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The Fall


Sith Lord
Hi i was wondering if any of you on this forum could tell me your version of this event or the one thats in your beliefs as ive heard a few would just like to know of others thanks


Well-Known Member

I think it's great that you want to know about what other's believe. Knowledge is power and all that...

Personally, I don't believe in God, or the Bible (Although it is my favourite book!) and so I have a comparitively boring belief: Man was never in an innocent state of obedience to God (In whom, I do not believe), so Man could never 'Fall from Grace', so to speak.

However, after reading the bible, if I were to believe that it was the truth and the word of God, I would possibly think differently to most. I would say that God, who ultimately created man in 'his image' has denied them the most important aspect of life: freedom. God creates a garden but restricts access to a tree from which the fruit contains knowledge of good and evil? The serpent had no physical power over how man or woman react, it was God's design that set this desire, this hunger for knowledge and freedom. If God truely did not want man to fall from grace, then he would have made it so. If God did want man to fall from Grace then why set man up for 'the fall', especially as he is all-loving. Perhaps I am obtuse but I don't understand how this can be incorperated into a believe in a perfect, omnimax God :shrug:

...But I dont believe the above at all im just giving my interpretation of Genesis (Which is an excellent read :D)



Sith Lord
Thanks Ghk, Good point if gods all knowing and all loving then why would he set humanity a test that he alredy new the answer for
All animal species including humans are irredeemably 'fallen' right from the get-go when compared to the intangible ideals of perfection humanity has dreamed up.


pope of Discordia
In Discordianism, this would be equivilent to the Curse of Greyface. One such version of the curse of Greyface is :

The "Real" Story Of Greyface​
It was actually the year 11660 B. C. , during the Golden age of Atlantis, that one of the most celebrated
scientists, Graud the Greyface (so called because he was born without fur), got it into his head that Order was
more preferable to Chaos, and that mankind needed laws. He convinced some of his fellow scientists to create a
religion, one that would replace the Goddess(Chaos) worship with the worship of the Sun God( Order). He
claimed that Mankind must follow his rules and laws. He created the concepts of "GOOD" and "EVIL". He
taught his followers that anything he believed in was "GOOD" (sex for procreating only, obeying authority, etc)
and anything else as Evil (enjoying sex, questioning authority, etc. ). Greyface tried to enact legislation making
his beliefs the only ones allowed in Atlantis, but was rebuffed by his own lover Lilith Velkor, the daughter of a
prominant Elder, who realized that Graud was going insane, and would soon be a threat to every one.
Undaunted, Greyface continued to grow in power, and his former lover Lilith created the Discordian Society to
combat Greyface's organization, now named THE ILLUMINATI. They took the Eye in the Pyramid
as their symbol, representing Man's creation of Law and Order in the Universe. In one of the first
clashes between Graud's fascist fanatics, and Lilith's freedom-fighters, one of the Council Elders was killed
(secretly by Greyface himself). Graud framed Lilith and had her crucified on a upside down Y-beam. The
Discordians therefore adopted Liliths Y-beam as a symbol of peace.
With Lilith's death, the Discordians fought with renewed vigor. Greyface, in his madness, decided to destroy
Atlantis, hoping to wipe out the Discordians, and finally take over the world unopposed. After the destruction of
Atlantis, Graud and his followers went underground, manipulating religons and governments from the shadows.
Little did Greyface realize, that the Discordian Society also survive the destruction of Atlantis, and has been​
fighting a Shadow War with the Illuminati ever since


pope of Discordia
In one story in Luciferianism, I believe this describes the fall

That Azazel fell from the heavens as a great star, enthroned with the Emerald Crown of
the highest aethyr, came down blazing as a fiery meteor. He plunged to the depths of the
earth, the darkest areas where no being of light dwelled. Those who descended with
Azazel, whom is called Lucifer by later ones only had glimpsed at the Fire which Azazel
had shown unto them. The passed into the nightmare lands, where they felt lost as their
fire was nearly extinguished. Azazel woke still illuminated brightly, a Dark Star which
beheld the Fire of Heaven. When the fire fell from the sky to the earth, did my father
them perceive this world of flesh, that both spirit and the material plane were brought
together in union.
Understanding that this Fire was illuminated within, Azazel felt a moment of triumph,
that by perceiving the self and Willing the being into stronger forms – he was uniquely
separate, isolate and beautiful. He stood up, weakened yet still defiant and pleased at this
success of this nightmare land, he began to rouse those many that slept from the shock of
the fall around him.
Belial, the angel created after him, awoke and began to sing beautiful hymns, such as
which never sounded so sorrowful, yet touching in their passion for their coming forth
into being. Belial was indeed different from Azazel – while Lucifer was fire and air in
spirit, Belial was of Earth and found this place comfortable and familiar. Belial said unto
Azazel, “Who would else wake and join us in this moment of triumph – that we are
without the highest Empyrean realm we now look about to understand we are different,
strong and noble in our selves. Awake with us Djinn!”
Leviathan arose before them. He had taken the form of a great Serpent, a Dragon who
beheld both sexes of human flesh – Leviathan would seek the Oceans and understood the
art of sorcery as a totality of being – timeless and alive in its sacred flame. Leviathan
found the Nightmares comforting, and dreams would be his fluid waking within worlds.
Many others rose up and joined with my father, who is the brightest of them all. He was
Fire and his realm was Air, he was both death and life. I remember my father as
possessing Adam who rode my mother Eve as the Dragon, driving deep within her core,
enflamed with the spirit of Lilith. These were my earth parents, but it was the blood of
Azazel called often Samael and Lilith which flows in my veins. It was this passion and
possession which brought me into being, the first born of Witch Blood in the Circle of the
Dragon’s Emerald Crown.​
Azazel gathered all in this
-The Book of Cain
I beleive in private perversion , I love too look at wemon , in heaven id have to repent , and why ? when ill be doing it again , i couldnt wait to leave , so i could carry on with myself ..