Hell no!
You are supposed to toss out/ignore/etc. anything and everything that contradicts your scriptures.
I mean, is that not exactly what good little slaves...I mean sheep...I mean followers do?
They follow.
And this brings us to an impasse.
Why should I drop the four gospels? the initial source of the story?
Most rebuttal to scriptures reports the writings took hold decades after the event.
Any other authority available?
It has been my understanding that only a small area of territory,
and a small number of witnesses were at hand.
If these reports are less than acceptable.....who then to turn to?
Which witness shall we prefer?
Thomas? having touched the Carpenter after His resurrection?
The other disciples having shared a meal with Him?
The women who came to the tomb and found a stranger there?....
And that stranger would say..
'He is risen!'
Trying to prove the resurrection did not happen?
Have you considered your future?
If Someone of His ability should fail, and death succeeds altogether...
what hope have you?
Oh that's right....you didn't believe in the first place.
You think you are dust.