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The False Prophet and Prophecy of Judgement Day


New Member
There is an accepted Catholic Prophecy by Saint Malachi that says this current Pope is the one that reigns during the time of the Last Judgement. There was suppose to be a black pope, but he didn't fall. The lamb who accepted the dragon doesn't exist. The bible is the only holy book that records an antichrist with a false propet. Many other prophets say there is only Jesus against the Antichrist, and Muslims believe the world teacher will fight with Jesus against the Dajal or antichrist.

I was told by the Illuminati that I was suppose to be the false prophet. They even picked out my name. My name is Nathan Ryan Shepard. Most of America is Illuminati, about 80%, and in the near future most of this country will be destroid.
I was offered houses, cars, to be Pope, and to be President by the Illuminati. I turned it down because I fear God, and His eternal torment. I was raised to be a lamb, and studied all the world religions out of my love for God. I still believe all religions are the same, however, I have not accepting Satan into my body. I will not bring millions, billions of people to Hell. The false prophet is the persecutor of Saints, and helps to full the world. This will not happen.

The age ends this century. The age when Jesus said, "At the end of the age the angels will throw the wicked into the blazing furnace where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
Jesus Christ was born on the exact age of Pisces. An age is about 2,100 years. We are around that time period.
The last time the earth made a full revolution around the black hole was 26,000 years ago. We had a pole shift then. Then we had one at 13,000 years ago. Scientifically speaking, we are overdue.

THere are also many prophets who predicted this is the time period that Gabriel blows his horn, and creates a new earth. The best is Mother Shipton. She has been 100% accurate for 500 years. She labeled this exact century as the time Gabriel blows his horn, "and old worlds die and new be born."

Edgar Cayce is another famous prophet. He was named the sleeping prophet. many of his prophecies came true, and some didn't. He said the point of prophecy was that it didn't happen. This has to happen. I tried to fix the world but Satan wants destruction, along with his followers. This will happen. Anyways, Edgar Cayce said he reincarnated in 2100. Reincarnation is in the bible as when the disciples asked Jesus who sinned first, the blind man or his parents? When the man was born blind. Cayce said he reincarnated in the 2100s and most of America was destroid. He also said Europe would change in the twinkling of an eye.

This is what Paul Solomon said as well. Except he specified this century as America loosing it's soul similar to Atlantis, (13,000 years ago) to "gods" and forsaking the one only God. Solomon said most of America would be destroid, and Europe would freeze over in the twinkling of an eye. This is also what Jesus said but he couldn't have named the land. We have evidence this happens by Mammoths frozen in glaciers with food still in their mouth as their chewing. This happen, in the twinkling of an eye, or less.

Lastly, there is Enoch in the book of Enoch. He gave many prophecies that came true including the fall of Babylon, and the birth of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.
He also listed this century as the time of Judgement Day
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Veteran Member
In Baha'i belief, Day of Judgement is already passed. The Time was the year 1844.
A New Age has already started which marks the coming of a new human Cycle.
The Adamic Cycle was 6000 years (6 days), and the new cycle is called the the cycle of fulfillment which is to last 250,000 years, in which Manifestations of God appear once in about 1000 years.

I suggest these links:

The End of the World or A New Cycle? – Bahai Faith | Baha'i Faith | United States Official Website

Baha'i: Prophecy Fulfilled Homepage

Progressive revelation (Bahá'í) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


As a former Catholic I'm responding only for factual matters, the prophecy of the Popes attributed to St. Malachy is not an "Accepted prophecy" and is in fact considered a forgery by the Catholic Church.
Given the very accurate description of popes up to 1590 and lack of accuracy after that year, historians generally conclude that the alleged prophecies are a fabrication written shortly before they were published.

St. Malachy was a 12th Century Archbishop, so the timing is off significantly.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Nothingness888, if you were chosen to be the false prophet, but you turned it down because you fear God and His eternal torment, don't you pity the poor soul who will have to take your place? :(


It would be a great help to the readers if -

1. You have quotes from the people mentioned where there is detailing that the 21st century is judgment day time.


2. Explaining how you arrive at that conclusion based off of what they did say or scribble down.