinity, according to their beliefs.

3. The belief that divinity may be incarnated in humanity.

4. The belief that God is formed of three Persons, which is known as the doctrine of the trinity.

5. The Christian belief that the Messiah (peace be upon him) was crucified by the Jews on the command of Pontius Pilate, and that he died on the cross.

6. The Christian belief that the Messiah died on the cross as a ransom for mankind and as expiation for original sin.

7. The Christian attitude towards the Jews who disbelieved in Jesus (peace be upon him) and claimed that they crucified him and killed him, and they accused his mother Mary (Maryam) of fornication – of which she was innocent – yet despite all that their attitude towards them today is one of support and loyalty, and their attitude towards the Muslims who venerate Jesus (peace be upon him) and his mother is one of enmity and disavowal.

8. Their distortion of the Book of God the Gospel (Injeel), whether they distorted the words by changing them or by adding words, or they distorted the meaning, and in doing that they attribute things to God that cannot be attributed to Him.

9. The doctrine of redemption, which is their belief that God sent His only son to redeem mankind from a sin committed by the father of mankind (Adam – peace be upon him), but God was unable to forgive his sin, so He sent His only son who had no sin, to sacrifice himself in order to do away with sin. This is an attribution of imperfection to the Lord of the Worlds and a denial of the fact that Adam (peace be upon him) repented and Allaah saved the Messiah (peace be upon him) from death.

10. Their disbelief in the Prophethood of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), even though he is mentioned in the Old and New Testaments.

11. Their belief in the soundness of the distorted Torah that they have in front of them today, which contains insults against God, describing Him as having shortcomings, and insults against the Prophets and Messengers, saying things that one can hardly dare utter, but we mention them in order to highlight the abhorrent nature of the kufr (disbelief) that they follow. They describe God as weeping with regret for the Flood which drowned the people of Noah, until His eyes became sore, and the angels came to visit Him – exalted be He far above that.

They describe Lot (peace be upon him) as committing incest with his two daughters, and Noah as drinking wine until he became drunk and his ‘awrah (nakedness) became visible. And there are even more foolish stories than that.

See (Hidaayat al-Hayaara fi Awbah al-Yahood wa’l-Nasaara) by Ibn al-Qayyim; (Naqd al-Nasraaniyyah) by Dr. Muhammad ibn ‘Abd-Allaah al-Saheem

And Allaah knows best.


Oldest Heretic
Q: What are the factors which causes a widening gap between muslim and christian communities?.

There is no widening gap.
It is as wide as it needs to be for Christians to remain Christian and Muslims Muslim.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
At the moment, Islam has more guns. Catholicism is not Christianity.
Islam more guns and the christianity more bombs ... love you enemy by raining them bombs
please don't let the people hate each other more, some christians and muslims and jews are criminals


Veteran Member
Q: What are the factors which causes a widening gap between muslim and christian communities?.

Most Christians and Mulims are very good friends. They don't have to agree on religious matters. Even within Christianity and Islam, there are many sects, which don't agree on everything. But they are friends.


Q: What are the factors which causes a widening gap between muslim and christian communities?.

Most Christians and Mulims are very good friends. They don't have to agree on religious matters.

What Christ taught was not political. All other religions are.
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Well-Known Member
That list of Christian beliefs is not accurate. I don't have the time to go through it. Let me ask, do not muslims believe the Old Testament? What make you of Isaiah 53 (or Psalm 22)?

Isaiah 53

Who has believed what we've been saying?

Who has seen the Lord's saving power?
2 His servant grew up like a tender young plant.
He grew like a root coming up out of dry ground.
He didn't have any beauty or majesty that made us notice him.
There wasn't anything special about the way he looked that drew us to him.
3 Men looked down on him. They didn't accept him.
He knew all about sorrow and suffering.
He was like someone people turn their faces away from.
We looked down on him. We didn't have any respect for him.
4 He suffered the things we should have suffered.
He took on himself the pain that should have been ours.

But we thought God was punishing him.
We thought God was wounding him and making him suffer.
5 But the servant was pierced because we had sinned.
He was crushed because we had done what was evil.
He was punished to make us whole again.
His wounds have healed us.
6 All of us are like sheep. We have wandered away from God.
All of us have turned to our own way.

