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The extent of God's forgiveness.

Blood Stone

New Member
Okay part of the reason I'm on this site is because I've done some pretty terrible things in my life. I became a Christian about a year ago thanks to my friend teaching me a great deal about it.

The thing is I've been struggling to adhere to the rules of the religion. I'm bad tempered and all I can think of is women it really does run my life and has practically ruined my relationship with God.

I know God loves me and that he forgives those who ask for forgiveness but my question is this. Can God really forgive anything? I mean say someone was an axe wielding psychopath and hacked up his family and abused the bodies sexually but asked God for forgiveness would he really forgive the man? And say he were to do something equally as bad at a later date but sincerely asked God for forgiveness would God forgive him and grant him access to heaven?

Now I know my example their is a little graphic and I apologise but I was worried if I just gave an example like swearing that people would easily say yes God will forgive anything. I'm talking about the worst acts imaginable here... could God forgive the worst of the worst for their sins if they're truly sorry?



Blood Stone said:
Okay part of the reason I'm on this site is because I've done some pretty terrible things in my life. I became a Christian about a year ago thanks to my friend teaching me a great deal about it.

The thing is I've been struggling to adhere to the rules of the religion. I'm bad tempered and all I can think of is women it really does run my life and has practically ruined my relationship with God.

I know God loves me and that he forgives those who ask for forgiveness but my question is this. Can God really forgive anything? I mean say someone was an axe wielding psychopath and hacked up his family and abused the bodies sexually but asked God for forgiveness would he really forgive the man? And say he were to do something equally as bad at a later date but sincerely asked God for forgiveness would God forgive him and grant him access to heaven?

Now I know my example their is a little graphic and I apologise but I was worried if I just gave an example like swearing that people would easily say yes God will forgive anything. I'm talking about the worst acts imaginable here... could God forgive the worst of the worst for their sins if they're truly sorry?

I encourage you to talk with a responsible Christian pastor or priest. Your friend may be able to reccommend one.

Yes, God can forgive any sin. Sin, however, can be very damaging to many people, so we don't sin just to get God's forgiveness, nor are we able to pretend like something did not happen. Sin requires healing. A preist can help with spiritual healing, but some "sins" require the assistance of trained mental health professionals.

Blood Stone

New Member
Believe me I am sorry for what I have done. The example I gave is strictly an example however. What I did wasn't as bad as that. But there still isn't a day that goes by when I don't regret what I've done. When I first became a Christian (though I don't deserve to be called one) I could almost feel like God had forgiven me and that he was close... it's hard to explain but you guys probably know what I'm talking about. Anyway becoming a Christian forced me to face up to what I had done. I accept full responsibility for what I have done but I cannot forgive myself... I just hope God can.

I know I've made many mistakes and I learned from them. I'm trying to do good now but being a sinner all your life and then suddenly having a lot of moral responsibility in a very short time is a shock to the system.

I guess many of you have been brought up Christian and so might not have a full understanding of what it is to live a life of sin. I just want to feel close to God again and to abandon sin but my past keeps making me think my struggle is in vein and that when I die I wont be with God... quite the opposite of that in fact.



Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Blood Stone said:
Okay part of the reason I'm on this site is because I've done some pretty terrible things in my life. I became a Christian about a year ago thanks to my friend teaching me a great deal about it.

The thing is I've been struggling to adhere to the rules of the religion. I'm bad tempered and all I can think of is women it really does run my life and has practically ruined my relationship with God.

I know God loves me and that he forgives those who ask for forgiveness but my question is this. Can God really forgive anything? I mean say someone was an axe wielding psychopath and hacked up his family and abused the bodies sexually but asked God for forgiveness would he really forgive the man? And say he were to do something equally as bad at a later date but sincerely asked God for forgiveness would God forgive him and grant him access to heaven?

Now I know my example their is a little graphic and I apologise but I was worried if I just gave an example like swearing that people would easily say yes God will forgive anything. I'm talking about the worst acts imaginable here... could God forgive the worst of the worst for their sins if they're truly sorry?

Firstly, I would like to welcome you to Religious forums, Bloodstone.

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Now to your post;
Okay part of the reason I'm on this site is because I've done some pretty terrible things in my life. I became a Christian about a year ago thanks to my friend teaching me a great deal about it.

I know God loves me and that he forgives those who ask for forgiveness but my question is this. Can God really forgive anything? I mean say someone was an axe wielding psychopath and hacked up his family and abused the bodies sexually but asked God for forgiveness would he really forgive the man? And say he were to do something equally as bad at a later date but sincerely asked God for forgiveness would God forgive him and grant him access to heaven?
I guess most of us would admit to having done some appalling things in the past, and certainly, you'll find me with my own hand up in that context.

Christ died on the cross, so that we would be forgiven our sins, as long as we believe in God' forgiveness , and that we genuinely repent .

You ask about a psychopath; in the particular case of mental ilness, I cannot envisage God coming down hard on someone who (because of his mental state) was incapable of making a choice by the use of his non existant conscience. It would be as if you, as a father, scolding your son for taking money he saw lying around before he had ever been told such a thing was wrong.