And the Lord has placed on his servant
the sins of all of us.

7 He was beaten down and made to suffer.
But he didn't open his mouth.
He was led away like a sheep to be killed.

Lambs are silent while their wool is being cut off.
In the same way, he didn't open his mouth.
8 He was arrested and sentenced to death.
Then he was taken away.
He was cut off from this life.
He was punished for the sins of my people.

Who among those who were living at that time
could have understood those things?
9 He was given a grave with those who were evil.
But his body was buried in the tomb of a rich man.
He was killed even though he hadn't harmed anyone.
And he had never lied to anyone.
10 The Lord says, "It was my plan to crush him
and cause him to suffer.
I made his life a guilt offering to pay for sin.

But he will see all of his children after him.
In fact, he will continue to live.
My plan will be brought about through him.
11 After he suffers, he will see the light that leads to life.
And he will be satisfied.
My godly servant will make many people godly
because of what he will accomplish.
He will be punished for their sins.

12 So I will give him a place of honor among those who are great.
He will be rewarded just like others who win the battle.
That is because he was willing to give his life as a sacrifice.
He was counted among those who had committed crimes.
He took the sins of many people on himself.


Veteran Member
What Christ taught was not political. All other religions are.

What do you mean by political? If you mean making the government laws based on religion, then none of the religions are political or meant to be used for politics. But , it's people who always took advantage of religions and used them in politics.
Q: What are the factors which causes a widening gap between muslim and christian communities?.

A: Praise be to Allaah.

There are many great factors that widen the gaps between Muslims and Christians. The differences in belief between us and them do not let us get close unless they give up their kufr (disbelief) and misguidance, and join the monotheists who believe in One Lord and God, and bear witness that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is His Messenger, and believe that ‘Eesa (Jesus – peace be upon him) was a human being.

These are the most significant deviations in their religion, which widen the gap between us Muslims and them:

1. The Christian belief that the Messiah is the son of God.

2. The Christian belief that the Messiah (peace be upon him) is a god alongside God and that he is the second person of the holy trinity, according to their beliefs.

3. The belief that divinity may be incarnated in humanity.

4. The belief that God is formed of three Persons, which is known as the doctrine of the trinity.

5. The Christian belief that the Messiah (peace be upon him) was crucified by the Jews on the command of Pontius Pilate, and that he died on the cross.

6. The Christian belief that the Messiah died on the cross as a ransom for mankind and as expiation for original sin.

7. The Christian attitude towards the Jews who disbelieved in Jesus (peace be upon him) and claimed that they crucified him and killed him, and they accused his mother Mary (Maryam) of fornication – of which she was innocent – yet despite all that their attitude towards them today is one of support and loyalty, and their attitude towards the Muslims who venerate Jesus (peace be upon him) and his mother is one of enmity and disavowal.

8. Their distortion of the Book of God the Gospel (Injeel), whether they distorted the words by changing them or by adding words, or they distorted the meaning, and in doing that they attribute things to God that cannot be attributed to Him.

9. The doctrine of redemption, which is their belief that God sent His only son to redeem mankind from a sin committed by the father of mankind (Adam – peace be upon him), but God was unable to forgive his sin, so He sent His only son who had no sin, to sacrifice himself in order to do away with sin. This is an attribution of imperfection to the Lord of the Worlds and a denial of the fact that Adam (peace be upon him) repented and Allaah saved the Messiah (peace be upon him) from death.

10. Their disbelief in the Prophethood of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), even though he is mentioned in the Old and New Testaments.

11. Their belief in the soundness of the distorted Torah that they have in front of them today, which contains insults against God, describing Him as having shortcomings, and insults against the Prophets and Messengers, saying things that one can hardly dare utter, but we mention them in order to highlight the abhorrent nature of the kufr (disbelief) that they follow. They describe God as weeping with regret for the Flood which drowned the people of Noah, until His eyes became sore, and the angels came to visit Him – exalted be He far above that.

They describe Lot (peace be upon him) as committing incest with his two daughters, and Noah as drinking wine until he became drunk and his ‘awrah (nakedness) became visible. And there are even more foolish stories than that.