I think you have understood the idea of forgiveness; we have to accept the fact that God will be understanding, because it is our right to be forgiven........we actually dishonour God by not trusting in him to accept our supplication. You also ask if God would forgive us a second time for the same crime (or sin); I think that he would, as long as he knew that you really tried not to repeat the offence, but, because of mental health, were incapable of helping yourself........well, that's my 'take' on this, although others may disagree.

Whatever, I hope you enjoy your stay with us, and I look forward to seeing your posts in the future.;)

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
David was a murderer and an adulterer, the New Testament sees Saul, who was a terrorist as well as the "Sons of Thunder". Truly God can forgive anyone and anything.

However, it is far harder to accept that forgiveness and to forgive ourselves. You must start my making reparations to the people you have hurt: Ask for their forgiveness.

Peace my friend... it's a long process and I wish you well.

Blood Stone

New Member
Yeah sorry you guys read a lot more indepth than people on the other forums I usually go on. Okay my example isn't specifically about mental illness as an excuse. Sorry it wasn't to clear. All I mean by the example is that I have done some terrible things in my past I was just trying to get some weight behind the sins. The psychopath part was just to give a sense of... I don't know I guess lack of control. But I was in control back when I did what I did. I was young but I should have known better. I think after I did commit the deed it was God who imeidiatly made my feel guilt like never before. I instantly regreted the act and sometimes I lay awake at night thinking I'm scum and that I don't deserve forgiveness. I don't mean to burden you people with my problems... they're my own fault after all. I just want to be with God and to change completely. I'm sick of sin running my life I've had enough of it!

Oh and thanks for the kind welcome, michel. I know I haven't made the best of first impressions.


Blood Stone said:
Yeah sorry you guys read a lot more indepth than people on the other forums I usually go on. Okay my example isn't specifically about mental illness as an excuse. Sorry it wasn't to clear. All I mean by the example is that I have done some terrible things in my past I was just trying to get some weight behind the sins. The psychopath part was just to give a sense of... I don't know I guess lack of control. But I was in control back when I did what I did. I was young but I should have known better. I think after I did commit the deed it was God who imeidiatly made my feel guilt like never before. I instantly regreted the act and sometimes I lay awake at night thinking I'm scum and that I don't deserve forgiveness. I don't mean to burden you people with my problems... they're my own fault after all. I just want to be with God and to change completely. I'm sick of sin running my life I've had enough of it!

Oh and thanks for the kind welcome, michel. I know I haven't made the best of first impressions.
No worries about first impressions. If something really is ruining your life, you simply need more than what RF can offer.

Blood Stone

New Member
I guess I'm just going to have to trust in God and that he's forgiven me and in time maybe I'll learn to forgive myself. Thank you all for your replies... I hope some day even I will be able to help you guys out.

Think I'm going to go and do some Bible reading and a whole load of praying. God bless you all and this forum!


Glass half Panda'd
Do ya'll think that if Hitler or Stalin truly asked for forgiveness (not that it happened, its just hypothetical...) that they would get it? And if God would forgive them, why dont we? NOT to say that we should forget, because what they did was horrid, but should we talk about them hatefully? Would God want us to?

I heard once that because we all have the POTENTIAL to make the same mistakes, that we are all guilty of them... but it seems like people then have no responsability for their actions and would have less of a drive to improve.

Prolly off topic, and for that i'm sorry...


Blood Stone said:
Believe me I am sorry for what I have done. The example I gave is strictly an example however. What I did wasn't as bad as that. But there still isn't a day that goes by when I don't regret what I've done. When I first became a Christian (though I don't deserve to be called one) I could almost feel like God had forgiven me and that he was close... it's hard to explain but you guys probably know what I'm talking about. Anyway becoming a Christian forced me to face up to what I had done. I accept full responsibility for what I have done but I cannot forgive myself... I just hope God can.

I know I've made many mistakes and I learned from them. I'm trying to do good now but being a sinner all your life and then suddenly having a lot of moral responsibility in a very short time is a shock to the system.

I guess many of you have been brought up Christian and so might not have a full understanding of what it is to live a life of sin. I just want to feel close to God again and to abandon sin but my past keeps making me think my struggle is in vein and that when I die I wont be with God... quite the opposite of that in fact.

Well, the first step is to admit to yourself that what you have done was a sin. The next step is to ask god sincerily and sorrowfully, regretting what you have done and promising to abandon the sin, for forgiveness.


Nita Okhata
NetDoc said:
However, it is far harder to accept that forgiveness and to forgive ourselves. You must start my making reparations to the people you have hurt: Ask for their forgiveness.
No kidding! It's also far harder to forgive ourselves when the people we ask to forgive us clearly don't :(
I'm just glad actually means it when He says we're forgiven.
I heard this song a few days ago. Good reminder for me that although I too cannot forgive myself, God does.

[font=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Matthew West - Only Grace
From the album History

[font=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]There is no guilt here
There is no shame
No pointing fingers
There is no blame
What happened yesterday
Has disappeared
The dirt has washed away
And now it's clear

There's only grace
There's only love
There's only mercy
And believe me it's enough
Your sins are gone
Without a trace
There's nothing left now
There's only grace

You're starting over now
Under the sun
You're stepping forward now
A new life has begun
Your new life has begun


And if you should fall again
Get back up, get back up
Reach out and take my hand
Get back up, Get back up
Get back up again

Chorus: (2x's)