See (Hidaayat al-Hayaara fi Awbah al-Yahood wa’l-Nasaara) by Ibn al-Qayyim; (Naqd al-Nasraaniyyah) by Dr. Muhammad ibn ‘Abd-Allaah al-Saheem

And Allaah knows be st.
Sorry allah doesn't know and here it is:
  • 36:38 (Asad) And [they have a sign in] the sun: it runs in an orbit of its own [19] [and] that is laid down by the will of the Almighty, the All-Knowing;
  • The sun has no ORBIT on which to run. The sun does not run. The sun stands still.


Veteran Member
I think the difference is that Christianity has come out of its dark past of ignorance and violence, where Islam is still stuck there.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
The subjectis too large
The gap between Christianity and Islam in the Quran
Controversy between the people of Najran and Mohammed is in three Quranic wall
It is nota gap
The difference between the teachings of heaven in Christianity
And the teachings of Satan in the Quran
Among the teachings of Islam which is deliberate distortion to Christianity and Judaism
And Christian is a message to humanity
The difference between Christianity and Islam is too large
Because different creations
The ethics ofMohammedis notthe morality ofChrist
The ethics of Mohammed is not the morality of Daoud and not the morality of Moses
The teachings of Muhammad are not like the teachings of Jesus
Teachings of Muhammadtopornography
Muhammad practiced in his life
And Christ pure
Variation ofChristianity from Islam
Is the jobof God
God in Islam where the factories of the nymphs in paradise
Especially for sex with them
The paradise of Christ
Which is eternity with the HolyFather

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Islamsaysabout writingthe word of Godwhichfell toMohammed
But the truth
Mohammeddid not receiveanyletter fromGod
Is the transfer books of Christian and Jewish and Zoroastrian with the help of his cousin, his son Naufal monk bahira
Mohammedwrotethe Quranstoriesaren't true
Is the deliberate distortion of Christianity and Judaism
Do you think thatIslamlovesChristians
If he loves them for what order to fight
Is itlikesfighting
Christian on Islam in almost 600 years
If the proof of his prophethood of Muhammad published on world
But Muhammad was written and is in the arms of Khadija
Whenthey came himDevil
It is between the thighs of Khadija
And from the mouth of Aisha nursing major
Permissionis notgap
Isa significant difference
Notcomfortable withhumanitysothe world knowsthe truthteachings of Islam

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Mohammedmade himselfequalto the creator
Whenmakingfaith inGod isconditionalonfaithin his
Thatinvolvementwiththe creaturecreator
Judaism did not do so because they unify the absolute
Christianity revealed the most important attributes of God is love
This love of God came into the world
Inthe person of Christ
Inthe Qur'ancould notfindthe concept oflove
While the Torah and the Gospel of faith in God is love
I invite youto my friend?
Leave theQuranmyths
And to know that the Qur'an written by Mohamed
He knew this would enable your brain from touching the light
Without it, will remain in the darkness of the Islamic

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
It is said thatChristiansbelieveinthree gods
WhereMuhammad cameinthespeech
Historically, Christiansdo not sayin God3
They saythree-in-one
They say the word of God
And the Qur'an says this but it contradicts itself
In the Qur'anversesays thatChrist,the word of God
And in any other implementation of all Christianity contradicts the Qur'an establish that diabolical industry
Yeswe sayGod isfather
The fatherloveshis children
God loves us too because we are children of God
And filiation is not the sexual act as Muslims believe those who distorted ideas sex Mohammadi with Aisha
But a great relationship between God and man
Not understanding her Muslim because his thoughts kept on talk of marriage and Paul's wing fly

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
What do you mean by political? If you mean making the government laws based on religion, then none of the religions are political or meant to be used for politics. But , it's people who always took advantage of religions and used them in politics.
Islam is a political concept behind because he believed that Mohammad, Deputy of God on Earth
Therefore Jihad is on behalf of God
Political Islam and colonialism
Whenthe MuslimPersianAssassin
The conceptof presentpolitical
But the Persians in dhaehm were able to contain political Islam
Islam was not able to destroy this civilization